Halo: The Movie

DeusExMachinia said:
If I'm not mistaken, Marathon is supposed to take place in the future, way ahead of the Halo games.
200 years to be exact.
Which is why I kill anyone who thinks that the Marathon officer is master chief, its physically impossible, seeing as how MC was born in the late 25th century, and the marathon officer dying in the 21st. :|
French Ninja said:
200 years to be exact.
Which is why I kill anyone who thinks that the Marathon officer is master chief, its physically impossible, seeing as how MC was born in the late 25th century, and the marathon officer dying in the 21st. :|

Yay for taking story-plots way too literally. There are deeper meanings in games than simply a story.
Pesmerga said:
Yay for taking story-plots way too literally. There are deeper meanings in games than simply a story.

Umm... I dunno what you think. But I tend to believe that when a character's dead, they're... y'know... dead.
Absinthe said:
Umm... I dunno what you think. But I tend to believe that when a character's dead, they're... y'know... dead.

Ever ponder what developers think when they realize a story? Motifs, themes, and atmospheres are the most important aspects of story telling. Usually a good writer will apply a theme or atmosphere to a literal connection, something the player can relate to, yet still portraying the true meaning behind the scenes. Thus, (even though I've never played Marathon, which I really can't make an informed judgement on this), a character can be taken out of the literal connection but never out of the theme, meaning that, I'm assuming, Master Chief and this other Marathon main character could indeed share connections or, perhaps, indeed be the exact same character - just in different literal connections.
I think most uninformed people are making a literal connection when they say "omg teh chiefz0r is teh dued frum marathon!!1!".
Absinthe said:
I think most uninformed people are making a literal connection when they say "omg teh chiefz0r is teh dued frum marathon!!1!".

Not necessarily, although I see your point. What they see in connection is the similarities of the two, which is (well, ok, maybe is) the point of the writer - to portray a character in two different universes.
Like Raiden and Solid Snake being alike (through literal connections) is that what your getting at?
DeusExMachinia said:
Like Raiden and Solid Snake being alike (through literal connections) is that what your getting at?

You mean with all that bullcrap about context creation, the identity of the self, and the conce-FISSION MAILED.
A Halo movie could work, the game was a "You either liked it, or hated it"
If you hated it "0MFG J0 fgAme suczk"
If you liked it "0MFG J0 fgAme r0x0rz"
*Prepares flame suit*
The doom movie looks like it is going to fail. Never know intill you watch it though.
It was gonna suck anyway, now people will just accept that it's going to suck because of Boll rather than try and deny it.
I was under the impression that they had intelligent people working at Microsoft, could of fooled me.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. IMDB is largely based on community input rather than official word. It's very possible that this is just some cruel joke. If not...

"You need to write BETTER SCRIPT. Master Chief is lonely hero but we need to make him mystery. MASTER CHIEF NEEDS POWERS OF SUPERNATURAL if he is hero and that makes him cool and audience can relate. Your script does not have hero supernatural but I want to make him a SPECIAL CHARACTER. Perhaps he has ability to shooot BULLETS FROM EYES but do not make it not like the game. And you did not write love interest. I think Cortana make good partner for Master Chief because she is girl and with him. But we need to make her person in physical matter BECAUSE THE AUDIENCE CANNOT RELATE TO PROGRAM. So you need create her a real person or something. BELIEVE ME I HAVE BEEN IN INDUSTRY FOR MANY YEARS AND I KNOW HOW TO MAKE MOVIE. You have to write new script.

