Happy birthday Samon

Happy Birthday. Enjoy your damn cake. And this...

Quacky Birthday! :D (sorry)

Funny, I always took you as a little older...
Ohhh you're legal now, well samon happy b-day and just for you I got some lolly pops in the back of my van why dont you hop in..:naughty:

It's Salmon's birthday? Someone tell him he's a git and Goldeneye rocks.

Have a great Samonsplosion at your party, mate!
Samon, I mean this with all my heart:
Go f**k yourself. Happy birthday asshole.
Happy Birthday Samon darling! My present to you is no fish jokes for a week!
I swear to god Samon is like 30.
Happy birthday! :D:cheese:;):P:angel::cheers:
Quick! Steal all his stuff while he's happy!
Happy birthday Samon.

Would you like me to change my sig as a present? ;)
OMG. If he really is 18, which I severely doubt, he's 15 days older than me. :|
It's "zum geburtstag viel gl?ck", Solaris, I bet you used a online translator.

How come I never get these threads?
Happy birthday, Samon.

Don't sit around to read this thread. Go party.
That cake looks gross, even for a fake cake.
Samon is younger than me? :O

I always imagined him to be like 30 or something.