Happy Xmas


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Wanted to wish everyone a happy Christmas and or other holiday... what ever you are doing... before I headed off to my parents in an hour!

So hope santa brings you all the presents you want and you eat far to much food.

It's not even Christmas Eve yet! :P

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays etc.
Oh i know! But going away now so wont be able to get on :) Its only a day early! :D
Oh i know! But going away now so wont be able to get on :) Its only a day early! :D

We're in the information age my friend, there are a near infinite number of homes with internet you can utilize!

But yeah, I get your point. :D
If that's the case, Merry Christmas!
This morning I donated a gps and a three hundred dollar mp3 player to a needy family. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after having my car broken into around 4 AM today and having those things stolen.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!

8 days from now is also my 7 year anniversary of being a HL2.netter :O
This morning I donated a gps and a three hundred dollar mp3 player to a needy family. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after having my car broken into around 4 AM today and having those things stolen.

Merry Christmas!
Sorry to hear that KrynnReindoggy!

Happy holidays.

This morning I donated a gps and a three hundred dollar mp3 player to a needy family. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after having my car broken into around 4 AM today and having those things stolen.

Merry Christmas!
Sorry to hear that, man.
I would have had a marry christmas if I didn't see that picture.

I have 6 hours left of work and off for 4 days, can't wait. Gonna chow down on prime rib and all kinds of polish food. Marry christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas all :D

Going to be spending this Christmas day at my aunties with a lot of family around. Should be fun! :)
Merry Holidays, and a happy Christmas to all! :D

I expect to play a lot of videogames with my little brother in the coming week.
I'd complain about having to work for a bit of Christmas Eve, but then I think having a job right now is probably the best present I'm going to get.

Unless I get the Princess and the Frog Blu Ray AND Artbook.

You know, I hate to say this, and I don't want any family members of mine who may ever read this to take me the wrong way... but my family would probably smack the shit out of that kid for saying such a thing and being so disrespectful. I agree completely with that kid, at least when it comes to maintaining the illusion and spirit of Christmas.

When I started receiving educational books and other incredibly boring things for a kid, that was when the spirit of Christmas started to die for me. That was also, ironically, when I realized that my dad and uncle and aunt were Santa Clause because Santa Clause wouldn't get anything else other than toys for kids who wanted them. They really were the worst Christmases, when I just got those things and not any actual toys or games. I know my family meant well, but when you're dealing with the mentality of a kid it really is a heart breaker.

EDIT: Although I should point out that education stuff and books gifted by parents and stuff would be no problem. As long as that's not the only thing they're receiving which was the case for me a couple times. Again... the whole kid mentality and preservation of innocence and an enjoyment of the holiday.
Merry Christmas everyone!

For mine, I get to study for PhD qualifying exams... Jan 3-6. Wooooooooooooo. :|
I have work on Christmas.

But I get paid double time and a dollar, so **** it!
You know, I hate to say this, and I don't want any family members of mine who may ever read this to take me the wrong way... but my family would probably smack the shit out of that kid for saying such a thing and being so disrespectful. I agree completely with that kid, at least when it comes to maintaining the illusion and spirit of Christmas.

When I started receiving educational books and other incredibly boring things for a kid, that was when the spirit of Christmas started to die for me. That was also, ironically, when I realized that my dad and uncle and aunt were Santa Clause because Santa Clause wouldn't get anything else other than toys for kids who wanted them. They really were the worst Christmases, when I just got those things and not any actual toys or games. I know my family meant well, but when you're dealing with the mentality of a kid it really is a heart breaker.
Kid's got a goddamned WII right next to him. You know, when I was younger, my grandparents used to get us all one educational thing, and one fun thing. So maybe you'd get an action figure and an atlas. Or one year you'd get a video game and an encyclopedia. The hell is wrong with books on Christmas anyway? Illiterate-ass kids don't even know how to appreciate a good book. They're storybooks too, so the educational value isn't even that great aside from helping them learn to read.

If my kids pulled any of that shit I'd be like, "You don't get books for Christmas? *Mock gasp* That's really too bad, you know, because Santa Claus has a policy where little girls and boys who don't get books for Christmas also don't get video games. I'll just have to call Santa and tell him to come pick up this Wii, because you didn't like the books he brought along with it."

Spoiled-rotten f'ing kid in that video, man.
I agree with Darkside. Its not like it was a math textbook or something, it was a story book. Any kid who doesn't value his imagination is a kid not worth having. I'd have kicked him out into the cold and told him to go **** himself while I hooked up my brand new Wii right in front of the living room window and let him watch as I enjoyed my new games. Then I'd throw away the books, because **** books.
This year has been the least Christmas-y my whole family has ever felt. I think we're all just looking forward to the new year so we can look back on 2010 and stick two fingers up at it. Honestly, this has been the worst year ever. The absolute worst thing was finding out that my mum had cancer (after having surgery and about six weeks radiotherapy she's finally recovering) but also I got two bad injuries (I tore my leg open on a screw after falling from my bed ladder and I fractured my right hand), I damn near lost all of my friends (I say all; that's only four of them cos I don't have any other close friends) and these last few weeks I've spent in a pretty deep depression. So, yeah, all in all, not a very good year.
Sorry to bring down the tone of the topic but I felt I had to rant about my awful year somewhere.
Sorry to hear that Kat. Hope you have a merry-ish Christmas and things are looking up by new year. :)

re: books, I don't think I'd have really cared about it if I was a kid, as long as they were about dinosaurs or space. The only time it bugs me is when relatives buy me a ****ing bible, like I don't have enough of those already. YES, THANKYOU, I GET IT, I'M A DEVIL CHILD AND MUST BE SAVED. PLEASE JUST GET ME A CRAPPY GIFT VOUCHER NEXT YEAR OKAY.