P.S. Master Chief need to be witty so make him talking badass like DIE HARD and make Convenant speak ghetto English or audience won't understand."
The Uwe Boll thing isn't true. It is indeed a cruel joke. Bungie isn't made of idiots.
DeusExMachinia said:
The Uwe Boll thing isn't true. It is indeed a cruel joke. Bungie isn't made of idiots.
they weren't, but I think Microsoft's influence started seeping in after Halo.. I mean it was certainly there in Halo 2
DeusExMachinia said:
The Uwe Boll thing isn't true. It is indeed a cruel joke. Bungie isn't made of idiots.
*Sigh of relief*

*puts away shotgun*


*cancels trip to Uwe's place*
TheBleeding said:
*cue ''omg Halo Microsoft LoL consoles < PC lol HL2 bettr graphics photo realism stuff that matters lol bland gameplay corridors the same in one or two levels''*
Try SIX levels, and One level composed entirely of the same corridor repeated eight times. Cussing Halo isn't the hobby of the raving HL2 fanboy - it's the hobby of anyone with a pair of eyes and an ounce of sense.
Absinthe said:
In short, because of the nature and popularity of the game itself, I'd be surprised if they managed to really **** this up.
The Aliens series was hugely popular. So were the Predator duo. The comics were successful within their field (if I'm not entirely wrong). The film was like paying to get skull-f*cked by Chris DeBurgh in front of a live audience.

I'm not saying it's not possible to do a good game-to-film conversion, but I just haven't seen one yet. Nor do I expect to in a very very very long time.
Hmm... thinking about it, how are the film makers going to iron over the fact that "Halo: Combat Evolved" was a shameless Alien film clone? It's bad enough that the Doom movie looks heavily deriative of Aliens but, the Halo game itself is already peppered with references and similar design work.

It won't help that in addition to being an Aliens clone, they owe more than a little to Larry Niven as well...
I'd say it was heavily Aliens-influenced (almost everything serious dealing with space and soldiers is), but no way would I ever call it an Aliens clone. They share a basic shell but all the important details are different.
Direwolf said:
I'd say it was heavily Aliens-influenced (almost everything serious dealing with space and soldiers is), but no way would I ever call it an Aliens clone. They share a basic shell but all the important details are different.
You're right: both are about an alien race of small, flimsy creatures that attack people and take over their bodies, creating a hulking warrior race. The important detail is that whereas Alien's designs are pants-wettingly-memorable, Halo's are just pants.

And I speak in the English sense of soiled, smelly and un-attractive under-garments, rather than the American version of Trousers, which are of course generally better designed than Halo's fruit pastel soldiers. Yes, even flares or those expensive "look, I paid extra to have my clothes ripped and pissed on" trousers.
Halo and Aliens are nothing alike. Some references sure, but its nothing like the movies. At all. Read the Halo books. And please, the whole being cool thing of hating Halo is getting ridiculous.
ALien movies are crap ...ok now that I have your attention ..Alien was a great movie ..genre defining and innovative ...Aliens was a good military movie in space. ..the rest were just rehashes of Aliens ..although Alien 3 was the closest in spirit to the first one ..another great Ridley scott movie
DeusExMachinia said:
Read the Halo books.
Sorry, but my ability to respect your opinion dropped into the abyss with just a simple four word sentance.
kupoartist said:
Sorry, but my ability to respect your opinion dropped into the abyss with just a simple four word sentance.
Weird, almost the same thing just happened to me. :angel:

Are we all done acting like 5 year olds now?
Halo is actually rather good. Or at least, I and a lot of other people think so. Hey, opinions, right?

Besides, the basic story is 'Survivors of a massive battle end up crash-landing on a really cool ringworld structure, fight a guerilla war against Banksian zealotist aliens and end up unearthing a threat that could destroy the universe'. It doesn't have to stay absolutely true to the story of the game (MC gotta stay the same though :p) and it could easily be awesome.

Alex Garland. Alex Garland.
Sulkdodds said:
Halo is actually rather good. Or at least, I and a lot of other people think so. Hey, opinions, right?
Don't tell anyone, but i've actually played this game twice, which by any estimation means that I actually thought it wasn't total crap. It's still among the more deriative games out there though, and where it doesn't derive it is worse off anyway. If I wanted to fight ugly multicoloured enemies i'd get Kelly Osbourne to throw a packet of fruit pastels at me.
Now there's an idea.

