



hell opeople i am new here at these boards. i am
a buddhist and meditation/ki practitioner and i hope
we can all share many discussions together. i hope
to become a member of this comunity and enjoy
my time here.

wisdum: What we think, we become. - Buddha
Hullo! As Javert said, you are more than welcome here =)
You meditate? That's cool! I wanna meditate too! Is there any books or stuff that I should pick up?

Anyways, welcome, and try not to puke on the carpet, as that makes Munro very upset :(
woop, well, as i'm sure you will come to notice siddhartha, i basically own these boards. there are "mods" and "admins" and you'll find that everyone, including myself, pretend that they're in charge, but don't be fooled. recognize that i am the spiritual leader of these forums. you may contribute to my cause monetarilly if you wish. maskirovka and poseyjmac are my current disciples.

wisdom: pay the man, and i won't light you up!

Aye, the mon speaketh the truth, so you better cough up the cash.
Just give it to me, and I'll relay it to Timmy for you. Trust me...
Welcome to the forums, have fun and enjoy yourself!

good to see a diverse range of people come to these forums!:D

Your now one of us...