...hammer error?

Mr. Waffles

Aug 6, 2005
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ok, so i used VMEX to edit the map breakfloor_2, and now when i try to compile it, it wont make the bsp..so im like ok, ill fix it in morning..now whne i try to open it or like any other map basicly..it says like ERROR 26: UNTERMINATED LINE OR LINE IS TOO LONG or something..i dunno wtf happened, can anyone help me out here?
ok..i just had to redo them with VMEX, but i still cant compile right, no matter what it says SYSTEM CANNOT FIND THE FILE SPECIFIED..CONTINUE? [yes] [no] and it wont make the BSP file..wtf is going on
For the first error, Hammer has corrupted the file and cannot open it again. You can sometimes save part of the map with a plaintext editor.

For the second, the specified file cannot be found because, as you noted, it is not being created. Check the compile log for an actual error.