Halo: The Movie


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
From Variety.com

Master Chief is gunning for the bigscreen in summer '07. Fox and Universal have closed their deal to make a movie based on Microsoft's hit vidgame "Halo," with plans for a tentpole in two years. Studios will pay the tech giant $5 million against 10% of the gross....

Bill don't you let Uwe get his sticky fingers anywhere near this.
Kamikazie said:
uh oh...fox is in on it...

Alright, seriously now. This is ridiculous. Fox is not the massive evil empire you believe it to be. I hate their news service and their history of "FOXing" creativity in the gaming community, but to act as if they're incapable of doing anything remotely creative and good is stupid.

*Ahem* As for the movie itself, I can only hope for a few things.

-It's an entirely animated film. (Chances: not so good)
-They don't ignore/bastardize the source material. (Chances: Good, since the game has massive mainstream appeal)
-They don't do stupid shit like take Chief's helmet off and ruin his character. (Chances: Also good because it ties in with the last item on the list)

In short, because of the nature and popularity of the game itself, I'd be surprised if they managed to really **** this up.
just a little humor absinthe...anyways i didnt think that this thread would go far considering that most to all the people hate halo
*cue ''omg Halo Microsoft LoL consoles < PC lol HL2 bettr graphics photo realism stuff that matters lol bland gameplay corridors the same in one or two levels''*

I'll watch it. But, hey, lets face it. When people say 'oh my god i'm not seeing that at all they have ruined it i'm leet boycot ftw not wasting my 3 50 on that' actually do go and see the movies.

Besides, if they pull in some storyline that might class as 'stupid' I'm not going to give a damn, it'll just be another action/explosions/shooting film, which doesn't bother me at all.
Writers have run out of ideas, there have been a massive increase in game-films recently. Soon enough the only origanal plots will be in games which are then ripped off by films.

I think it's pretty safe to say that the master chef is gonna be a shotgun slinging stupid bad-ass motha-f*cka that we'll all hate. It will start off with an enormous space battle which looks amazing but then when it gets into it we will realise that the Covanant and Flood(who will of-course be all CGI) look very crap. The Covanant will simply be portrayed as the EVIL ALIENS instead of the religious zealots they are and the black sergent guy will be back, even more badass and will be stupider and alot less funny/cool.
The game sucks. Decent gameplay but that's why people like it. Gameplay doesn't adapt to film. The story is way generic.
Hey has there ever been a movie based on a game that doesn't suck? No. I don't think this movie will change things either.
Final Fantasy was alright. It just had nothing to do with the games.
Hmm... if Garland's behind it...

This film may actually have a chance.
The novel The Beach (very good book) as well as the script for the movie The Beach (an ok meh movie) and 28 Days Later.
Kamikazie said:
just a little humor absinthe...anyways i didnt think that this thread would go far considering that most to all the people hate halo

Halo is a great game, it's fun, it's enjoyable and refreshingly new.

You're just too busy wanking off in your retarded bandwagon to realize this.

And yeah, stop with the "Fox lololol corrupt" shit, it's very ****ing annoying to people who don't have their head up their asses.
Pesmerga said:
refreshingly new.
Ever play Marathon?
Halo reaks of it.
Even though both Marathon and HALO are made by the same dev, that doesn't mean HALO is unique.
Sorry, I've never played Marathon. I'm sorry it spoiled Halo for you, but it didn't for me.
A covenant of alien races waging a holy war on mankind....how can you call halo crap?
smoke said:
A covenant of alien races waging a holy war on mankind....how can you call halo crap?

The story is really really good, thats one of the reasons I like it so much.. not so much the gameplay factor.
Yes, one of the few things in Halo2 than 1 is that they show the story better.
Garland...what has he written?
28 Days Later and the Beach. :D He also had the scripts delivered by messengers in full Nightmare Armor. Do not underestimate how into it he is.

In addition, the reason that Halo wasn't picked up as a movie sooner is because Bungie is not only asking for a massive part of the profits, and a huge budget, but also a gigantic amount of creative input. So far nobody involved with the project wants to screw it up, and they might just succeed.

Ever play Marathon?
Halo reaks of it.
Even though both Marathon and HALO are made by the same dev, that doesn't mean HALO is unique.
I'm not even the biggest Halo fan, but Bungie has clearly hinted that the two games are in fact connected, so theres a reason for the similarities. Marathon symbols and references are plastered all over both games, and the Marathon logo is actually inside the Halo logo. Theres definitly a connection that they have yet to reveal.
The_Monkey said:
Doom, Halo... Now only HL's left!

