Handgun and SMG WIPs for Neotokyo

Well there's the ones at the website. http://www.unwrap3d.com/. I tell ya thats the best $35 I've spent in a long time. He updates it all the time and look, just yesterday a new version of the 3ds Max import/export plugin came out that has better support for smoothing groups :) woot.

What I did when I last unwraped a gun was, did the basic unwrapping Max, brought the model over to Unwrap3d where I tweaked, scaled and arranged everything onto a single map.

The program is also cool for skinning, it supports layered PSD files and auto updates the texture when saved in Photoshop.
yeha i dl'ed the demo but haven't got it working yet. I'm thinking of going and getting Right Hemishperes Deep Paint and Deep UV. freaking awesome. but uber expensive
I demo'd both of those. Deep Paint 3d rocks for organic stuff, I don't think it's percise enough for or maybe I should say suited for things like guns.

Ult Unwrap3d is more featureful and easier to use than DeepUV IMO.
i didnt' reall play with Deep UV. but i loved Deep Paint. I'm probably just gonna buy UU. if anyone here is from the BF42.com forums you'll have to rememebr Lobo and he was all about that program so with Grey and Lobo giving it the thumbs up then it's definatley a worthwhil investment.