Halogen headlights.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Oh my god. Have you guys SEEN these things? These things are the most ****ing annoying thing you can encounter on the road when it comes to headlights. These things are SUPER BRIGHT, super distracting, and they aggrivate the HELL out of me. Sure, they might help the other drivers see better, but they can seriously hinder other drivers!

Everytime I see someone using Halogen bulbs for their headlights, I want to pull them from their car and beat the crap out of them for blinding me.

Who shares the same views? And who uses those stupid bulbs so I can kick your ass? :cheese:
Halogen should be reserved for construction. NOT headlights!

Imigine them putting million candlepower halogen bulbs in their car. Damn.
Get 'em back, have 4 card tubes on the front of the car with black powder and magnesium powder.......if they dazzle you, you blind them.
Forget halogen headlights one minute, don't you just hate people with huge bass and speakers in their cars.

Shakes the windows whenever they drive past.

Also hate people who modified their cars to get big, loud exhausts.

I'm going to set a trap for them one day... :devil:

Yeah but Halogen lights are annoying. But the owner usually learns their lesson when my car veers off and crashes head-on into theirs.
Halogen headlights are the normal yellow ones. I assume you're talking about the bright white ones, those are called xenon headlights.

You forgot one important detail.. they're pretty lights!
LittleB said:
Halogen headlights are the normal yellow ones. I assume you're talking about the bright white ones, those are called xenon headlights.


Halogen lights are the BRIGHT WHITE lights. Look it up. I'm sure there are other bright white lights too. but so are halogen.
Halogen lights are the yellow ones. They make white halogen, but they cost 30 bucks and look like crap. Xenons cost 650 dollars and look like divine light.
You sure you just havn't been getting confronted by people with their high-beams on? Because sure the Xenen lights are brighter than the normal ones but they don't seem nearly as bad as you make them seem. At least not to me anyway.
Xenons are WAY brighter, but for some reason don't hurt your eyes like halogen do.
Its HID ... High Intensity Discharge lights that are incorrcty focused. The Import Turner crowd loves them, because the high end Europen models have them. The differnce is they are focused properly and are regulated to certain frequencies of light, While the illegal* kits are not focused and generally create the night blindness issue you are talking about.

*Congress ruled aftermarket HIDs illegal for any car other than if it was OEM stock. The law was also written well enough to stop direct bolt on kits.

PIAA used to make kits that were the same as those they provided to the MFRs.

But you can still kit bash and you still can buy individual components to build your own HID kits. unfortunatly the knowledge on how to focus them, and the scatter shields arent sold with them.

Personally I would love a pair of HID Driving lights as it would allow better illumination yet wont sit at a level to bother anybody else
SimonomiS said:
Havent seen them. Sound like a bitch though. Bring sunglasses.
Er... when I'm driving and people are using their headlights.... it's usually dark outside. I don't think sunglasses would help in the dark.

I do agree that the xenon headlights are way too bright.
its also not just the problem that they are so bright. Its the way they look. The light is much more aggrivating on the eyes than the softer yellow color. Same thing for those new 'white' light bulbs for house use. Those things drive me nuts because its like so unnatural. Sure, its white light, but white light isn't really natural on earth as we know it. The sun's light is the natural light, and that filters through our atmosphere as a warm yellow/orange light.
i know how you feel raziaar

those lights are annoying and makes me want to break their lights

but when i do see one i just switch over to the next lane and it is not as effective on me but now bothers the guy that was in front of me :E
It's almost worse than having the brights on. The halogen brights are horrible. My eyes get retina burn, like in CS:S. :(
Raziaar said:
Halogen lights are the BRIGHT WHITE lights. Look it up. I'm sure there are other bright white lights too. but so are halogen.

Halogen lights have been standard equipment in cars for over a decade.

You must mean the new lights like I have. They have headlights that are a little brighter- new as of last year, and they are legal, but I have seen alot of lights that were brighter than mine (illegal) and too bright and distracting
I've got a halogen desktop lamp and i burned myself on it :(... halogen lamps get real hot.... I dont drive yet, but i've seen these lights around and i really thought it was the beams on... it hurts, my eyes... ! my eyes!!! :sleep:
Forget halogen headlights one minute, don't you just hate people with huge bass and speakers in their cars.

Shakes the windows whenever they drive past you.

hey you just described my sound system, but i agree with the loud exhaust i hate RICERS!!
My turbo charged civic with 5000 watts of bass from my beloved 15" JBL Gti hate you too

kirovman said:
Forget halogen headlights one minute, don't you just hate people with huge bass and speakers in their cars.

Shakes the windows whenever they drive past.

Also hate people who modified their cars to get big, loud exhausts.

I'm going to set a trap for them one day... :devil:

Yeah but Halogen lights are annoying. But the owner usually learns their lesson when my car veers off and crashes head-on into theirs.
one time, someone with really loud speakers drove by our parked car outside a shop we were in and set off the car alarm. :|
Hazar said:
one time, someone with really loud speakers drove by our parked car outside a shop we were in and set off the car alarm. :|

You should followed them and set off their car alarm. With a baseball bat!
kirovman said:
Forget halogen headlights one minute, don't you just hate people with huge bass and speakers in their cars.

