Happy 4th of July!

yayyyy...i guess...have a fun party you ultra patriotic bastards! :P
Stop stealing our holidays foreigners ;)
Will Smith will save us.

"Welcome to Earf!!1"
*waits for someone to drop a bomb on the states* :O
xLostx said:
*waits for someone to drop a bomb on the states* :O

outpost would drop the funk bomb!

btw, happy 4th :D
Screw george, he can kiss my white southern ass.

Oh and happy 4th of july!Yea that's right...we pwnt the brits.
Tr0n said:
Screw george, he can kiss my white southern ass.
yeah i was just trying to get a rise out of people :imu:
Happy fourth of July to all. It's extra special to me because I was born on the fourth of July (I hope I don't go to Iraq). :o
I wish I could hug George Bush right now. I love him so much. Sooo much. Oh yesss.

Everyone in America should drive to DC and give Busshy a HUG! That would be cool. :D

happy 4th of this month or something
Erestheux said:
I wish I could hug George Bush right now. I love him so much. Sooo much. Oh yesss.

Everyone in America should drive to DC and give Busshy a HUG! That would be cool. :D

happy 4th of this month or something
Wouldn't you rather hug this man?
Yeah buddy! I've already eaten a cheeseburger with AMERICAN cheese and some onion rings. Now for the beer, the women, and the pyrotechnics!
I'd like to spank George W. Bush on the ass. In a totally not gay way.

...they do it in football!
I love going down to Seattle to watch the fireworks :D. Too busy [and lazy] to do it this year though :(. Bellingham's show isn't bad either...
Datrix said:
I love going down to Seattle to watch the fireworks :D. Too busy [and lazy] to do it this year though :(. Bellingham's show isn't bad either...
Seattle > Bellingham. I can see teh firewerks downtown from my house :E COME VISIT ILL GIVE YOU BRATWURST K
New York City > all other American cities. It's the trooof.

edits: I just heard fireworks go off, though it just may be a bunch of people whistling and clapping.

edits2: Yep.
gh0st said:
Seattle > Bellingham. I can see teh firewerks downtown from my house :E COME VISIT ILL GIVE YOU BRATWURST K
You can see them from your house :frown:. Lucky bastard :P.
w00t! The 4th of July! Time to go watch my crappy small-town fireworks show.
*Gives a thumbs up*
Happy fourth of July. Sadly, in England, it's illegal to be partriotic, so we don't get cool days like the fourth of July.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, we arent allowed to be proud of being English. Thats just racist.
Obvioulsly we can go out on St Paddy's day and drink Guinness for Britain. But if you want to go out flying the flag for England on St Georges day then you're evil. :|
Since Sunday is my Monday I had yesterday off and have to work tonight. I felt like screaming F*** YOU! to the people having picnics in the park.
oldagerocker said:
Yeah, we arent allowed to be proud of being English. Thats just racist.
Obvioulsly we can go out on St Paddy's day and drink Guinness for Britain. But if you want to go out flying the flag for England on St Georges day then you're evil. :|

No, YOU'RE evil!!!!!11
Awwww.... how I wish I could blow up fireworks like americans can, but alas, it is illegal here... :( :(

..ah screw it, I'll do it anyway.. :D
Thank you mr jefferson for giving us a day to have sex for americas freedom.
bliink said:
Awwww.... how I wish I could blow up fireworks like americans can, but alas, it is illegal here... :( :(

..ah screw it, I'll do it anyway.. :D
Meh I cant. But I do anyway too :D
And so the fireworks begin. The biggest Fourth of July fireworks bonanza is right here in New York City.

Yesh yesh.