Happy Valentines Day!


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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So who was your valentine today and what did you get them, if anything. Obviously only do this thread if you celebrate that kinda thing, I don't usually but I did this year.

My valentine was my friend Sophie, I got her a card, some moneys and that cute apple picture from the image dump. :D

Post yours.
Got things from mah friends and family. Including a self-baked cookie and huge chocolate.
Simply one of the most pointless 'celebratory' days ever.
Happy Birthday Shitty Holiday Dude!

I have sent a package of a book, some chocolate and a letter to my girlfriend and I am going to use this as an excuse not to communicate with her if she tries to phone me. Excellent!
This year I am celebrating by doing sweet **** all.

You may wonder why I am not doing anything, but apparently saint Valentine is the patron saint of already existing couples/relationships, not the one for actually finding a piece to hump for a few weeks at best then dump.

Another day as usual. :imu:
I'm not saying what I did for the girl I love, but she liked it :D
We all know what you get up to, Pi >.>
Had a right go at the lady last night. Originally, going to the cinema was me, her and 2 friends of ours. Our 2 friends can't come now, so she only gone and decided all her mates - and their boyfriends - some of which I cannot stand and was like, "Oh, if they piss me off, I'll go ballistic"

Anyway, cinema at 5.30 then she's coming back to mine. I got her a 19 inch tall teddy bear, 2 flakes, a thorntons lollipop, a single red rose, and a massive card.

me and mah valentine. not really.

My "valentine" is my girlfriend I guess, but we're both bitter enough about our former experiences not to really celebrate it. :)

In any case she's already had a birthday this week, so I'm all gifted out.
Happy Overrated Commercially Orientated Emotional Farce Day!
nice comic AJ. never seen the red alyx skin before.

also in the 13 year old dad thread i posted this pic:


though it would be more at home here.
My girlfriend's working all weekend so won't get to see her. Neither of us celebrate valentines day anyway, so...
Valentines Day has always been just another ordinary day for me. I've never needed to celebrate it because I've always been single. *shrugs in an "I don't care" sort of way*
You know you're single when you realize it's valentine's day by hovering over google's header image.
This Valentines Day Thread sucks, I was going to make a much better, more homoerotic one.

So who was your valentine today and what did you get them, if anything. Obviously only do this thread if you celebrate that kinda thing, I don't usually but I did this year.

My valentine was my friend Sophie, I got her a card, some moneys and that cute apple picture from the image dump. :D

Post yours.

My valentine was my friend Sophie, I got her a card, some moneys and that cute apple picture from the image dump. :D

I got her a card, some moneys...

I got her money

Is she a hooker, or do you normally pay girls on Valentines day?
I didn't get my girlfriend anything because I'm poor as f*ck and could barely afford my cell bill. Hopefully my roommates can leave me the hell alone today instead of hovering around me and my room completely oblivious to the fact that I am NOT TALKING TO THEM. :|
convinced a girl on internet to be my valentine through image of laffy taffy.
I went into my girlfriends house re-enacting the scene from forest gump where he goes into Jenny's apartment and hes all "I ATE SUM OF THE CHOCOLATES JENNYYYY".

They were pretty good.

Spent most of today having my cock blocked in so many ways and with such varying intensity that it boggles my mind. You are a worthy opponent amazing girl... until next time.
I called one of my grandmas today(her birthday tomorrow). Haven't talked to her for maybe 12 years? Maybe a little bit longer. I really feel bad about that. I have written her a couple letters over the years that I procrastinated and forgot to mail out. <sigh>

She's 73 and she sounds great even though she apparently has had some medical difficulties. Her energetic sounding voice surprised me.