Hamas Leader Calls for Eradication of Israelis

Jul 17, 2003
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It won't stop just because Israel has left Gaza, but at the least the group's shown to not have been crusading for any Palestinian state, just to push Israel into the sea.

They don't want a two state solution, they want a one state solution, with the death of all Israelis.

At least with Israel no longer being an occupying nation, nations in the UN who condemned them due to that status can now see the reason for their defense when they strike targets within the Palestinian borders.
I say nuke the hell out of the Palestinians and let that be that. There origanally from Jordan anyway
I'll ignore the above comment, but yes, they're being foolish there and are showing that they're really just not capable of taking what they've been given and settling for it. Seriously, they should be happy with a 2 state arrangement, since it's more than they had before.
They've had the oppurtunity many times before, essentially now they've had their own state THRUST upon them. During the meetings Clinton led between the two, Israel offered them almost 100% of the war land, straight up, just to say 'stop.' Arafat's refusal showed the true intentions, the PLO and its security groups including Hamas, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hizbollah, and others, just wanting the eradication of the state of Israel.

The overwhelming majority of Palestinian civillians and the Israelis in suicide bomb prone areas suffer because of the PLO. Rather than focusing on creating an actual state and caring about their people, setting up a severely lacking infrastructure, they continue to pour all resources into their continued campaign of violence.
Where's CptStern when Hamas openly calls for the eradication of Israel, despite withdrawals and Peace talks?