halo killer?


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
first of all the page is in spanish so use a translator

it talks about a fps game called killzone for PS2

and it looks cool

the thing that get my attention was that they say that the AI is so hard that the developers has lowered it for the average gamers

also that say that has monents that appear in your way ala Half-life style

also that is more tactical that a run and shoot

the page


as I say is in spanish

maybe I can help to translate

and the "halo killer" word is there I didnt make it, but looks promising
The AI being hard has nothing to do with how good it is, I remember how hard the AI in Perfect Dark could be...
Halo killed itself with its poor level design and awful porting thanks to Gearbox.
Foxtrot said:
The AI being hard has nothing to do with how good it is, I remember how hard the AI in Perfect Dark could be...

I say that is the thing that got more my attention

do yo read the article?
ShadowFox said:
Halo killed itself with its poor level design and awful porting thanks to Gearbox.
Ignore the PC version, Halo was a lot of fun. I don't care what anyone says but it was funner than Goldeneye. For coop and difficulty Halo was the best, also there were so many different ways to approach each battle and on each difficulty setting the game had tons of replay value. Add a friend and the replay sky rockets.

My spanish is terrible, so I didn't read the article but I will translate it.
Foxtrot said:
Ignore the PC version, Halo was a lot of fun. I don't care what anyone says but it was funner than Goldeneye. For coop and difficulty Halo was the best, also there were so many different ways to approach each battle and on each difficulty setting the game had tons of replay value. Add a friend and the replay sky rockets.

My spanish is terrible, so I didn't read the article but I will translate it.

yes halo is good and I dont say thast killzone will "p3wnduhwbfu" halo but will very good for what I read
It had better be better than Halo... otherwise I won't be getting near it.
Foxtrot said:
Ignore the PC version, Halo was a lot of fun. I don't care what anyone says but it was funner than Goldeneye. For coop and difficulty Halo was the best, also there were so many different ways to approach each battle and on each difficulty setting the game had tons of replay value. Add a friend and the replay sky rockets.

My spanish is terrible, so I didn't read the article but I will translate it.
Well I have never played the Xbox version.. in fact, I have never used an Xbox. And also, funner isn't a word.
ShadowFox said:
Well I have never played the Xbox version.. in fact, I have never used an Xbox. And also, funner isn't a word.
Fine...more fun.
dart321 said:
Flames. Run. Now.
Half-life 2 isn't much competition anymore, now that we know there is no multiplayer. So Halo 2 will have a SP as good as if not better than HL2s and an exellent multiplayer.
I agree - Halo (XBox) is about the complete package. Challenging single player (something the pc lacks terribly), co-op and great multiplayer. Halo 2 looks set to do all of the above - but with cherries on \o/

Killzone sounds promising, but the framerate is a little choppy in the few gameplay vids i've seen. Time will tell, but i'd be surprised if it turned out to be a 'Halo killer'.
Halo was good when it came out, but its old now, thus alot of things at least for me are halo killers, like unreal 2, 2k3/4. Halo was not all that good for the main reason cut and paste levels got VERY boring. The coop was fun though.

Oh and I have not seen any difference between the xbox and pc verson, I own the xbox verson and have played the pc.






Looks very good IMO. Be sure to watch out for this fan site, lots of information about the game. They got some sweet videos here as well.

Have been looking forward to this game for quite a time, my only concern however is the framerate. From what I heard it is right now on an acceptable 30 frames per second (choppy at some points sadly), Guerrilla is trying though to get it to a stable 60 FPS.
Looks really awesome, but I just can't get into a game called KILLZONE >_<
Foxtrot said:
Half-life 2 isn't much competition anymore, now that we know there is no multiplayer. So Halo 2 will have a SP as good as if not better than HL2s and an exellent multiplayer.

Half-Life 2 is a PC game.

Halo 2 is an Xbox game.

Xbox games outsell PC games.

There was never any competition, because you're comparing two completely incomparable markets.
What about HL2 Xbox? Or has it been cancelled?
Loke said:






Looks very good IMO. Be sure to watch out for this fan site, lots of information about the game. They got some sweet videos here as well.

Have been looking forward to this game for quite a time, my only concern however is the framerate. From what I heard it is right now on an acceptable 30 frames per second (choppy at some points sadly), Guerrilla is trying though to get it to a stable 60 FPS.

I think they will get it cuz are games in PS2 that hav a nice fps like the japanese games
I thought Halo singleplayer was quite crap really aside from the first few levels(Silent Cartographer being my favourite out of the bunch).

