Halo Reach

Just finished the game with a few friends it was awesome. playing Legendary alone is not advised unless you all ready finished the game btw. But we started where I needed to be from playing other people's games and my friends let me take the wheel a lot during the important parts. The game was probably the most cinematic I've seen in a long time and I'm definitely going to play it 3 times on various difficulty settings.

H1 > H:R > Halo 3 > Halo 2 > Halo3:ODST for single player (lol the smiley stays)

H1 > H2 > H:R > H3 for multiplayer ODST does not apply!
Got my copy of the game now!

But probably won't be playing until Tuesday, got an (old) game I desperately want to finished first, I haven't been able to finish it in 4 years because I keep letting myself get distracted by new titles coming out.:p
I'm about to "reach" for an icepick, because if I have to bear reading one more video game publication where all they talk about is the new Halo, I'm gonna stab my eyes out.

Roll on the news about RF:Armageddon, screw Halo.
Picked it up yesterday; currently ploughing through on co-op. It's good, and very Halo. But. But. I think I liked Halo 3 more.
I'm about to "reach" for an icepick, because if I have to bear reading one more video game publication where all they talk about is the new Halo, I'm gonna stab my eyes out.

Roll on the news about RF:Armageddon, screw Halo.

I still dont think it is as bad as CoD though. When Black Ops comes out, you wont hear about any other game being released that month, and everyone will have forgotten about Halo.

I think the last time I saw a game being marketed this hard on TV ads and posters everywhere etc was maybe GTA4. Im seeing the varying-in-length ''Remember Reach'' live action advert almost every day now.
judging purely on the campaigns of each game i'd say:


haven't tried reach's mp yet (no XBL gold) but judging from how feature packed it is that probably wins that one
Did you just call us poop?

Pretty sure you called us poop.
Rhyming slang is the stupidest thing England has ever invented.
  1. Pick what you want to rhyme
  2. Rhyme it with a two word phrase
  3. Use the first word in that phrase as slang for the word you rhymed
  1. Yank is slang for an American
  2. Septic tank rhymes with Yank.
  3. Call Americans Septics.
  4. ???
  5. Profit.
Picked it up yesterday; currently ploughing through on co-op. It's good, and very Halo. But. But. I think I liked Halo 3 more.

Any shred of credibility you had when criticising my taste in games has long since ****ed off.
I missed launch due to being on holiday and got round to playing Reach for the first time last night. A few hours in and so far so good - rock hard yet well balanced combat. Why do no other developers get this right??

Co-op and firefight tonight \o/
I'm guessing he doesn't like Halo much.

Crazy foo! :rolling:
Heh, one of my friends built the enterprise from Star Trek in forge, as part of an inside joke. That was pure entertainment, I'll have to say.

That aside...multiplayer's fun and I've played this much more than I have Halo 3 (I only played Halo 3 for a total of a few hours). Infected is my favorite game mode right now (within the Halo universe, I mean). Overall, there are worse games out there that you could buy.
helped my friend get all the achievements for Firefight, it was still fun. I could have set it to 10 mins had I known how to but within 40 mins we had them all. We had just about every enemy combo you could think of. and skulls on for some turns and some entirely off. very fun though
I missed launch due to being on holiday and got round to playing Reach for the first time last night. A few hours in and so far so good - rock hard yet well balanced combat. Why do no other developers get this right??

To be fair, the main benefit that Halo has over most FPS games is the number of enemies and that certain enemies (the elites mainly) have regenerating shields. It's pretty much the Elites that made the Halo series so much fun to play in the first place.

Then in the 2nd game they got rid of that and replaced them with Brutes, who were significantly less fun and interesting to fight against and critics started forgiving the mediocre campaigns of the Halo games for the sheer quantity of multiplayer options. Bollocks really. There's hardly been any changes to the core game since the first Halo, and most if not all have been largely forgotten by everyone whose played them and the rest of the industry as well.

