Halo3 Beta Sign-Up begins Monday!

You can dodge it and it really isn't that hard to kill a sword wielding maniac.

Also, if Halo 2 is 'completely flawed' than so are these following games:

DoD:S - Grenadier
Q3/Q4 - Railgun
GoW - Chainsaw & grenade (Using melee)

I could go on for awhile . .

All are 1 hit kill (Though on rare occasion AWP/Grenadier may need a second hit) and many people say they are 'too easy' and 'hard to kill.'

Any moron can pick up an AWP and kill someone or stick a grenade in someone and run off, like any moron can pick up a sword and kill someone though the sword would be the easier of the 2.

That's kind of the problem...any moron, regardless of skill can kick ass with these weapons.

While I greatly dislike the AWP and most 1-hit kill weapons, at least in those games it takes effort to aim and there is NO autoaim assistance. Halo 2 is overflowing with it.

Also the Chainsaw has an easy counter - the shotgun or simply shooting the person before they get to you to un-rev their chainsaw so they have to get it going again. The grenades could use a little more balancing, but at least the person that gets stuck can take the grenadier with them. The grenadier also has to get to point-blank range to make the stick. I think a good change would make the grenadier activate the grenade (risking wasting it if he can't get near the target or blowing himself up if he doesn't get rid of it in time) BEFORE sticking it to the enemy. I think this would be a good balance of risk/reward for the weapon.

When I say "completely flawed" I'm not just referring to the sword in Halo 2. I'm talking about all the game mechanics they messed with and the terrible balancing. Accuracy is no longer the judge of skill like in any other FPS due to the overabundant auto-aim...it's now all but guaranteed. They took everything from Halo 1 and noobified it.

Rocket launcher was silly in Halo 1 (I only liked it for long range vehicle shots). Now they added a lock-on feature to take what little skill it took in Halo 1 out of the weapon.

The sniper rifle now doesn't even have to be pointed at the enemy to land a hit if the scope is moving quickly. There is also no leading needed like in Halo 1 and the head hitbox is f*cking massive now.

The shotgun had its balls removed. It is so erratic sometimes it won't kill when I bury the barrel in an enemy's chest and fire, yet it can kill sometimes from 10 feet away in one shot.

The plasma weapon slow effect has been removed and thus taking all the fun and strategy out of using them.

Melee attacks now no longer have to be aimed at a person and you don't even have to be in range to land a hit. Just get within like 3-5 feet and the game does the rest assuming the player is somewhere on-screen.

Master Chief now throws grenades like a 10 year old girl.

The Warthog has much better handling. I held L whenever I drove it because the old way was way more fun and challenging (also helpful for swinging the back end around to dodge a rocket shot - oh wait, they have lock, no need for that in Halo 2).

You now have to be an idiot to get run over by a ghost since MC can jump like 9 feet in the air. I liked when it was tough and satisfying to kill/survive from somebody on a ghost in Halo 1. All you had to do was position yourself properly on the terrain and duck to avoid a ramming kill.

The plasma pistol charge shot is WAY more agile in the air than in Halo 1. Before the little bit of heat-seeking it had was fine due to the fact that it traveled kind of slow...but now the thing can make insane turns in the air to catch a target.

Even the health system is noobified. Now after your shields are gone you don't have to worry about how much health you have left. In Halo 1 you could actually make progress on killing somebody if you took down their shields and hit them a few more times. In Halo 2, their entire health bar (aka shields now) refills and it's like you never even touched them in the first place. In Halo 1 if you ALMOST killed somebody but they got away for a bit, you could drop their shields and give them a tap anywhere else on their body and they'd go down.

I could go on...


Haha, yeah, the pistol rocked soo much in Halo1 and while I agree that Halo2 is way more 'run and gun' (Like CS:S is compared to 1.6 and other games which have received 'upgrades') there is still a fair bit of aiming even while dual wielding, etc. I do wish it was even more skill based but sadly we (Well, Bungie) have to make room for people who inherently suck. :P

I think the only bit of aiming while dual wielding is really accounting for the little bit of recoil you get from spraying SMG's and whatnot.

I get that they want to make the game accessible to newer and more mainstream gamers...but they took it too far with Halo 2. In Halo 1 the skill gap between a seasoned Vet. and a complete newbie was pretty wide. The Vet would just wipe the floor in a 50-0 match probably (not quite as wide as the skill gap you see in UT games, but still sufficiently wide). In Halo 2, the skill gap is pretty damn small for a shooter. A pro will still win vs. a new player, but the game ends up being closer than it should.

