
Sarcasm start:
Omg why do you even bother posting your ugly models here!! GRRRRR
End sarcasm.

Wickid :)
Too bad my mod isn't hiring or else I would try and snatch you up :cool:

Keep up the great work!
meh, i'll give u a shot aswell.

Downtown Dipute mod would be interested also, http://www.ddmod.com/forums is our current site since we just have a temp page at: http://www.ddmod.com

we've got a pretty good team and hope ur interested. We are an innercity gang warfare type mod with Police and SWAT as well. Just cant wait til we bring the big boys in, aka Sport Cars ;)

email: [email protected]
AIM: stuarthannig
MSN: [email protected]

No offense to Sidewinder or Submerge, your both great guys, but I think it would be a good idea to keep recruiting to the Help Wanted forum or barring that, a PM would be more appropriate. That way this forum and it's topics stay on topic :).

Obviously I'm not a Mod so you can just ignore me heh, but I think you can see my point.

The models look great. What are the poly/tri counts? Could you post unskinned renders too?
Uhh it seemed pretty convienient that they just asked them right here, i find nothing wrong with it.
Whats the Help Wanted & Offered forum for then?

This all the further I'm going to take this , I'm not out to derail this thread, I'm more interested in the Models...
Grey, I see your concerns... :)
Usally, that messgae would have been attached to end of a crit, but they look great, so unless I used a pixel-by-pixel overly image of the real hting (*cough* ATi fanboys *cough*) I really couldn't say more than "great"

Those are probably the most amazing models ive seen, but i can tell you there is no triggers on the glocks. Could care less though.
thank you Grey for your concerns. I have taken your advice :)
:borg: yes master :borg:

I don't mean to be rude, but those handguns look pretty bad. They look as if they're just simple shapes with textures on them. They lack a lot of important details and won't look good in-game. The only reason why they look so good now is because of the rendering system and techniques. Try adding details and they'll look better.

The sniper rifle looks suprisinlgy better than the other guns.

Did you download the model or make it yourself? Could you post some wireframe renders of all the models?

This is only ment as constructive critism, nothing else.
Neo what are you smoking? I want some! That's got to be the most accurate pistol model I've ever seen. His details are fine, if he added more, it'd look fake, because believe it or not, REAL GUNS DON'T HAVE SCREWS ALL OVER THEM. It's obviously not the rendering system, as you can clearly see all the details on the model. Also, even if it wasn't that detailed in game, are you going to be looking at your pistol while trying to kill someone? Or are you going to be looking at the enemy? Thought so kthx.:afro:
the skins look awesome but i can see what neo is talking about. they look photoskinned. Which was a great technique in Rouge Spear but i don't knw how it will look in source. Unless i'm wrong in which case...
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
the skins look awesome but i can see what neo is talking about. they look photoskinned. Which was a great technique in Rouge Spear but i don't knw how it will look in source. Unless i'm wrong in which case...

HiroProtaganist: Yeah, photoskinning is a good technique for 3th person weapons, but useless for 1st person onces (unless you have very high res pictures with the correct lighting you can use). I used to model weapons for max payne, and used pictures to skin them and they looked great in game.

Guinny: what am I smoking is none of your business
:cheese: But I think you need some glasses.

Amazing m8 you are realy talented. Thanx for shareing thouse with us :)
Keep up the good work.
I wouldnt be amazed if they where around 2000/3000 tryangles
lol.. you could have made the hadguns 2000 poly's, even i think 3200 is a bit to high for handguns
3200 triangles is way to much for such little detail. I agree with Evil.
Mace is quite popular, 3 pages in a little time, and then theres the incident on the IRC channel, which i have a restraining order for now...
ehh.. I am the most popular guy aroound here. tss.. the mace thing is just a fab, it will be all over before tomorrow :)
you'll be all over tomorrow lol
Mace will bring you down with his arsenal of highly detailed, amazingly rendered firearms ;)

Mace, do you use Brazil r/s?