Hammer Video Tutorials

Hey, this is very kind of you :)

thanks man, these video tuts have helped me alot! :bounce:
I love that little..flash or whatever it is. The one on hl2 files for the missing page. And uh yeah Ichi, page is missing o_O
Hey, got a quick question about the first doors tut.

You begin with the doors already there, along with walls, etc.
First, are the doors entities, or do you just make a block shaped like a door?
And second, where did you get those plain textures with the text on them?

JakeDaGreat said:
Hey, got a quick question about the first doors tut.

You begin with the doors already there, along with walls, etc.
First, are the doors entities, or do you just make a block shaped like a door?
And second, where did you get those plain textures with the text on them?


The doors are made from Brushes, these are created when using the brush tool. Also the textures are 'dev' textures which can be filtered through by using the word 'dev/' in the texture location title thingy.

The door video tutorial is also not about making brushes, so please refer to another tutorial before you get ahead of your self. What I mean is I would get a basic grasp of using brushes and entities before you go ahead and try making a door.
Ichi, i just watched your tut on the dynamic lights, and i'm pretty sure Valve actually use phys_ballsockets for their dynamic lights.

I used EntEd to examine Prodigy and there groups of prop_physics_multiplayers, spot lights (forgot the entity name) and phys_ballsockets and when i tested it it seemed to react perfectly without having to mess around with a func_brush on the roof or anything like that. Just a thought really cause i've seen another tutorial that suggests using a phys_pulleyconstraint instead of a ballsocket too and it's awful.
IchI said:
The doors are made from Brushes, these are created when using the brush tool. Also the textures are 'dev' textures which can be filtered through by using the word 'dev/' in the texture location title thingy.

The door video tutorial is also not about making brushes, so please refer to another tutorial before you get ahead of your self. What I mean is I would get a basic grasp of using brushes and entities before you go ahead and try making a door.

Thanks, that is what I was thinking.
Hey Ichi, do you know how to duplicate the triggers/entities valve used to make antlions spawn when u walked on sand in singleplayer
great dynamic_light tutorial - cant wait to see the others you come out with...Have you gotten much interest from others hoping to help you because video tuts are far better and much easier to understand than even well written tutorials...Thanks for them all...
nX1 said:
Hey Ichi, do you know how to duplicate the triggers/entities valve used to make antlions spawn when u walked on sand in singleplayer

ctrl c
ctrl v
rename all entities manually.
just a note, instead of using "camera-mode" you can use the arrow keys and "w-a-s-d" keys to navigate in the 3d and 2d map...
www.interlopers.net had loads of tutorials on plenty of things (really nice mapping site), but not video. halflife2files.com has some vid tutorials, and hl2world has tutorials as well, but again, not video.

NOTE (anyone know why if you type in the adress to hl2world these forums block it out? :)

And thanks for the tuts BTW...
Ok im luvvin the tuts :p. Thank you Mr God :D. 1 thing though...when i make that guy in your 1st tutorial he has wireframe body:/ no skin, so i fiddle around with the veiw thing but it just makes him go black and blue 0.0. I though mabe it was the lighting but i cant add lights and dont know if you can because there is no surface to add it to(im used to Unreal editor.....so this is different:/) also the walls arent there, and i did push enter. Mabe its not installed properly? i dunno....:( *cries* i need some help from above!
Well the brush seems to be ok now?:/ little problem with the models still though, mabe it would help if i showed you??? How do i upload stuff?:/
i see at the bottom you have used prop_static for that model. Thats the wrong way to do it. You select the entity button on the left and in the list scroll down to npc_ , pick it from there. (e.g npc_combine_s)

and for starting points use info_player_start (hl2 singleplayer) and info_player_deathmatch (hl2 mulitplayer) . If its a css map you place an info_player_terrorist and info_player_counterterrorist
I did the hanging lamps tutorial, and it worked, but a big problem is that the light from them shines through the walls and floors. Any idea how to correct this?
Empty_Clip??? said:
i see at the bottom you have used prop_static for that model. Thats the wrong way to do it. You select the entity button on the left and in the list scroll down to npc_ , pick it from there. (e.g npc_combine_s)

and for starting points use info_player_start (hl2 singleplayer) and info_player_deathmatch (hl2 mulitplayer) . If its a css map you place an info_player_terrorist and info_player_counterterrorist

But i did it the exact way the tutorial did :(
Mabe my graphics card??? somtimes in game the skins go black and all the shadows go away.....like the whole map it lit up fully.

I dunno but this is a big ass problem...
Can someone let me in on where to get the program for making tutorials. I wouldn't be much help for Hammer tuts, but I could use this to help my grandmother with learning additional computer skills. I am just happy she is trying.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

And to the OP of this thread. My props to you. I couldn't even get a box to work right for myself, you helped me on my way greatly. Thank you so much.
I'd just liketo say thank you for those videos. They are well and truley awsome and have helped me so much. I saw you dont do requests but how about if your looking for something to do a video on hostage rescue or bomb sites etc. Thanks again, cool accent by the way.
Hey IchI, thanks a lot for doing these videos. Can't tell you how much they've helped ease me into this carazy world of level editing!

Also give my thanks to the other contributors you mentioned who helped you out in producing these gems... and of course to your "f*cking bastard" dad for providing a great moment of comic relief :)
Hay IchI, Very Nice Tutorials you've made :D!

They've helped me VERY VERY.... MUCH!

Are you going to make more tutorials?