It has what is in my opinion the worst FPS level ever plus I hated the Flood. The only thing that made it above average was the multiplayer, IMO. I didn't like the controls for the vehicles(which made the last part frustrating for me personally), though I suppose I got used to them after a while
Foxtrot said:
Half-life 2 isn't much competition anymore, now that we know there is no multiplayer. So Halo 2 will have a SP as good as if not better than HL2s and an exellent multiplayer.
Boy you better get your flame suit...saying that on a hl2 site.... :frown:

I wish they was making killzone for the pc...
Oh heck yea, Hl2s SP will totally suck compaired to Halos 2, what with Halos mappers great cut and paste mapping tools!

.. Sarcasm.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Half-Life 2 is a PC game.

Halo 2 is an Xbox game.

Xbox games outsell PC games.

There was never any competition, because you're comparing two completely incomparable markets.
I wasn't comparing sales figures, just how fun the games will be and how long they will last.
Foxtrot said:
I wasn't comparing sales figures, just how fun the games will be and how long they will last.
Halo 2's replay value is gonna suck compared to hl2's.That simple...
Tr0n said:
Halo 2's replay value is gonna suck compared to hl2's.That simple...
How so? Half-life 2 will only have a single play, an incredibly fun single player but that is it. Halo 2 will have a fun single player, online and coop...all at release just for $50.
other thing I know is that in the Ozzbournes (Mtv serie) Jack Ouzzbourne was playing this game so maybe hav long time in development (or maybe I am confussed but the game he was playing where similiar o this)

also I heard in Mtv that Justin Timberlake (yes the gay ex-Nsync..where all are gays) is a fan of Halo and he is a tester of Halo 2
any game can beat halo. it was crap. dont know y everyone went so mad about it.
Pureball said:
any game can beat halo. it was crap. dont know y everyone went so mad about it.
In your opinion it was crap, in many other people's it was a great game.
I also don't think Halo was a very good game. It was so bloody average. I mean, the level design is so bad it looks like it was made with the tilesets from the Timesplitters 2 editor. It's just so god awful. I can just see Bungie saying:

"Dammit, MS is pushing us to release and we only have a 3 hour game. Let's just copy and paste some of the less detailed environments 40 times each and make the player go through all of them forwards and backwards."

On the plus side I liked the vehicles. I really think it would have been a much better game if they had focused almost entirely on the vehicle portion with minor FPS elements. I'm sorry but it's one of the most painfully average games I've seen in a very long time. If this game got a simultaneous release on PS2, X-BOX, and PC no one would give a shit about it. The only reason it garnered so much respect is because it was the only decent game on the X-BOX, and there still isn't much for it to compete with.

Killzone probably will be a "Halo killer," at least for me. That's not necessarily saying it's going to be incredible, but pretty much any game I ever spend my money on will be a Halo killer in my eyes.
Foxtrot said:
Half-life 2 isn't much competition anymore, now that we know there is no multiplayer. So Halo 2 will have a SP as good as if not better than HL2s and an exellent multiplayer.

LOL HL2 has no multiplayer because it does'nt have what you want it to have...dude what ever man, it has the worlds most popular multiplayer game included with it so dont come that ****ing shit. If you dont like counterstrike then **** off and dont complain and since when was HL2 not made to be the best game to make mods for?

As for Halo being better than HL2...ive played neither but i already know which one sucks. Halo is like playing the same level for 20 levels or however many levels it has...wow co-op, woopde****ingdo, it does'nt make the game any less repetative than it is and its one of the worst FPS ive ever played and this was the Xbox version when i had an Xbox when they very first came out.
Alig said:
LOL HL2 has no multiplayer because it does'nt have what you want it to have...dude what ever man, it has the worlds most popular multiplayer game included with it so dont come that ****ing shit. If you dont like counterstrike then **** off and dont complain and since when was HL2 not made to be the best game to make mods for?

As for Halo being better than HL2...ive played neither but i already know which one sucks. Halo is like playing the same level for 20 levels or however many levels it has...wow co-op, woopde****ingdo, it does'nt make the game any less repetative than it is and its one of the worst FPS ive ever played and this was the Xbox version when i had an Xbox when they very first came out.
Obviously you have never played coop, so no trying to make a point their. But guess what other game come with counter strike? Half-life 1! I have played CS to death, and I don't think new graphics and physics will make me play it again.
Foxtrot said:
Obviously you have never played coop, so no trying to make a point their. But guess what other game come with counter strike? Half-life 1! I have played CS to death, and I don't think new graphics and physics will make me play it again.

