Happy Birthday Gemma


Companion Cube
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Your __ years old!
Congrants :D
It's not her birthday!

Geez, it's tomorrow.. But I guess it's tomorrow in Aussieland. :/
It's not her birthday!

Geez, it's tomorrow.. But I guess it's tomorrow in Aussieland. :/

Sure is. Everyone loves an early birthday; or are you a nazi Kamikazie?
Happy Birthday Dude!

Before you get all up in a knot about being called Dude I have some advice for you. Tough luck, I don't care!

Great, now all the stalkers on here (ex: Everyone) are marking their calenders for Dec. 17th, 2009 for when Gemma becomes legal. Awesome job toaster.
Happy Birthday :D

Just a shame she doesn't post much anymore T.T
Happy birthday, Gemma (for whenever your birthday is!)!!!
Happy birthday dude. You're now legal in the state of Alabama.
Just a shame she doesn't post much anymore T.T

I think that because maybe she found something called partyes and social life or something like that

you know that stuff people on the outside do

Crazy shit...:rolling:
I have posted because for once I went to a thing called school.
They threw a deaf kid out the window. :\
The deaf kid probably deserved it.

Yelling and shit no doubt.

lol@NI teachers ;)
I have posted because for once I went to a thing called school.
They threw a deaf kid out the window. :\

you trow it right? so they banned you and you are back on the forums?