Happy Birthday To Ikky!!!

Idonno >_<

Jul 2, 2006
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One week from today is Ikerous' birthday, and to his surpise his mom came back. (for those of you who know what happen, this is not so good) I want to make it a good one. I already have some computer parts on back order for him, which should be here a few days before then.

Any other ideas on what to do for him, or to get him?
Oh no... another Ikerous thread.

You should give him a bullet on a keychain, that way whenever his computer crashes again(and it will), he can take the easy way out.

NOTE: Gun may or may not be required, depending on how creative you are.
A week?

Oh man, what happenned with his mom?
Yeah...A week, i figured it will take me a while to make it a good one with him mom home.
We went to school...came back and she was there. She said she was back for good. And well he is not to happy. After seeing his dad they way he has been and now she comes back. It is F-up.
Idonno, I am not aware if Ikerous is pleased with you talking about those personal matters on a forum - and even if he is - it might not be a good idea.

Anyway, I hope everything will go for the best for him. And happy birthday.
But if you MUST, please, for the love of small animals, get him a condom as well.
Anytime you ask what you should do for Ikky I'm going to tell you to kill yourself and provide him with hours upon hours of fun.
One of these days you'll get the message and either dump him or do as I suggest.
If you buy Ikky a pet, I will call the Humane Department.

Come one...you know you wanna tell me...Please :(
heh, we had a legendery thread, one of the best ever made imo. Ikky started it and raised the quandary whether it was morally acceptable to have sex with an animal, was wonderful....

he was often made fun of in comics ect. for having sechs with animals anyway, I don't think he ever has though, or wants to.
Bah, and here was me thinking i shared a birthday with ikerous, only to find it's next week
I even stopped using my dancing cow avatar because of that thread.
NO...I want to see it. Then I can tell him..."ofcourse not sweetie, i did not go looking for that thread. It feel into my lap."
Re-arrange everything in his house/flat/place of residence and use superglue to stick it all on the cieling so that his interior is upside-down. Take several goats and a family of human beings into the house, and kill them all. Smear guts and blood on the walls and floor until there is no wallpaper or surface showing. Craft flesh in exquisite sculptures. Nail a heart to every mirror. If you run out of offal, kill more people. Hang intestines like garlands across the hallways. Hang human skins as curtains at every window; put rows of severed feet on shelves, fill a cupboard with human heads - turn the place into a slaughterhous. Find a fat person, rip them open and wear their skin as your own, with a flesh mask. When Ikerous comes in, leap out and shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I guarantee he will be bowled over.

Note: Idea shamelessly stolen from Qckbeam.
Re-arrange everything in his house/flat/place of residence and use superglue to stick it all on the cieling so that his interior is upside-down. Take several goats and a family of human beings into the house, and kill them all. Smear guts and blood on the walls and floor until there is no wallpaper or surface showing. Craft flesh in exquisite sculptures. Nail a heart to every mirror. If you run out of offal, kill more people. Hang intestines like garlands across the hallways. Hang human skins as curtains at every window; put rows of severed feet on shelves, fill a cupboard with human heads - turn the place into a slaughterhous. Find a fat person, rip them open and wear their skin as your own, with a flesh mask. When Ikerous comes in, leap out and shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I guarantee he will be bowled over.

Note: Idea shamelessly stolen from Qckbeam.
Wow... :eek: ... :burp: :laugh:

Anyways, since no forum big-wig has yet to warn me not to post the thread...

I thought it was a very intellectually stimulating topic.
Re-arrange everything in his house/flat/place of residence and use superglue to stick it all on the cieling so that his interior is upside-down. Take several goats and a family of human beings into the house, and kill them all. Smear guts and blood on the walls and floor until there is no wallpaper or surface showing. Craft flesh in exquisite sculptures. Nail a heart to every mirror. If you run out of offal, kill more people. Hang intestines like garlands across the hallways. Hang human skins as curtains at every window; put rows of severed feet on shelves, fill a cupboard with human heads - turn the place into a slaughterhous. Find a fat person, rip them open and wear their skin as your own, with a flesh mask. When Ikerous comes in, leap out and shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I guarantee he will be bowled over.

Note: Idea shamelessly stolen from Qckbeam.

He would kill me. You can do it. I cant lift heavy things anyways....But it would totally be worth it to see his face.