Halo Movie Loses Both Studios, May Be Canned!


Jul 9, 2003
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In a surprising turn of events both Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox have bailed out and will no longer be co-financing the Halo movie. This leaves the the movie cold in the water for now. You can read the story here:


Microsoft is already searching for another company interested in undertaking the challenge of creating a Halo movie. I just hope it won't be this guy working on it:

Well atleast they're continuing prep work, so atleast some progress is being made (in spite of this sudden whimp show by the studios)
I dont think this will effect the movie what so ever.
my god please dont make this movie. they will make a huge mistake in doing it.
I'm not sure how anyone can say this will suck because we know barely nothing on it and there is no visuals for it at all. I'll wait it out before I say anything. Just because movies like Doom weren't very good doesn't mean this one. Theres no un-written rule to having to have a game-to-movie film suck because others did. :|
Why wouldnt you want it to come out? Worst case scenario its not that great but halo nerds get to see their beloved master chief on screen
A game Developer?

It should be canned, game-to-movie adaptations just don't work.

Silent Hill?

Granted it's the exception tp the norm, it all depends on whether the talent behind them can turn the source material into respectable movies (there's less than a handful that would qualify for any sort of decency.)
Silent Hill didn't work as well as the games did IMHO.

But then again I guess most film adaptions of other media don't.
The Silent Hill film didnt even make sense, and use some rather poor CG effects and well is generally pretty shitty imo D:

And if its the best of all the game to movie adaptations (which I havent seen) then I know what I won't be watching any time soon :p
Why wouldnt you want it to come out?

Exactly. Choice between having it come out so a) it could possibly be a good watch and b) time to kill, a new movie to see, good entertainment, etc, etc OR not having it come out which... well, there's no good points to it, it just means you can do none of the former. I mean, given choice between someone making something that you can go to and watch or it not happening what would you pick? Better to try things out for the hell of it, eh? No skin of your back.
I was looking forward to this :( hope it makes it... It probobly will.
my god please dont make this movie. they will make a huge mistake in doing it.

Why would one of the most acredited and respected directors, who is producing it and is a fan of the game, make a huge mistake with it? I trust Peter Jackson to make a great Halo movie. game to movie adaptations can work, the only problem is that 99% of them are done by some German idiot named Boll...and if he wants to get in the ring with me because i think that, i'm ready to kick his arse.
Why would one of the most acredited and respected directors, who is producing it and is a fan of the game, make a huge mistake with it? I trust Peter Jackson to make a great Halo movie. game to movie adaptations can work, the only problem is that 99% of them are done by some German idiot named Boll...and if he wants to get in the ring with me because i think that, i'm ready to kick his arse.

I dont think Peter Jackson will have that much of an input though, hes just an executive producer. I think this movie can work too, seeing as halo is very cinimatic as it is.
Jackson isn't directing, but he's still an icon in his own right. Everyone will know who he is and respect him greatly. Thus, he will have influence to some degree on the direction and production of Halo.
Jackson isn't directing, but he's still an icon in his own right. Everyone will know who he is and respect him greatly. Thus, he will have influence to some degree on the direction and production of Halo.
Indeed. But if he were directing it, it would give it a lot more credibility.
Why would one of the most acredited and respected directors, who is producing it and is a fan of the game, make a huge mistake with it? I trust Peter Jackson to make a great Halo movie. game to movie adaptations can work, the only problem is that 99% of them are done by some German idiot named Boll...and if he wants to get in the ring with me because i think that, i'm ready to kick his arse.

well i meant for the public viewers not the directing, but it could be good.
bah bill gates will put out his secret weapon

his wallet

bill gates:"how many billions?"

and it will made before or during the laucn of halo 3 be sure of that
I don't see how they can make a Halo movie without either inventing some interesting characters, or totally changing the main character.
I don't see how they can make a Halo movie without either inventing some interesting characters, or totally changing the main character.
Halo isn't about the Master Chief. Halo is about an entire war between the Covenant and humans, spanning decades and thousands of planets and colonies.
Halo isn't about the Master Chief. Halo is about an entire war between the Covenant and humans, spanning decades and thousands of planets and colonies.

covenant in a movie looks and sounds so childish
This is part of the reason I hate Hollywood. The only reason to make this movie is as a cash grab. I found Halo to be a bland and generic sci-fi story, with nothing to set it apart from the other millions of generic sci-fi stories out there, and the only mildly entertaining stuff in it (the whole giant ring thing) to be pretty blatantly ripped off from Larry Niven's Ringworld novels. They are inevitably going to make up a bunch of stuff to try and make it work as a film, which to me is ridiculous when they could do that without defering to the Halo universe, and make their own original sci-fi movie. They are only using the IP because it is a recognized brand, and they hope that will garner them better returns on their investment, which if anything, means that they will expend even less effort on it than they would otherwise, because halo fanboys will go and see it no matter how bad it is, in the hopes that it wont be the horrible steaming pile of celluloid that I feel pretty confident that it will be.

I also feel that the genre of sci-fi is tired. It was once a genre of innovation and imagination, and has become lazy and repetetive. Nowhere does it say that there has to be spaceships in sci-fi.....or space colonies, or wormholes or even aliens for that matter, but everyone does it. Once upon a time sci-fi (much like fairy tales) was a way of speaking about the wrongs of society, government, world powers, racials tensions, and whatnot, and getting away with touching on radical ideas by pretending that you were writing about a fantastical world that was not our own. It's not the spaceships that make a good sci-fi story. It's a good STORY that makes a good sci-fi story.
(and don't even get me started on the "fantasy" genre. I mean how can it possibly be fantasy, if I already know what to expect, i.e. unicorns and elves and orcs and whatnot.....it's like everyone forgot that someone MADE THOSE UP, and they can and should MAKE UP THEIR OWN SHIT.)

Peter Jackson is a respected man, and I trust he wouldn't involve himself with a project if he didn't find merit in it. As for the director, he has expressed nothing but respect for the material. Have you seen his work any way? He's not some hack. Granted, his previous experience is with short films and advertisements. But they all indicate considerable talent and uniqueness.

So please do piss off before you start ragging on the film without any sort of substantial basis to launch your attacks from.
If Peter Jackson makes it, by all means, continue. But if you give it to Boll, prepare to be slandered beyond belief.
Damn fanboys..ahem I hope it still comes out. Im interested to see if it works or not, especially since they did it Live action. Im hoping it doesn't turn into kind of a Judge Dredd type thing, and what I mean about that is if you read the comic and you ever saw the movie, than you would know he never took off his helmet, but I doubt Stalone would have been happy with wearing a helmet the entire movie which is why they decided to have him take it off D: