Halo: The Poll

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Sep 13, 2003
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Halo is not the second coming. It is not even the best game ever made, contrary to the misguided views of many. But, in my opinion at least, while it doesn't deserve all of the praise it gets, is still one of the best shooters I have ever played.

So why is it, then, that there are so many that loathe the game? I am forced to wonder, did these people even play the game in the first place? Maybe they played the lackluster PC version instead of the Xbox masterpiece?

This thread is designed to put an end to these questions, and get to the source of the Halo hate.
I didn't hate Halo...but I didn't really like it much either. Seemed a bit mediocre to me. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I guess it's the same for everyone, just some people tend to magnify that sense of dissapointment.

It was probably because I played the PC version, and we all know console ports don't always work...
Narcolepsy said:
Halo is not the second coming. It is not even the best game ever made, contrary to the misguided views of many. But, in my opinion at least, while it doesn't deserve all of the praise it gets, is still one of the best shooters I have ever played.

So why is it, then, that there are so many that loathe the game? I am forced to wonder, did these people even play the game in the first place? Maybe they played the lackluster PC version instead of the Xbox masterpiece?

This thread is designed to put an end to these questions, and get to the source of the Halo hate.
My guess would be is that they heard all these great things about it and exptected it to be increadibly revolutionary and perfect in every way. Halo does have it's flaws, and doesn't really bring anything new to the genre(although it did push vehicles nicley) but the game is put together so well that it is just a lot of fun to play. And I don't understand how people can bitch about the story, I thought it had a great story, and now people are saying Halo 2's storys sucks...wtf, the game isn't even out yet.
I thought the X-box version was crap, but the PC version...there's something pretty...
PC version was real laggy but xbox was more stable.
Halo is the best FPS for a console. That's not really saying that much, it's like saying that my mate is the best Scottish Basketball player. There isn't really that much competition. The game isn't that great compared to PC FPSs (even if had come out on the PC when it first came out for the X-box).

And what made the PC Version luckluster and the X-box version a masterpiece? There's no difference. It's just that the PC Version has more competition.

Having said that, Halo is great when you play it co-op on the X-box. And the story is pretty nice. I still think it's a good game but it's not as worthy of the praise that some people give it.
It was a pretty good game, had its flaws, but I wuved the story overall.
Narcolepsy said:
So why is it, then, that there are so many that loathe the game? I am forced to wonder, did these people even play the game in the first place? Maybe they played the lackluster PC version instead of the Xbox masterpiece?

Honestly, and this may ruffle a few feathers, but I think many of the ppl who hate Halo aren't good enough with a pad to appreciate it (terribly conceited, I know)

Or, as you said, they played the PC version - which was easy and rather poor in comparison. Certainly not the visceral experience Halo on the Xbox is with the right setup.

Others firmly belive that pc gaming is superior to console gaming in all areas (wrong, and arrogant) - especially in FPS. They don't like the idea of a console FPS getting so much praise and feel the need to belittle it inorder to justify their own biases.
I enjoyed both the XBox and the PC version, I still play the PC version's MP daily, and probably will still play it every now and then even after Halo 2.

The majority of people at this forum hate Halo for no real reason. They throw out bs reasons, reasons that could easily apply to a certain other shooter that starts with H and ends in 2.
I've played Halo PC and like it.
I've played Halo Xbox and like it.

I like the pc version more. Only if it didnt lag in doors like it did. Wasnt built very well.
voted for xbox - love it, and pc - hate it :)
I loved the PC version of Halo, but still haven't completed it.

I find the flood bit very hard on Lengendary ;(
i don't 'hate' the game as such. like it was said above, i just think it's a 'meh' sort of game. nothing special.
I like the singleplayer, and multiplayer was kinda meh. Sure, it was loads of fun, but that has more to do with the fact that you're playing with friends, than with the game.
KagePrototype said:
I didn't hate Halo...but I didn't really like it much either. Seemed a bit mediocre to me. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I guess it's the same for everyone, just some people tend to magnify that sense of dissapointment.

It was probably because I played the PC version, and we all know console ports don't always work...

What he said.
i think halo is an average game with average gameplay, but i absolutely LOVE the story. for me, it is a tale of heroism.. of legendary braveness.... of one man's struggle to defeat his opressors and break free of his chains. Halo is not just an average shooter where you blast through wave after wave of enemies, searching for nothing but the end of the level like in Half life and doom (yes, i prefer halo to half life :P ), but it is an impossible struggle to defeat an incredible enemy. from the start when you are stranded with the rest of your ships crew on an alien planet, to the very end when you are the only human left alive, and you fight for not just your survival, but the survival of every living thing on this earth....

i couldnt give a crap whether the graphics are amazing, or the AI is good... Halo, for me at least, is one of the only games that puts a gun in your hand and says "save the world". i love it.
I played it on X-Box and PC and hate it, heres why:

-The levels/design repeated!
-Warthog wasn't all what it made out to be.
-I can only carry 3 weapons? That took the fun out.
-Didn't like the flood.
-Overall disappointment.

-Love the plasma grenade
Suicide42 said:
i think halo is an average game with average gameplay, but i absolutely LOVE the story. for me, it is a tale of heroism.. of legendary braveness.... of one man's struggle to defeat his opressors and break free of his chains. Halo is not just an average shooter where you blast through wave after wave of enemies, searching for nothing but the end of the level like in Half life and doom (yes, i prefer halo to half life :P ), but it is an impossible struggle to defeat an incredible enemy. from the start when you are stranded with the rest of your ships crew on an alien planet, to the very end when you are the only human left alive, and you fight for not just your survival, but the survival of every living thing on this earth....

i couldnt give a crap whether the graphics are amazing, or the AI is good... Halo, for me at least, is one of the only games that puts a gun in your hand and says "save the world". i love it.

