halo wars


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
picked this up yesterday and had a few rounds online, seems like a pretty solid if not simplified RTS to me. as with all rts the early game is everything but the matches are not ended in the early game as the units are not strong enough to take down the buildings fast. because its been simplified for the console but still has plenty of tech options im looking forward to multiple strategies. for the record im not a fan of the FPS halo, in fact i hate all 3 of them, but you dont need to enjoy halo to appreciate this as long as youre a fan of RTS.

im no RTS noob either, played DoW and its expansions online probably near to 5000 games, as well as other rts like c&c online sporadicly.

anyone else pick this up?
It's not wise to mention Halo in these parts.

It's not wise to mention Halo in these parts.


aye i was around for the original 'hl2 vs halo!!' threads back before hl2 was released, but this is the first real try at an rts customised specificy for console and i think theyve pulled it off rather well.
I find it cool because of the moments where you remember seeing that unit in the first game.
Everything else... shit.
played the demo, hated it
dow2 for me, thanks

personally i thought dow2 took everything that made the first excellent and either removed it or watered it down until it was unreconisable.
I thought the demo for Halo Wars was ok. I'll rent it or buy when it's cheap.
For a console RTS it was pretty decent. I would have preferred it coming out on PC as well, but you win some you lose some.

Oh and DOW2 was terrible. There was not a single thing I enjoyed in that demo, it was liking sitting in a classroom in June.
Is there a PC version? No hope I'm gonna get an RTS on a console.
its not worth buying, not enough units and hasn't got that x-factor for rts games u can play over and over like red alert, it makes me wanna buy a ps3 and get killzone 2
How is the control? Do you feel like you have enough control in the heat of the moment? I haven't played an RTS on a console before. On the PC I was a hotkey fiend playing AOE type RTS games and I just don't see how I could be efficient on a console.
picked this up yesterday and had a few rounds online, seems like a pretty solid if not simplified rts to me. As with all rts the early game is everything but the matches are not ended in the early game as the units are not strong enough to take down the buildings fast. Because its been simplified for the console but still has plenty of tech options im looking forward to multiple strategies. For the record im not a fan of the fps halo, in fact i hate all 3 of them, but you dont need to enjoy halo to appreciate this as long as youre a fan of rts.

Im no rts noob either, played dow and its expansions online probably near to 5000 games, as well as other rts like c&c online sporadicly.

Anyone else pick this up?

picked this up yesterday and had a few rounds online, seems like a pretty solid if not simplified rts to me. As with all rts the early game is everything but the matches are not ended in the early game as the units are not strong enough to take down the buildings fast. Because its been simplified for the console but still has plenty of tech options im looking forward to multiple strategies. For the record im not a fan of the fps halo, in fact i hate all 3 of them, but you dont need to enjoy halo to appreciate this as long as youre a fan of rts.

for the record im not a fan of the fps halo, in fact i hate all 3 of them, but you dont need to enjoy halo to appreciate this as long as youre a fan of rts.


dow2 for me, thanks

Haha, as if that's an alternative even worth considering, different strokes for different folks I guess.
Any 'fan' of RTS's will hate it.
And I love DoW2, I still don't know what all of yalls are smokin'.
My Force Commander has a ****ing POWER SWORD.
It's not really on my radar until there's a PC version. The same is true of Halo 3. I'm quietly interested in what is a solid franchise, but only in a 'I can wait until it's in the bargain bin' way.
If they rerelease it for the PC, it'll be 50 dollars again, you know.
I didn't give halo a f*ck. It was my opinion. Actually, I have a Halo 2 for visitors.