Oh, and the "updated english" edition? Really? Thanks for assuming I'm illiterate.

This morning I donated a gps and a three hundred dollar mp3 player to a needy family. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after having my car broken into around 4 AM today and having those things stolen.

Merry Christmas!

The strangest part of this, in retrospect, is how we were searching for a GPS that entire match (we were playing Arma at the time :v), and then yours gets stolen and we just so happen to find a truck with one.


(Sucks about the mp3 player. :()
Its ok, they showed my car and my house on TV so now I'm like the most famous person on this site.
Kid's got a goddamned WII right next to him. You know, when I was younger, my grandparents used to get us all one educational thing, and one fun thing. So maybe you'd get an action figure and an atlas. Or one year you'd get a video game and an encyclopedia. The hell is wrong with books on Christmas anyway? Illiterate-ass kids don't even know how to appreciate a good book. They're storybooks too, so the educational value isn't even that great aside from helping them learn to read.

If my kids pulled any of that shit I'd be like, "You don't get books for Christmas? *Mock gasp* That's really too bad, you know, because Santa Claus has a policy where little girls and boys who don't get books for Christmas also don't get video games. I'll just have to call Santa and tell him to come pick up this Wii, because you didn't like the books he brought along with it."

Spoiled-rotten f'ing kid in that video, man.

Yeah, I saw that, and that's balanced and so it's cool in my books. I'm talking about situations where all you get are educational gifts. It makes a kid feel defeated.

I saw the wii and I wasn't entirely applying what the kid was saying for the kids situation as much as I was talking about theoretical situations and ones I have gone through in the past.

Even now as an adult... I see the problem if you don't provide a little bit of exciting variety to the gifts. I more see the educational type gifts more as a supplement to the others... the toys, the games, etc. The child is not going to find those educational gifts very fun on that day, but it will provide them benefit after Christmas is over. But in my opinion, it's a stupid thing to leave a child to mull over a bunch of educational books or clothing, if you've given them nothing else to have fun with that day. Again, I speak of the mentality of a child who is experiencing his favorite holiday of the year.
The main thing that irked me about that video, was that the parents just thought it was so damned adorable.
The main thing that irked me about that video, was that the parents just thought it was so damned adorable.

It was, even if he was a little shit, it was still cute.

It's not only the kid's fault, though. His parents knew they were going to upset him by giving him some sort of book, so they wanted to capture the moment and post it for everyone to see. So, yeah, the kid should be slapped, but the parents should get slapped even harder.
You know, I hate to say this, and I don't want any family members of mine who may ever read this to take me the wrong way... but my family would probably smack the shit out of that kid for saying such a thing and being so disrespectful. I agree completely with that kid, at least when it comes to maintaining the illusion and spirit of Christmas ...

One of my best mates at school got a scientific calculator for Christmas as his 'main' present - he must have been around 13 at the time - and through a major wobbly. He was convinced he was getting a snes, pushed the Christmas tree over in a rage and ended up in a fist fight with his Dad :eek:
It's not only the kid's fault, though. His parents knew they were going to upset him by giving him some sort of book, so they wanted to capture the moment and post it for everyone to see. So, yeah, the kid should be slapped, but the parents should get slapped even harder.

His parents knew...they were going to upset him by giving him books...and they wanted to capture it and put it up for everyone to see? Oh man, that makes so much more sense than the parents recording a Christmas video, like, y'know, damn near every family, and their little kid unexpectedly getting pissy about books instead of toys. No, I get it now, they knew the kid was going to be angry and they wanted to record it for Youtube because it'd be hilarious! Thanks for explaining that, I would've had the wrong idea entirely if it wasn't for your brilliant insight.
I gotta say, I almost look forward to the Christmas holiday more now than I did a few years ago. I guess I grew very attached to my hometown, and now I just look forward to going home for Christmas (from uni in another city) more than the holiday itself (though that in itself is still awesome).

His parents knew...they were going to upset him by giving him books...and they wanted to capture it and put it up for everyone to see? Oh man, that makes so much more sense than the parents recording a Christmas video, like, y'know, damn near every family, and their little kid unexpectedly getting pissy about books instead of toys. No, I get it now, they knew the kid was going to be angry and they wanted to record it for Youtube because it'd be hilarious! Thanks for explaining that, I would've had the wrong idea entirely if it wasn't for your brilliant insight.

Isn't it funny how the parents chose to just show one video of their Christmas, instead of the entire thing? Oh, that's right, they only chose this specific one because it shows a seemingly horrible boy acting ungrateful over a kind and generous present. Wouldn't it have made more sense if they had shown the whole thing, so we could've gotten a better understanding of the boy's actual personality? It's all to generate views, my friend, and no one's going to be interested in a long Christmas video with no exciting moments in it. People want to see action, maybe a few spontaneous moments of anger, and it was delivered.

Edit: And why is this even being debated upon? We're supposed to be laughing at this video, not scrutinizing it.
Isn't it funny how the parents chose to just show one video of their Christmas, instead of the entire thing? Oh, that's right, they only chose this specific one because it shows a seemingly horrible boy acting ungrateful over a kind and generous present. Wouldn't it have made more sense if they had shown the whole thing
You are actually suggesting that someone upload their entire family Christmas video--possibly HOURS of footage--versus a small clip the parents thought was entertaining? And because they didn't show their home video in its entirety you believe they purposefully made their kid upset, filmed it with the intention of capturing his reaction, and had every intent of uploading it to Youtube from the beginning to deliver "action and a few spontaneous moments of anger?"

Shem, come on man.