I don't want the skill gap to be quite as wide as it is in UT. I'm pretty good in lots of shooters but I get my ass KICKED in UT games when I join servers. People are bouncing off walls, hitting me with shock rifle combos left and right...it's f*cking overwhelming...but I like that the pros are above the rest and not stuck close to the middle of the pack because of the game's helping factors.
In Halo 2 it's all about who has which gun and who started firing first. Accuracy is out the window.

Nailed it on the head, there. They see you first, you're dead. Usually, anyway. Depends on if your in a base or in the open. You have a slight chance in a base, but in the open... kiss your weapons goodbye. And if theres one thing I loathe it's when you have a good weapon like a Sniper or Rocket Launcher (never both. NEVER) and you see them pick it up. ):<
Quoted for unfortunate Truth. ;(

At least in Halo one you had to aim at the body of the enemy. Now with the plasma sword's lunge, you can hit them before they have a chance to react.

About the AWP in counterstrike, nobody's denying that it is hideously overpowered, but you have to at least aim at the body of the opponent. This gives him time to use some defensive move.

The plasma sword is simply too fast, too lethal.
From Bungie.net;

''The commercial is 60 seconds long.
It will air during Monday Night Football on December 4th. Sometime around 6-ish, PST.
That’s the US date. Everyone else will get a chance to see it soon.
An HD version will appear on marketplace fairly soon.
The commercial is a mix of CG and Live Action.
It is not supposed to represent gameplay.
It is supposed to show pure action from the Halo universe. Think of it like the Graphic Novel.
It was made by Hollywood effects house, Digital Domain.
Digital Domain did base its stuff on our in-game 3D models.
It is packed full of clues and stuff.
It is nifty.
We may host it on Bungie.net at some time in the future.''

Cooooool. Youtube, please.

That is the site which will be running registration (somebody found out the URL early).

The requirements are that you must be 17+, have Xbox360 Premium with XBL Gold.

Also, since that site is up early, nobody is sure if the entries that are entered now will be voided or not... Just make sure when the site actually goes up that you re-register.
Been trying since 7:07 Still can't register. Keeps taking me to some blank global registration page :|
North America only so far ? Booo. :(

The site is getting hammered.
Yeah it is.

I've reached the actual registration form like 4 times, but when I submit it craps out on me. And you can't go back because the page expires :X
Yea the site is gettinng raped.

Man, the internet needs an upgrade... Not enough bandwith to go around.

Can't wait until Internet 2.0
Lucky bastard :P

Mine always gives me a white page at "Global Xbox Registration"
After trying for about 30 minutes I finally got it too.
Cool, that makes sense, requiring a cell phone number. :/

Should I just put my home phone number instead?
I just put my home number twice. I thought it was kinda weird it required it too.
I'm still in the process of submitting it. For the nth time.
I put all of my real info.

It's not like they will sell it.

In fact, so many beta sign-ups I've been on asked for cell numbers... It's in case they need to reach you and your house number is out (a back-up)... For example, if you leak the build they will give you a friendly phone call :)
What's the point of leaking an open public beta?
FINALLY got my registration in.

I really do hope there's a second selection phase where they weed out anyone without testing experience.
What's the point of leaking an open public beta?

Cause not everyone gets in.

It's open in the only sense as it's open to the public.

It's not like anybody can log on and download it, you need to be selected and there are only a limited number of slots.
I bet I'm in school when the beta testing slots open up for the UK. :sleep:
I bet I'm in school when the beta testing slots open up for the UK. :sleep:

Well European slots will open up in Spring 07 sometime...

I heard that it won't be a sign-up like for the US test, but that each major European gaming site (including the UK xbox.com I believe) will be given a certain amount of beta codes, and they can give them out via contests and such.
Well European slots will open up in Spring 07 sometime...

I heard that it won't be a sign-up like for the US test, but that each major European gaming site (including the UK xbox.com I believe) will be given a certain amount of beta codes, and they can give them out via contests and such.

That'll be cool, and less of a hassle and rush, I guess. Coooool.
Terrible for the testing process, though.

How's that?

Right now, the current sign up method would be no different than if someone ran contests...

We didn't get asked anything about past testing experience or anything, just our names and such.

Contests may be a lot easier to get into, but also be more competetive... In fact, one Xbox community site a few days ago ran a contest and nobody knew about it... They had 100 slots, and only 85 people entered into the contest. They are leaving the other 15 for the next contest :o
Re-reading the Bungie news posts regarding this, I'm suddenly afraid of the beta.

One hopes "phase one" does not mean "the North America phase".
no, i'm IN the beta. my face is one one of the texture maps. really.
Well, it might be... I mean all of us NA folks are already signed up...

EU is starting sign-ups in the Spring of 07, and perhaps that will be already after NA has started the beta...

We'll see.

It's likely they'll start in NA and then just expand outwards into Europe and such later.