The main criticisms thrown at Halo seem to be that the levels are copied and pasted - which I find irrelevant since that's the whole point of the game. Stripped-down combat and second-to-second tactics under fire. In Halo, your enemy and your main concern is the AI - not the environment around you. But anyway.

edits: Novels were alright but not brilliant imo - and I'm a big Halo fan.
kupoartist said:
Sorry, but my ability to respect your opinion dropped into the abyss with just a simple four word sentance.

Have you read them? Do you know who they were written by?
I think saying "Halo is crap!!1" is a bit over the top, it doesn't utterly and completly suck as most people here make it out to be, its a pretty good game, but it's not a great game.
operative x said:
I think saying "Halo is crap!!1" is a bit over the top, it doesn't utterly and completly suck as most people here make it out to be, its a pretty good game, but it's not a great game.

This guy is a smart guy.
DeusExMachinia said:
Have you read them? Do you know who they were written by?
I read the sample chapters on the Halo PC Cd, or as much of them as I could stomach. Aside from the fact they're hardly quintessential reads, nothing annoys me more than arguements based on how I should spend more of my hard earned cash on exploring more products in a franchise that has initially replused me, simply because it's all supposed to magically make it all good. In fact, I replyed to your post off the back of somebody who just told me that I shouldn't underate the second Matrix film until i'd played "Enter the Matrix". :LOL:

And the whole "And please, the whole being cool thing of hating Halo is getting ridiculous" dismissive attitude seems to me to validate my own otherwise erraticly justified dismissive attitude.
operative x said:
I think saying "Halo is crap!!1" is a bit over the top, it doesn't utterly and completly suck as most people here make it out to be, its a pretty good game, but it's not a great game.
multiplayer was the only good part of either of them
Icarusintel said:
multiplayer was the only good part of either of them

I enjoyed the single player of both much more than the multiplayer aspect.

They aren't bad games, but the fan base surrounding them need to be lined up and shot.

Well, most of them do, anyway.
kupoartist said:
I read the sample chapters on the Halo PC Cd, or as much of them as I could stomach. Aside from the fact they're hardly quintessential reads, nothing annoys me more than arguements based on how I should spend more of my hard earned cash on exploring more products in a franchise that has initially replused me, simply because it's all supposed to magically make it all good. In fact, I replyed to your post off the back of somebody who just told me that I shouldn't underate the second Matrix film until i'd played "Enter the Matrix". :LOL:

And the whole "And please, the whole being cool thing of hating Halo is getting ridiculous" dismissive attitude seems to me to validate my own otherwise erraticly justified dismissive attitude.

Wow, a simple "Yes, I did read..." or "No, I didn't..." would've sufficed, thank you. I never said the Halo books would make you enjoy the game better, I simply meant you should read them. They're good books (though the second one lacked the finesse 1 and 3 did) in my opinion and much better flesh out the "cliched, Alien story" as you put it than the games ever did (and probably ever will). No one here is saying its the greatest game ever made. Its not. Halo is an average shooter with average graphics and an average story. No one's saying its anything more. Did I have fun playing it? Yes I did. Was it something I played multiple times? Sure. I enjoyed my experience playing it and still play the MP to this day.
You didn't like it, good for you.
Pesmerga said:
I enjoyed the single player of both much more than the multiplayer aspect.

They aren't bad games, but the fan base surrounding them need to be lined up and shot.

Well, most of them do, anyway.
I actually have to agree with most of that. Halo's single player has this incredible combination of writing, characterization, sound and visual design, humor, and timing that makes it really stand out. The artistry that goes into it is everywhere, so that it becomes easy to ignore. Too many people simply gloss over it and miss the details, or over-obsess and miss the point. I'm willing to bet he Halo theme is still going to send a tingle up my spine, in much the way Star Wars still does.

It's just darn good sci-fi.

(That said, I work in a bookstore and realize that the writing is not the reason to read the novels, which I've only skimmed through parts of. Rather you do it out of an interest in the material, which is very very rich in background as anyone who got into I Love Bees can attest. Its sarcastic and flippant dismissals that I dislike.)