Still, they are a lot of fun, but whenever I play a new Halo campaign I always get the feeling that Bungie are simply trying to repeat the success of the first game over doing anything new. Only ODST actually tried something different and that (for some reason) is considered one of the worst of the series by critics as well as a lot of fans (which seems odd to me, as both Halo 2 and 3 sucked balls in my eyes, whereas ODST was a lot fresher and more interesting).
I laughed loudly at every major plot development, and giggled riotously during the final mission. The pretense of the players caring for such an overwrought and hackneyed storyline and character set is just too much to fathom. Halo has always took itself a little too seriously for pulp sci-fi, but this went it to a whole new level, which is odd considering the squad was made up of every military archetype out there.
At which one, ODST or Halo Reach?

On another but similar note: The further these games have gotten away from telling a simple story like the first game, the shitter they are. Look at Halo 2 and 3, which tried to make massive space operas out the franchise and turned them into poorly written jokes.
If you let the story get in the way. I treat it as motivational fluff - a reason for the next firefight, no more. I must have sunk 100s of hours into the Halo campaigns and other than the rings being there to end it all should the flood escape and the Covenant being religious nutters, I couldn't tell you anything more regarding the lore. Halo has always been about the combat, and it does this far, far better than anything else (coming straight from MW2 to Reach makes this painfully clear).

Anyways, Reach. So far the co-op has been a clear step up from Halo 3's, which got too easy with friends added. Elites are still brilliant - most fearsome fps bad guys ever? - and I love the new armoured Grunts. The new weapons are punchy and the armour abilities allow for all kinds of interesting options - especially in co-op.

Has anyone tried Firefight yet?
Two words Warbie: Dickbutt Jones.

Firefight is easily the best part of the whole thing. Rocketfight, Sniper Attack, and Gruntpocalypse I have sunk much time into. Now if only Bungie would let me record and use my own custom Firefight voices.

Can you see it? I'm popping off headshot after headshot, then the butt of my rocket launcher meets the face of an Elite dealing a fatal blow, provoking my character to scream "VEGETA F*CKS BABIES" or some other racial slur as my score reaches dixmillion.

Wish they would have brought back Mickey's voice from ODST instead of Nathan Fillion. Hearing him yell "I throw like a girl!" when using the IWHBYD skull never got old. Also Red vs Blue voices.
When I was playing the campaign my friend who finished it all ready was like, watch this, now watch this! and seriously I was ready to say shut the **** up!! but I did notice it was quite more cinematic than last time around but when key characters died, I could care less. in a Final Fantasy game it felt 10 times worse
At which one, ODST or Halo Reach?

On another but similar note: The further these games have gotten away from telling a simple story like the first game, the shitter they are. Look at Halo 2 and 3, which tried to make massive space operas out the franchise and turned them into poorly written jokes.

Reach; I didn't play ODST.
''Disc Read Error''.

I say no more.

Never heard of a console game having a disc error on release. Its almost like they made it on a PC. Oh, wait...

First-day sales are impressive though ($200 million). Guess that was kinda expected. Talk is already circulating at how Reach's release bodes well for Black Ops, as it shows a 'healthy industry' and that people are still happy to buy new games on release. Reach will be forgotten in about 2 months it seems.
People are still willing to buy new games? Wow, I'd have never guessed after such sleeper hits as WoW: Wrath of the Lich King, Grand Theft Auto IV and Modern Warfare 2.
''Disc Read Error''.

I say no more.

Never heard of a console game having a disc error on release.
Yeah, kinda like how Final Fantasy would brick a PS3, right? Or kinda like how like 50% of PS2s eventually had disc read errors, to where Sony was sued and required to compensate customers. Even the first batch of PS2s would often brick from overheating if you played a DVD. Or how a large portion of PS1 owners had to turn their console upside down to get it to read the disc.

Kinda like Apple iPhone 4 would drop a call or lose reception when you hold the phone a certain way. Or how they originally had no service nor intention to set up a service to replace the battery in the iPod, which has a sealed battery compartment.

But I read about this, the only console affected is the entry model redesigned 360 (the one with no HDD). It has 4GB of built in Flash RAM instead, which emulates a HDD, and the game doesn't properly access that RAM. It's pretty amazing that they didn't test that? I don't even understand how that could slip past, unless they printed all the discs before they were able to test the game on the new 360.

