Happy Australia Day...


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
To all the Aussies...

Enjoy a BBQ with family, Listen to the JJJ Hottest 100 or just have a good day off, - enjoy Australia Day.

I'll be having a BBQ with a dresscode of Wifebeaters {Chesty Bond Singlets and Thongs.

For all the non-aussies here's a couple of things to show what Australia Day is like {for some of us}
A website promoting Lamb on Australia Day:

And the wiki article on said Day

P.S - If any Aussie wants to correct me, feel free - just thought I'd share Australia Day it.
Happy Aussie Day! I wish I could celebrate it!
WOOOO Australia Day, let's go put some ethnic minority's in their place.
P.S. Better not just in case
one questiong to the australian

do you feel proud of been descendant of a group of criminals and pirates?

I hear you do
I think we (britain) should celebrate Australia day by emptying our overflowing prisons onto cargo ships, and sending the convicts over to Australia. It'd bring back happy memories for sure.
More like happy Burns Night! I'm not Scottish, but it's still a good reason to go out, get plastered and talk in a poorly attempted Glaswegian accent!
I'm looking at outlook expresses calendar feature, and it says TOMORROW is Australia Day.

I think we (britain) should celebrate Australia day by emptying our overflowing prisons onto cargo ships, and sending the convicts over to Australia. It'd bring back happy memories for sure.

Yeah such a good decision it was to send us criminals down here to our horrible horrible island paradise and for you guys to stay back in miserable England only for us to come back and beat you at the game YOU guys invented.

Hi, I'm from Australia

I don't have a kangaroo for a pet.
I don't wrestle crocodiles.
I don't wear a cork hat.

I fight wars, but never start wars,
I would rather make peace.
I can wear my countries flag with pride.

I am a rock.
I am the ocean.
I am the Island Continent.

My brothers are the Smiths, the Wilsons,
the Santarellies, the De Costis, the Wongs
And the Jagamarras.

I play football without a helmet.
I like beetroot on my hamburger.
I ride in the front seat of a taxi.

I believe it's a prawn, not a shrimp.
I believe the world is round,
And Down Under is on top.

I believe Australia is the best address on earth.
Wear it proud, and say it loud.
I am, you are, we are Australian.
Yeah such a good decision it was to send us criminals down here to our horrible horrible island paradise and for you guys to stay back in miserable England only for us to come back and beat you at the game YOU guys invented.

Hi, I'm from Australia

I don't have a kangaroo for a pet.
I don't wrestle crocodiles.
I don't wear a cork hat.

I fight wars, but never start wars,
I would rather make peace.
I can wear my countries flag with pride.

I am a rock.
I am the ocean.
I am the Island Continent.

My brothers are the Smiths, the Wilsons,
the Santarellies, the De Costis, the Wongs
And the Jagamarras.

I play football without a helmet.
I like beetroot on my hamburger.
I ride in the front seat of a taxi.

I believe it's a prawn, not a shrimp.
I believe the world is round,
And Down Under is on top.

I believe Australia is the best address on earth.
Wear it proud, and say it loud.
I am, you are, we are Australian.

That was actually pretty cool...too bad this shitty country doesn't have anything as good as that.
I wish I could take credit for it :)

Though I did add the last bit.
Not the first bit but the bit I added was from a song.

No idea who originally wrote it... it was a VB ad at one point though that was the first i heard it... but I'm pretty sure its been around before that.
Yeah, he goes something like

" i've been rio, london and old china town something something something i still call australia hooommeee"
Well its time to go do my duty to this fine country on our day. Fire up the Barbie, crack open an icey cold beer and slap our nations emblem on the grill. What other country can say the same.
I'm eating Kangaroo right now. :thumbs:

...not really. But surely that must be the height of patriotism?
I'm eating hamburgers and cookin' up some sausages! Happy Australians day all you Australians and other countries

God damnit, I shoulda took off school and called in and said, "I have to celebrate Australian Day".
i was gonna come in here and make the same thread. haha. if you blokes wanna get a feel for australia day, listen to some songs by "Matty B". "Fridays" is a great one.
Get it now!

Maybe hang with the crew, drink beers the max, i love fridays!
Time to charge a glass and have a blast!

Awesome day!

By the way that poem was from a fosters ad, which is ironic because we NEVER drink fosters in Australia.

im wearing my chesty bonds right now too.





ENJOY!!!! happy australia day :D
The lamb industry always gets into the spirit. :D
You would not believe how many cigge buts are scattered around my garden...Damm Brother's mates! But I ate lamb with mates after playing street cricket - so i consider the rest of it the day a good one.

Hope you all had a good Aussie Day!
Just goes to show, a nation of the decendents of the worst criminals of British society can still be one of the most successful nations.
Just goes to show, a nation of the decendents of the worst criminals of British society can still be one of the most successful nations.

How are people who stole bread the worst of the British Criminals. The real criminals are the English cricket team who stole otherwise useful practice time from the Australians.
How are people who stole bread the worst of the British Criminals. The real criminals are the English cricket team who stole otherwise useful practice time from the Australians.


You got burnt. That was a burn dude. Burn dude buuuurn...

Just goes to show, a nation of the decendents of the worst criminals of British society can still be one of the most successful nations.

Well... we arn't that successful, you were just silly enough to leave us on a massive island with enough natural resources to make a place in the world. :p

I can't remember who the comiedian who said it was, but part of his stand up act is:

'I was once asked a hypothetical question by some french while I was over there [france]. They asked me "What do you think would happen if you left a bunch of criminals on an island with nothing at all, then came back 50 years later?" and I replied, "Aw that's easy! They'd just say "G'day mate!""'


It was funny at the time...

fiiiiiiive nil.... FIIIIIIVE NIL
Your cricket insults bounce harmlessly off my apathetic contempt towards cricket coated exterior.
Oh yeah!? Well I bet none of you can say your countries start wars for profit!
'I was once asked a hypothetical question by some french while I was over there [france]. They asked me "What do you think would happen if you left a bunch of criminals on an island with nothing at all, then came back 50 years later?" and I replied, "Aw that's easy! They'd just say "G'day mate!""'

In any case, me and my family immigrated here 20 years ago. Or rather, my family did. I was born here.

Still a convict though. :D
How are people who stole bread the worst of the British Criminals. The real criminals are the English cricket team who stole otherwise useful practice time from the Australians.
