Happy Birthday Suicide!


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Birthday Suicide42, hope its an enjoyable one :)
Cheers mate! :cheers:
Happy Birthday James, I might come up and give u a birthday slap, arrange something fun for the 6th ;D
Happy birthday! Now make your avatar an exploding birthday cake!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Theres been a birthday suicide? :O
It'd certainly put a downer on the party...

Anyways - happy birthday you loavable scamp, you :)
Yeah, I misread the thread title too ;(

Happy birthday mate, don't drink too much :cheers:
Yeah, Happy Birthday, man... I got you a present!.......

It's.... HALF LIFE 2!!!! YAY!!! :D:D:D.....

Wait, i'll take that back.. I want it. :|
Might want to shorten your signature there, mate :)

Oh, and btw:
/me steals C-O-N-Spiracy halflife2.
All your smilies make me t3h happy badger :)
Even though you're being an utter bastard on msn ;)
Lots of smileys and happyness, It must be suicides birthday :bounce:, how old are you now?
im 15, im going out with loads of mates on friday. dunno what were gonna do, i think we might wastch i,robot or something, then kinda improvise :)
el Chi said:
It'd certainly put a downer on the party...

Well, if he hung himself you could always just dress him up like a pinata :thumbs:

FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR he's a jolly good fellow, he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fell - *throws Suicide in the air* - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW... which... none... *mumble mumble* *scatter*
Hope you had a nice birthday Suicide42!

I,Robot is definately worth watching, you should go see that and then maybe some karting or laserquest :) or laserquesting whilst karting... why has nobody thought of that yet?
Or paintballing, which is more fun.

Or even, paintballing with laser sights whilst karting. Now that would be fun.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Or paintballing, which is more fun.

Or even, paintballing with laser sights whilst karting. Now that would be fun.

lol, reminded me of the paintballing thread thing i replied to while i was in notts!

Sos i didnt reply to that again.... i went out i believe...

And just so you know, I should allmost definatly be goin in the next month... hopefully! :p
Hehe...I was meant to be going tommorow but it seems most peopl can't afford it.

Ah well...I got my hopes up for nothing. Hey at least this rope won't let me down ;)

*Snap* Awww crap...
i went paintballing for sulkdodds borthday. ive also been for another freinds birthday, too. its very fun, depite the fact that our team never won :)