Have they released a patch yet? Even so, a 360 not connected to the internet will be out of luck.
''Disc Read Error''.

I say no more.

Never heard of a console game having a disc error on release. Its almost like they made it on a PC. Oh, wait...

First-day sales are impressive though ($200 million). Guess that was kinda expected. Talk is already circulating at how Reach's release bodes well for Black Ops, as it shows a 'healthy industry' and that people are still happy to buy new games on release. Reach will be forgotten in about 2 months it seems.

every post - EVERY POST - of yours is singlehandedly the most stupid trolling of a halo thread i have seen on this forum since i've been here. here you are again, caring about sales (sales! who the **** cares unless you have a stake in a share or something?!) and then you go off to say the game won't be remembered in two months, when halo 3 was still in the top five games played on live for three and a bit years until this came out last week. in fact, it might still be up there. i bet you haven't even ****ing PLAYED the game yet and if i was to ask you what came bundled on the disc, you would probably be dumb**** ignorant to say ''a campaign and some multiplayer'' - the game has so much content under it's skin that it's going to be used for twice, if not three times as long as halo 3 topped the charts for playability.
Yeah Halo Reach will not be forgotten. This game has more modes and options with Forge and Firefight and more track statistics than you can shake your joystick/wand dildo at. Plus lets not forget DLC that usually gets a generous amount of new maps and possibly even more campaign. But just because they add all new features, gameplay and different maps (L4D2, Gears 2 Bioshock 2 and Resistance 2) doesn't mean everyone will be playing them over and over again. I have friends who put in 10 times the amount of hours in the original game than the do with sequels.
Talk is already circulating at how Reach's release bodes well for Black Ops, as it shows a 'healthy industry' and that people are still happy to buy new games on release.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to compare Reach to Black Ops yet again. We get it, Black Ops is also highly anticipated.

Reach will be forgotten in about 2 months it seems.

Haha, right.
I'm not sure why you feel the need to compare Reach to Black Ops yet again. We get it, Black Ops is also highly anticipated.

maybe no one told him that Halo is an exclusive and COD is a multiplatform release.
HALO mp takes way more skill then COD teleport knife etc....
so anyway, all trolling and misdirected anger aside...

really, really enjoying this on live. it still has that competitive edge that really brings out the monster in me when things go wrong in a online game, but not nearly as much as it did in halo 3. there are more than enough things for me to play each day on this for me to simply drop out of what made me mad - let's say something dumb and pointless like elite slayer (ocdisabdkb!) - to think **** it, let's play some invasion, or maybe i need some more friendly practice with a round of firefight, or some big team battle carnage on boneyard is really what i need right now. it works for all of them, there's just so much variety in the playlists though i will admit some things need a bit of fine tuning, such as SWAT on maps like spire, but i can't really say that without thinking how much fun SWAT is on other big maps like hemorrhage, albiet it is slow, but that's the fun.

one of the things i'm really liking is the daily challenges. i jump on each day, take a look at what's on today and then have a crack at them. yesterday i completed all of them except the weekly challenge which just ended and it was complete all levels on heroic - i did this on my friends xbox and i'm near the end of the game on legendary solo, but i ran out of time. still, fun stuff.

i'm also really surprised at how effective armour abilities are. like, they can be really effective. my ability of choice is hologram because it's so devastating to an enemies targeting and thinking. i can't even count the amount of times i've got into a firefight late, with the enemy having the drop on me, only to throw out the hologram straight at him and watch it start taking just enough rounds to leave me in peace for a valuable second to gain a bit of damage on the attacker. or capture the flag, just sending it across the map and watching the enemy chase after it. works great for distracting enemies in vehicles aswell, esp. considering how many people would rather chase after it to try and splatter the person instead of shooting, finding out it's a hologram then refocusing their attention elsewhere.

i cannot wait to see what bungie roll out for the playlists in the days and weeks to come. everything available right now is just streamlined for launch so that everything doesn't overwhelm players and the servers.
Is there a halo reach social group yet? I'd be interested in playing with others.
every post - EVERY POST - of yours is singlehandedly the most stupid trolling of a halo thread i have seen on this forum since i've been here. here you are again, caring about sales (sales! who the **** cares unless you have a stake in a share or something?!) and then you go off to say the game won't be remembered in two months, when halo 3 was still in the top five games played on live for three and a bit years until this came out last week. in fact, it might still be up there. i bet you haven't even ****ing PLAYED the game yet and if i was to ask you what came bundled on the disc, you would probably be dumb**** ignorant to say ''a campaign and some multiplayer'' - the game has so much content under it's skin that it's going to be used for twice, if not three times as long as halo 3 topped the charts for playability.