I agree with your opinions on the story, it's really well presented in-game, and fleshed out further if you read Fall of Reach and First Strike (both pretty good for videogame books particularly Fall of Reach).
Results so far: The PC version seems to be only slightly more disliked than the Xbox version, something I didn't anticipate. Also surprising is the fact that most people actually like Halo! I guess the naysayers are just more vocal around here. :)
Harryz said:
I played it on X-Box and PC and hate it, heres why:

-The levels/design repeated!
-Warthog wasn't all what it made out to be.
-I can only carry 3 weapons? That took the fun out.
-Didn't like the flood.
-Overall disappointment.

-Love the plasma grenade
Are you sure you played Halo? Because the version I played only let you carry two weapons ;)

I can see how the Flood, and basically the final third of the game, were offsets to your enjoyment of Halo. A lot of people absolutely hate the Flood; I guess I'm part of the vast minority. They were a good change after battling the exact same enemies for five and a half levels.

As for the weapon limit, that added a LOT to the game. Imagine if you were able to carry all ten weapons at the same time. It would be a bitch to switch to the weapon you wanted, and you'd pretty much always have any weapon you needed at your disposal. I liked having to mentally debate whether or not to switch my MA5B for that plasma pistol, or my pistol for a sniper rifle.
stigmata said:
Are you sure you played Halo? Because the version I played only let you carry two weapons ;)

I can see how the Flood, and basically the final third of the game, were offsets to your enjoyment of Halo. A lot of people absolutely hate the Flood; I guess I'm part of the vast minority. They were a good change after battling the exact same enemies for five and a half levels.

As for the weapon limit, that added a LOT to the game. Imagine if you were able to carry all ten weapons at the same time. It would be a bitch to switch to the weapon you wanted, and you'd pretty much always have any weapon you needed at your disposal. I liked having to mentally debate whether or not to switch my MA5B for that plasma pistol, or my pistol for a sniper rifle.
Incorrect, the full version let you carry three weapons. 2 guns and grenades.
I love Halo on the Xbox, I didn't like it that much on the PC, it was too laggy and unstable.
I liked Halo PC for the theme, the story, the fun, the simple nature of the game and the vehicles.
I didn't like how it was repetitive and levels were just copy and paste. I would play Halo 2 on the PC. Halo was a fairly mediocre shooter but it was still fun.
Had Halo on Xbox on Xbox's release way back in the day so you could say i had Halo when it was as new as it gets and found everything in the game a complete bore, tedious and repetative, not to mention every level felt the same. Then i bought it on PC when i was bored to give it another try.....see if they made the game any better but nope. It was even worse.

I actually installed Halo for the second time a while back to try again (because most people think its a godsend or something..... )...so i'm playing the game thinking "..yeah this aint so bad afterall", do a couple things, shoot some stationary aliens...that look ready to go to that fancy dress party and then i start thinking "WHY am i playing this game?!! Why Oh Why? Wheres a good part?....I knew i should of just bought Breed, at least it runs good" and so level 1 ends, promptly followed by an exit to desktop shortly following the 'uninstall' button.
I hav just played on xbox, the Pc version dont run in my PC :(
Warbie said:
Honestly, and this may ruffle a few feathers, but I think many of the ppl who hate Halo aren't good enough with a pad to appreciate it (terribly conceited, I know)

Hmmm, i want to agree and disagree at the same time with that comment. Last night i tried to play through as much of Halo as i possibly could in prepartion for Halo 2, and i got used to the joystick again after the first few battles, so that isn't a problem for me at all, but i can still remember playing it for the first time and being annoyed with the amount of time it takes to turn around with a joystick.

Warbie said:
Others firmly belive that pc gaming is superior to console gaming in all areas (wrong, and arrogant) - especially in FPS. They don't like the idea of a console FPS getting so much praise and feel the need to belittle it inorder to justify their own biases.

That isn't really fair to call someone wrong and arrogant if they have a different opinion. But i still think that FPS have, and always will be done better on the PC. Have you ever played Doom with a controller? It just aint right. Thats my two cents anyway.

Anyway as for my opinion on Halo, I think the game is pretty good, solid gameplay, good AI and all that. But the thing that has always bugged me about the game is the sound. Like, i was playing it last night as i mentioned earlier, and even on the first battles, most of them should be pretty intense, after all you're going up against about 8 covenants each time right? It's just that every time i get into a fight with a group of covenants it sounds like a pea-shooting contest, every single gun and plasma gun sounds so pissy and weak. In any other game the firefights would sound twice as intense with the same amount of enemies.
How about the option, "I played halo on xbox and it was just so-so."?
Neutrino said:
How about the option, "I played halo on xbox and it was just so-so."?

Choose both hate-it and like-it..?

It makes sense...
Neutrino said:
I suppose. Will have to do.
I wasn't really sure what to do. Usually, if you give people a "maybe" or "somewhat" option on the poll, everyone picks that. If you polarize a poll more, more people are likely to think and take it seriously, weighing each option carefully.
Neutrino said:
How about the option, "I played halo on xbox and it was just so-so."?

I've played it on X-Box and PC and thought it was "meh" as well. I thought the PC version was slightly better. Probably because I am more comforatable with a KB and mouse. Multiplayer on PC is better because you can have 16 player games and add some population to the maps. Even then most of the maps are still bare.

Even multiplayer on X-Box was so-so. They are such huge maps even with 8 people playing.