Happy New Year!

2 hrs 24 mins, time for some css..

Happy new year btw..

EDIT: wait, first it's time for oilballs and appleflaps.
okay, first one to post at midnight wins.

edit: pissflaps! Timezones will spoil the fun. :(
Have a "contest" for each timezone.
...30 mins ago.
Edit: EC's post was the time of new year here!
Wait a minute... are all the clocks in my house wrong or is the forum clock about 20 minutes slow?
happy new year ( kuwait )

yea yea

we start a new year

wish you all good luck
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Happy New Year. (I really don't mean it)

Ah, come on Sunshine. Don't let those mean ol' holidays bring you down!
Happy New Year Everyone!

It's exactly midnight here cos Big Ben is striking 12 on the telly so stfu forum clocks.

Happy New Year from The Republic of Ireland!
I'm going to a dance in about 3 hours. It's a church thing, so it's obviously to keep us youth from going out and indulging in "worldly evils" but this should be just as fun anyway :D
Que-Ever said:
I'm going to a dance in about 3 hours. It's a church thing, so it's obviously to keep us youth from going out and indulging in "worldly evils" but this should be just as fun anyway :D
Run in the church, completely pissed dressed in a satan outfit with your cock hanging out.
That's the short recoil way!
Or, do it the JNightshade way, and indulge in as many "worldly evils" as possible... with as many ladies as possible. It's not evil- it's what we're made for!
I was sitting here thinking about many things, as I usually do, and then I thought: what good would the internet be without hl2.net ;)? I love this place! Here's three cheers to another year full of goatse and spam.

evil^milk said:
I was sitting here thinking about many things, as I usually do, and then I thought: what good would the internet be without hl2.net ;)? I love this place! Here's three cheers to another year full of goatse and spam.



group hug!
Happy new year!
Lets hope its a good one.

Damn, 2006 already :O
Merry new year :D olol it's 3 am here in good ol finland :D:D:D:D:D: erry bewa yeaD: D:D:D