Shakes the windows whenever they drive past.

Also hate people who modified their cars to get big, loud exhausts.

Only shakes the windows? Weak, mine can shake up the entire block :devil: I'm not that much of an asshole though, I never crank it up in residential areas. I agree though I hate those damn fartcannon ricers. They're even louder than most of the loud systems out there... :hmph:
they are some sound systems which shatters windows and in order to get them you have to get sound proof windows for your car, but you can drive around shattering other people's car windows if u get close enough :/
johnnypoopoopant said:
they are some sound systems which shatters windows and in order to get them you have to get sound proof windows for your car, but you can drive around shattering other people's car windows if u get close enough :/

Really? Never heard of those, sounded cool :D
johnnypoopoopant said:
they are some sound systems which shatters windows and in order to get them you have to get sound proof windows for your car, but you can drive around shattering other people's car windows if u get close enough :/

Eh I call BS on this one. I've never heard of a case where someone blew someone elses windows out, unless they throw a brick at the other persons window as they were blasting.... it is true though that some are so powerful theyll blow out the windows of whatever car they're in. I've seen one guys car that had to get his windows reinforced so they didnt blow, but you could still see the doors flexing from the pressure inside :D
I call BS on that too. I mean, even a building demolition implosion doesn't always shatter windows. And we're talking about some big bangs!
I have no problems with halogen lights, except for the fact that the preety blue-white glow can be mezmerizing.
I've been working to modify the magnetotron from an old microwave to be able to be hooked up to a directional antenna directly to solve the overly loud base problem. The basic idea is something along the lines of this, though obviously of a much lower power level.

I just can't wait until I have the time to finish it - see my next door neighbor pull up with that shit playing - then watch his face as his sound system (and likely quite a few other electronic subsystems) spontaneously ignite. :thumbs:
I hate those stupid blue LEDs that people insist on putting on their windscreen washers. Or when they remove the windscreen wipers and replace it with one single one that sits in the centre of the windscreen. Or the fact that they're driving a crappy little 1.6 Citroen Saxo that they've spent about £20k on trying to make it look like it goes fast.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I hate those stupid blue LEDs that people insist on putting on their windscreen washers. Or when they remove the windscreen wipers and replace it with one single one that sits in the centre of the windscreen. Or the fact that they're driving a crappy little 1.6 Citroen Saxo that they've spent about £20k on trying to make it look like it goes fast.

QFT :flame:
my dad has an S2000, but on that, the headlights stop at windshield level
I think its BMW and Lexus thats the problem. I think all of their new models have them, and since so many more people want to feel rich and are buying them now, theres a lot more.

Speaking of ricers, I saw the most pathetic one ever a couple of weeks ago. It was an old caprice with 20" rims (no joke) and a sub which obviously had no insulation, and the trunk apparently was a tad loose because I could hear zero bass. All I could hear was an extremely loud rattle that had a rhythm. As it drove past, I could see other people that were walking on the the street were laughing at it too. Whoever thought up that abomination was smart by putting in tinted windows, as I would not want to be seen in that! :P
Raziaar said:
The sun's light is the natural light, and that filters through our atmosphere as a warm yellow/orange light.

The suns light is considerably brighter than yellow/orange. In fact, its closer to blue.

Xenon headlamps are much better than normal halogen bulbs. If they dazzle you, then they're set incorrectly, or you need to wash your windscreen, or you have poor eyesight.

I had Xenons on my last car, and they were absolutely superb.
^The suns light is definitley yellow. Our sun is a yellow main sequence star, not a blue supergiant.

And everything else I agree.
OT: actually the sun emits effectively all frequencies of light, including the whole visible spectrum from red to blue - it's just that it emits more light around the yellow wavelength than the red or blue, hence we pick that up as yellow not white (the combination of all colours):)

and xenon lights are the mutts, i have much more issues with numpties who have misadjusted normal lamps blinding me
the_lone_wolf said:
OT: actually the sun emits effectively all frequencies of light, including the whole visible spectrum from red to blue - it's just that it emits more light around the yellow wavelength than the red or blue, hence we pick that up as yellow not white (the combination of all colours):)

and xenon lights are the mutts, i have much more issues with numpties who have misadjusted normal lamps blinding me

Actually, the sun is largely green (close enough to yellow).

That's the spectral maxima.

It explains why our eyes are most sensitive to green light (we evolved to the most abundant light source)
Hey but back on topic, as fas I know it's not the problem of the lamps, it's the problem of the morons who turn on their brightest lamp on while having opposite traffic, you know you can chose between 2 intensities, one is along beam and the other a less intens wide one. Now I can understand if you hate them, cause they are morons, or better yet an accidant waiting to happen.