And to think some of the best mod teams will be making mods for HL2 and you think none of them will think "I know - We'll make HALFLIFE2 DEATHMATCH" huh?

HLDM was not played by many, CS is still played by hundreds of thousands of people everyday, why would Valve even consider HL2DM over CS2 in a sense because guess what HL2DM would of been? HLDM with new graphics and physics :dozey: They'll never please everyone and you happened to be in the other boat. Get over it...play Halo its so fantastic :rolleyes:
Alig said:
And to think some of the best mod teams will be making mods for HL2 and you think none of them will think "I know - We'll make HALFLIFE2 DEATHMATCH" huh?

HLDM was not played by many, CS is still played by hundreds of thousands of people everyday, why would Valve even consider HL2DM over CS2 in a sense because guess what HL2DM would of been? HLDM with new graphics and physics :dozey: They'll never please everyone and you happened to be in the other boat. Get over it...play Halo its so fantastic :rolleyes:
Did I say HL2DM? No, I wanted somthing like half-life 2 mixed with bf1942 except with objectives. Also, it will take atleast 6 months for any of the decent mods to come out.
Foxtrot said:
Did I say HL2DM? No, I wanted somthing like half-life 2 mixed with bf1942 except with objectives. Also, it will take atleast 6 months for any of the decent mods to come out.

You had no reason to expect this. Valve never once hinted that there would be a multiplayer mode resembling this. You just pulled it out of your ass and got disappointed when it didn't happen. Besides, I don't like BF1942 style gameplay, I'd prefer CS:S.

And as far as a decent mod, I guarantee you that a very competent HL2DM will be released within a month of the games release. Everything is there, the only thing they have to make is maps. Also, if it's made by a good mod team, then they will continually add on to it and it will be much better than anything Valve would have bothered to do with it.
HL2 may not have singleplayer, but some mods have gotten the SDK EARLY, like Sven Co-Op 2 (Or should have anyway). That game revolutionized HL1 multiplayer, it will revolutionize HL2 multiplayer.
-Fight the combine with a friend!

Halo2 might have a great mp experince but you must remember something. Will it be a good port to the pc? will it even come out on the pc?
-HL didn't make this far byitself, mods brought it where it was.
Mods bring out alot from a game. Mod's keep a game going. Does Halo xbox have any mods? Could i go on there and make a mod by dling a few tools? Could i even make a map?

Is Halo 2 next generation? No. Don't even have ragdolls.
Is Hl2 Next Generation? Yes, has best physics + facial animation and i'd think one insane story due to 96% by UK Pc Gamer(Best score, it's on par with HL's score no score is higher)

Cs is the #1 FPS game played.
Sc's(Starcraft) population seems to have fallen in the last few months thus i will not say its the #1 RTS Game played (It was a few months ago..ohh i miss 80 - 150k uses on at one time).

Look, if mods like Sven Co-op did get the sdk early they can probably get a mod out with a simple hl2 multiplayer pretty quick. Then mods will simply expand it for us all. If Vivendi finally does give in, makes HL2 gold and when is Halo 2 set to release? Thus we will get a decent mod out to own everything.

Now ON TOPIC-------
Pesonally Halo is good and i doubt it will beat it. Xbox can outrender Ps2 at alot. Halo is a pretty fun game and i highly doubt this game will own it. It's like comparing HL2 to Doom 3. Sure there is another game out there with some great graphics, but will it be any fun? Killzone is the doom 3 and Halo is the HL2. Because Halo will most likly be simply funner. Thats all.

Plus anyway i literally HATE the ps2, so i'd go with Halo as long as the game is no Ps2. My ol broken atari owns everything though.
smwScott said:
You had no reason to expect this. Valve never once hinted that there would be a multiplayer mode resembling this. You just pulled it out of your ass and got disappointed when it didn't happen. Besides, I don't like BF1942 style gameplay, I'd prefer CS:S.

And as far as a decent mod, I guarantee you that a very competent HL2DM will be released within a month of the games release. Everything is there, the only thing they have to make is maps. Also, if it's made by a good mod team, then they will continually add on to it and it will be much better than anything Valve would have bothered to do with it.
What I should have said is, I want a multiplayer that is fun. CS got boring 4 years ago, DoD now sucks compared to what it use to be...so how long will it be until TFC:S, TF2 and any good mods?
stop the fight please or the thread will be closed