Hammer Error Fix.


Nov 20, 2005
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For all of you that are experiencing this error upon launching hammer!

"Fatal Error

Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId."

There is a simple fix.

1.Shutdown steam.
2.Add "-beta SDK" to the command line for steam.
3.Launch steam. Steam willl now update your SDK to the Beta SDK.
4***n Hammer.

Is it just me or does this fix not work :/

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" "-beta SDK"

Was how i added it because i was not sure how to do it.. since i havnt had to add a command line to steam ever.. only time i had to do it was back when hl was on wan >_<.. so if u could help that would be great :p.
You type it in the 'Target' box of the Steam shortcut. There shouldn't be any quotation marks, single or double.

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -beta SDK
thanks mate ^^ get a error doing that though due to a space in program files :x >_<! grr i hate win xp >_< guess ill just wait for steam to get there act together and fix it :( (fixed it just cuted the valve folder to the c:\ drive without program files bit :p wanted to map)
yeah i got that problem too...so i put it in quotes....now it says the target is not valid and it displays the whole path.
"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -beta SDK
Yeh.. well i have to reinstall all of hl2 ._. because i tryed to change its dir.. n i lost the damn hl2 cache files so i got re download the hole damn thing and source sdk all over.. so imah go get angree n punch a wall for a while! :p
Sorry Jason I think you've reinstalled for nothing, it's 'sdk' not 'SDK'

You want the target to read -

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -beta sdk

Then steam updates the sdk and service returns to normal
baffy is correct. works perfectly.

Edit: OMG HAMMER KICKS BRUTAL ASS NOW! It used to lag when you zoomed in and out in views. Now it does not. I wonder what else changed....

Edit: and in the same breath, vertex mode is totally messed.
It stops at %62 when downloading the beta.

I added -beta sdk at the end of my shortcut thing and it loads up and says that it is updating sdk tools. It downloads the beta all the way up to %62 then stops. I tried restarting steam, removing the -beta sdk and opening then closing then adding the -beta sdk again and starting up but every time it stop at %62.

When I double click on it it says that the servers are busy, but it was downloading moments before.
it won't even let me download, it says "Steam is temporarily unavailable, please try later"... what do i do now??
even with the command line it wont even work for me, it updated and still gives me that error for hammer the model viewer everything.. valve :| ... why?

edit: oh its ok now, lol.. but still how do they manage to overlook these things?

ffs using the beta sdk I cant view my custom models it crashes when i open one.. wtf?
this fixed worked for me yesterday, but now when i try to run hammer it gives me a "the system cannot find the file specified error". wtf?
I think valve fixed it.

Mine works fine without changing anything.
Valve updated the SDK last night to fix it.
yeah i changed it back without the beta sdk thing and now i changed it back when i heard the stuff was fixed now 'cant find the file specified' when i run hammer. guess i gotta figure that out today...

Edit: refresh SDK content in the source sdk main menu did the trick. said copying files for a while then i was able to launch hammer when it was done.