Hammer problems


How to do so i cant buy weapons like aim_ak-colt?????????
Make a buyzone in a place where no one can reach it.
I love how you left the bittorrent window open for us to see that you're DLing the movie "French connection". Good stuff.

How to make a Machinegun that when you press action botton you take it but you can´t move it its on the same place the hole time?????? like war world 1 or 2

How to do a ladder like cs_assault when you go to the roof at cs_assault?
raeven never loses his temper....i wouldve said stfu a long time ago.
I used to lose it a lot more. I'm getting old and slow. ;)

where do i get this texture {LADDER2????? and i have counter-strike 1.6 so you know!!!!
Trigger_teleport brush, info_teleport_destination point.
Use a brush textured in sky instead of a different texture.
The methodology differs slightly depending on your installed hardware. ;)
Raeven0 said:
The methodology differs slightly depending on your installed hardware. ;)

I've got 12" eXtremePenisPro 128mb... and for some reason, most women I meet tell me they aren't compatible. :|
Compatibility isn't an issue if you've got Rohypnol 1.0 and--

Well, actually, I think I'm going to stop now, before this thread gets any worse :p
Ah it was fun while it lasted :D

Anyways....can't really find anything constructive to say, so.... :|

What to do a black room? like in the tunnel in de_dust or in cts base at de_dust2???

And How To Do A Tank Model Or A Car Or Something????????
Unfortunately, "what to do a black room" doesn't make much sense, even with my amazing powers of garnering meaning from nonsensical phrases. You want to make one room darker than those around it? If so, then you've got to ensure that your map has no leaks, and that you've got at least one light. Consult the compile log for reasons why your rooms aren't darker.

Adding models to CS:

look i dont have any lights im my map but its steels be light im my map its automatic and my buyzone i dont do it its automatic to how to make a room darker thats the question!!!!
Do yourself (and everyone else here) a favour - go and read some tutorials. Please
i need help doing a map, and how do i take screenshots of my screen so i can show u guys?