Happy Independence Day


Feb 22, 2007
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This is the day all true American kick back and celebrate a very important day in our history, This is our Independence Day

While we are all having fun, eating good food and enjoying the time we spend with family and friends we should all also take a moment to remember the soldiers and their families who make, and have made this day possible for us.

Happy Independence Day one and all!

P.S. Do not blow off any figures, toes or other appendages.... on purpose!!
On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream.

The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Through the Internet we are learning about and communicating with people of different nations, with different languages and different races throughout the world. Bringing the world closer with understanding and knowledge can only benefit all nations.

We invite all nations to celebrate with Americans this Fourth of July.

Happy Birthday, America!


MRG's post was kinda cool until I saw the "faith for the family" watermark. Anyway...

you forgot the explosives, we also celebrate with explosives.
MRG's post was kinda cool until I saw the "faith for the family" watermark. Anyway...


It was just a random Google image I used.

Is there a problem with "faith for the family"?

[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arzeV3YlgK8[/YOUTUBE] I lol hard every time I watch that. :LOL::LOL:
Pure awesome! :devil:
Can I ask you something, do you actually watch the film 'Independence Day' on Independence Day?

I wish there was an Independence Day here in sunny Lancashire :(
Can I ask you something, do you actually watch the film 'Independence Day' on Independence Day?

I like to at least quote President Whitmore's speech from the movie every Independence Day, because it's so epic.

"Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind. That word should have new meaning to all of us. We cannot be consumed by our petty differences anymore. Perhaps it is fate that today is the Fourth of July, and we will once again be fighting for our freedom. But not for freedom from tyranny or oppression or persecution. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world stood up and declared in one voice that we will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! TODAY, WE CELEBRATE OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!"
Canada should be part of the USA you know. If it wasn't for Napolean and the indians giving us such a hard time, you would be part of us too. ;)
July 4th is no fun anymore. They took away all the fireworks. Who cares if a few kids got a few booboos on their hands? It ruins it for the rest of us.
July 4th is no fun anymore. They took away all the fireworks. Who cares if a few kids got a few booboos on their hands? It ruins it for the rest of us.

not around here.. mwahaha:afro:

America. Independent land of the free*

*- Guantanamo, PATRIOT act, ECHELON, illegal wiretapping, buddy pardoning, bible thumping etc. not taken into account.
IIRC, the guy filming the fireworks explosion on top of that building actually died in that last explosion.
Ah, traitors day. Don't worry, your colonial masters will be back one day and your president shall spend the rest of his/her days in the Tower, at the behest of our almighty Queen, god bless her soul.

Still, at least your war of independance bankrupted the French, which led to lots of froggies getting their heads chopped off. We're grateful to you for that :)
Ah, traitors day. Don't worry, your colonial masters will be back one day and your president shall spend the rest of his/her days in the Tower, at the behest of our almighty Queen, god bless her soul.

Still, at least your war of independance bankrupted the French, which led to lots of froggies getting their heads chopped off. We're grateful to you for that :)

All we need is to EMP major electronic centers.

I.e. half of the East Coast. GoldenEye, anyone?
Ah, traitors day. Don't worry, your colonial masters will be back one day and your president shall spend the rest of his/her days in the Tower, at the behest of our almighty Queen, god bless her soul.

Not if we buy out all your chavs. After using them as cannon fodder, we can promise the survivors Wales and they can call it Burberrycapistan.
Not if we buy out all your chavs. After using them as cannon fodder, we can promise the survivors Wales and they can call it Burberrycapistan.

Not if we can EMP you first. A snake without a head dies and rots. America without leadership will soon dissolve into conflicted, bickering nation sates bent on controlling whatever's left of this once wealthy nation.
Unfortunately the hick army you send around the world wouldn't be able to hit the chavs. They'd just hit their own troops instead. They seem to do that quite often.
Don't forget civilians.

US Army: Giving Collateral Damage A Whole New Magnitude

Thank you French people. I won't ignorantly mock you for losing World War Two for a further 5 hours and 40 minutes.
we may have a lot of hicks and red necks, but you wouldn't stand a chance on invading us.
Yeah it was awesome and all. But on the way home, 2 traffic lights from our house there's a 3 car accident, the front end of one car was gone the other two were banged up. Looked like everyone was alive and moving to say the least...
Mmmmmm K, I'll let Parrot and Grizzly continue their daydreaming :upstare:

Anywho, Happy 4th of July and God bless America.

Mmmmmm K, I'll let Parrot and Grizzly continue their daydreaming :upstare:

Just wait till the next Great Depression kicks in.

Anywho, Happy 4th of July and God bless America.

Why should God bless just America? Why not everyone else? I say, God bless not just America, God bless everyone!
:willsmith: Welcome to Earth!

But seriously, I like independence day because it marks the foundation of a nation on some pretty awesome principles (even if it didn't go entirely to plan).
Mmmmmm K, I'll let Parrot and Grizzly continue their daydreaming :upstare:

Anywho, Happy 4th of July and God bless America.

1) You pathetic rebellion can only last so long. You will fall.

2) God works for us. Not you.
Never mind the next depression, just wait until China rears its head. The US economy won't know what's hit it.


Happy Fourth of July! :cheese:

Quoting this because it's f*ing hilarious and Colbert is awsome.

That said, Last night the hubby and I went down on the Strip, walked around Caesar's Palace (that place has the longest escalator I've ever seen), then got wasted at the Imperial Palace. Tonight, got to see a nice fireworks display at Lake Las Vegas, then it was AWSOME driving back to Henderson, being able to look over the whole of Vegas and the valley, seeing all the fireworks everywhere. Then winning a little cash at the Green Valley Ranch casino was pretty nice...Overall pretty fun 4th. :)

Hope everyone had fun and was safe!