Oh god no. Never let it happen. HL's narrative style could never translate to the silver screen.
I thought Final Fantasy was a great movie because
I never played any of the games.:naughty:
The_Monkey said:
But Doom's can?
No, it doesn't really have a narrative style and in any case will probably translate horribly to the screen. The difference is, Valve realizes that a HL movie will suck unless done perfectly and thus hasn't let anyone make one.
An HL movie could work, just not from a first person narrative. And Gordon would have to talk. And Edward Norton would have to play him. If Hollywood did that, and recreated Black Mesa faithfully, we could have a good movie.
DeusExMachinia said:
An HL movie could work, just not from a first person narrative. And Gordon would have to talk. And Edward Norton would have to play him. If Hollywood did that, and recreated Black Mesa faithfully, we could have a good movie.
Except the instant Gordon talks, his character is ruined forever. And if anyone's going to play him, it absolutely HAS to be a no-name -- yet skilled -- actor who looks EXACTLY like Freeman. If you recognise the actor, or if the actor speaks, the illusion of Freeman is gone.
The_Monkey said:
But Doom's can?

Doom was about blasting demons, scaring you shitless, and displaying a paint-by-numbers story to you in a simple fashion. Your character is little more than a basic grunt. It employs cinematic cutscenes, has clear resolutions, and so forth. You can translate that into film.

HL2's narrative and general plot are a lot more cerebral. You never leave your point of view. The character is an empty vessel. There are no clear resolutions. The story is largely fleshed out by small details, making knowledge of the situation dependent upon exploration and awareness.

The simple act of making Gordon into a vocal and independent character would already ruin a large aspect of the games' style. Another issue: the Half-Life games are built upon moments in the stream of time. You hop from point A to C and are then left to figure out what has occurred in between. They are, in the truest sense of the word, experiences. How much you know is dependent on how much you put into the game, and even then you will be left with more questions. Even if they managed to pull off something like this effectively, I could only see this kind of thing frustrating mainstream audiences that can't decide if this is an action/sci-fi movie or something stranger.
stigmata said:
Except the instant Gordon talks, his character is ruined forever. And if anyone's going to play him, it absolutely HAS to be a no-name -- yet skilled -- actor who looks EXACTLY like Freeman. If you recognise the actor, or if the actor speaks, the illusion of Freeman is gone.

I just wanna see Edward Norton in a HEV suit :(.
Direwolf said:
28 Days Later and the Beach. :D He also had the scripts delivered by messengers in full Nightmare Armor. Do not underestimate how into it he is.

In addition, the reason that Halo wasn't picked up as a movie sooner is because Bungie is not only asking for a massive part of the profits, and a huge budget, but also a gigantic amount of creative input. So far nobody involved with the project wants to screw it up, and they might just succeed.

I'm not even the biggest Halo fan, but Bungie has clearly hinted that the two games are in fact connected, so theres a reason for the similarities. Marathon symbols and references are plastered all over both games, and the Marathon logo is actually inside the Halo logo. Theres definitly a connection that they have yet to reveal.

The ending of Halo 3

Ending Crawl:The Chief flew to one of the last human settelments, the hollowed out moon Marathon, where the techs there were ordered to put him in cryo until his services are needed once again.The order came from Bernard Strauss, the last of ONI, section three.Cortana's main code was used in make me, one of the three main A.I.'s on the Marathon.200 years later, I was ordered to wake him, first feeding him gases so he would forget the past, and have a foggy one instead.

Insanely Your,

Wow, I suck at writing.Contradicts the story of Marathon to. And the Halo movies will probably suck, unnfortunatly, the story, combined with the books, is great.

Here's Bungie's take on the news.Written by Joseph Staten, director of cinematics for Bungie
If I'm not mistaken, Marathon is supposed to take place in the future, way ahead of the Halo games.
An HL movie could work, just make the movie in the view of a resistence fighter, have gordon appear in the movie every so often fighting striders, etc, and have steven spielberg make it:) He's already proved he can do insane special effects action like in war of the worlds, he cares deeply about story/ characters. Hes perfect!
ríomhaire said:
Writers have run out of ideas, there have been a massive increase in game-films recently. Soon enough the only origanal plots will be in games which are then ripped off by films.

I think it's pretty safe to say that the master chef is gonna be a shotgun slinging stupid bad-ass motha-f*cka that we'll all hate. It will start off with an enormous space battle which looks amazing but then when it gets into it we will realise that the Covanant and Flood(who will of-course be all CGI) look very crap. The Covanant will simply be portrayed as the EVIL ALIENS instead of the religious zealots they are and the black sergent guy will be back, even more badass and will be stupider and alot less funny/cool.

and considering is made by microsoft and fox sure more money will go to publicity that the movie itself

btw I dont hate halogames but I dont consider them the great games aseveryone say
A HL film could work as long as Gordon isn't the main character and the plot could be a bit different from the games.
I'd like to see The Fall of Reach put into film. Lots of Spartens, some major space battles (including the defence of Reach) and then the overall last battle on Reach with Master Chiefs squad take part in. Plus, theres the part where three of them I think go to the city overrun by Covenant and see the engineers, battle the Hunters, etc.