I, like most gamers, dont see why Halo is as good as its claimed.

And I try before I criticize. Ive played every Halo so far, as I like to try a wide array of games, every time wondering why they think its so fantastic. Yeah its a good franchise, but it doesnt do anything new. ''But we layed out the controls for all FPS games on consoles'', so what? Controls and health regen would be added in time anyway.

I think I despise the fans more than the actual game. Like football (soccer), the game itself is fine, its the people that watch it and become obsessed with it that annoys me.

And 'so much' content consists of numerous MP modes and a map creator/editor. Wooo, innovative. Cant think of a single game that has SP, MP modes and a map editor. You dont see FarCry 2 or Modnation Racers fans jizzing over their games. People are praising it when its all been done before. ''Its more refined and the combat is better''. I seriously have to try really hard to not laugh at that.
so... you haven't played halo: reach is basically what you're saying with all the pussyfooting here. okay.

gonna give you some time and see if you CAN name more than one game that has all of the modes halo: reach has. oh wait, you don't even know what comes bundled with the game. you say that forge and theater isn't innovative, but it has taken three years since halo 3 came out for a game to actually embed a video editing mode and that's going to be in black ops. three years! it should of been the standard back then!

the problem with your argument is that you're wearing blinders. the fact that you haven't played the game or made any attempt to get beneath it's surface, simply because fans of the game like it and that ticks you off, is the ignorance that really irritates me and i, like most people in this thread that isn't you or that spotty little brat ravioli don't see your argument as valid at all. well, at least judging from peoples posts quoting you that you are avoiding all the time anyway.

edit: i guess farcry 2 did have a map editor, but was that even used to it's full potential? the problem with that game was that it had no hook to it, nothing that made it a memorable shooter or fun game to play multiplayer with and even though you seem to think that ''most gamers'' isn't the millions of people who are online right now, or the other millions that are editing, making and playing custom maps right now, that says something.
Dynasty is a simple ****er. Don't bother. He admitted that he gets mad and hates people that have nicer things than him (he assumed everyone thinks that way), and thinks his iPhone is a ****ing status symbol. :LOL:

He's jealous of the attention the game gets because it's something he doesn't have. Simple.
i would find some of his argument alright if he had just admitted to playing the game, but so far i haven't seen anything or the sort to indicate that he should have a worthwhile opinion on it. i'm not going to take him seriously until he's spent some time with the game because honestly, i find it baffling for anyone to think that the game doesn't have a **** ton of content to really make it something special. you could hate one of it's many features and still have fun somewhere else on the disc with something different.
You either don't know what you're talking about or are intentionally downplaying Halo's content. You get single player, co-op campaign, firefight, vs firefight, a host of more traditional multiplayer gametypes, Forge (which is obviously very different to a map editor, numbnuts) and Theatre modes. That's a shit load of content.

As for the combat, name a fps that does single player/co-op combat better :p

//whoops - 3 posts too slow

I, like most gamers, dont see why Halo is as good as its claimed.

Well, it's only out for 360, so it really isn't the business of PC exclusive gamers, or PS3 exclusive gamers to have an opinion on a game they don't know about or can't play.

That just leaves 360 gamers, and since you are so sales driven, you will know that the majority of 360 owners, loved Halo 3 and are so far loving Reach.

Wasn't it you that quoted $200m in the first week? That's not a result you get when most people hate your product.
Been playing this all day, having a ton of fun, but one thing pisses me off a ton.

Subtitles only for cutscenes.

I have a very hard time hearing what my teammates in single-player are saying, both because of radio static but also because of their accents.

I think it's incredibly lame and half-arsed of Bungie not to include subtitles of important conversations that take place in-mission.