happy hiroshima day

Pretty ****ed up and depressing moment in our history. That's probably the same weapon that's going to kill this entire civilization one day.

Nonsense! Once we develop anti-missile laser defences which can shoot down Nukes, we'll kill each other with man-sized robots. Think about it - we'd be able to have world wars again! Yay! Everyone's too chicken-shit scared to do it now, but when the time comes, I for one will welcome our Chinese overlords.

Anyway, regarding Otacon...
How could someone be so cool yet pee their pants visible to everyone? :D
I think that's what most people would do if a cyborg ****in' ninja was trying to slice your nuts off, and some crazyass wearing a bandana busted in and started shooting up the place :LOL:
You clearly still haven't read the initial article. The Japanese tried to talk about surrender numerous times in the preceding months. The one thing Japan didn't want to do as a condition of surrender was give up the institution of emperor, which is why they claimed that an unconditional surrender, which is what the US said it wanted, was not going to be acceptable.

Guess what the US let them do after the war ended? That's right - let them retain the institution of emperor.

Interestingly, that was probably a bad idea. The reason MacArthur and co didn't want to remove the emperor was that they thought that the country might descend into rioting and disorder, plus they wanted to keep Japan as a strong outpost against the spread of communism. So they never tried the emperor for war crimes, and instead concocted this story about a military conspiracy leading the country down the route of war, duping the emperor and the populace.

The result of that was that Japan as a whole was never encouraged to believe they were wrongdoers in WW2, like in Harbin (Unit 731) or at Nanking. That and the fact that the US wanted the military data gleaned from the experiments at Harbin for themselves.

So@Numbers - you could say that the reason the Japanese army was not properly held to account for its experiments/massacres, was fear of communism. Interesting stuff.

edited: to add wiki links. Read the Unit 731 stuff if you've never heard of it. Kurayzehh.

AH! So, therfore, because of communism, TEH EVIL Japanese went unpunished?
