Happy Xmas

You believe they purposefully made their kid upset, filmed it with the intention of capturing his reaction, and had every intent of uploading it to Youtube from the beginning to deliver "action and a few spontaneous moments of anger?"

I know I would.

Ultimately, it's all up to opinion. I might have thought too deeply on this instead of simply looking at the surface of the video, but by golly, it sounds fishy to me. But yeah, Darkside, go on ahead and ruin my Christmas for me. GO ON AHEAD.

No, but seriously, Merry Christmas. (My way of getting out of this argument. Truthfully, it works almost always.)
It ain't Christmas yet, man. I've still got at least 6 hours (going by EST) until I change my avatar, put on the hat, and make merry. For six hours I still get to argue with you people about inane shit like Youtube videos!

Merry Christmas
Speaking of, I'm upset with the lack of Christmas hat avatars this year. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and are no longer "true hl2.netters" to me anymore.
Speaking of, I'm upset with the lack of Christmas hat avatars this year. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and are no longer "true hl2.netters" to me anymore.

Here you are. I must warn you, though, it's only for one day.
Holy shit, I completely forgot about Christmas avatars! It seems the Christmas Spirit is dead this year. All of my friends and family just aren't feeling it. What happened?
Hermes: Happy Xmas, Xmas people! Xmas cards have arrived! Xmas! Amy, there you go. Fry, Professor, Zoidberg, a mighty haul for Bender.

Bender: Yes! I got the most! I win Xmas!

Hermes: And last, but not least, the sweet flower of the office: Me. Hermes Conrad.

Speaking of, I'm upset with the lack of Christmas hat avatars this year. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and are no longer "true hl2.netters" to me anymore.

First year I've been working through the holidays... I haven't been reading and posting on the forums very much and nobody reminded me. Not even you, you dick! I blame everybody but myself.
I think this Xmas season went way to fast this year. tomorrow is Xmas here but luckily I can spend it with my family. my bother has to work on Xmas and I think thats disgusting
Speaking of, I'm upset with the lack of Christmas hat avatars this year. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and are no longer "true hl2.netters" to me anymore.

I agree with Darkside. Its not like it was a math textbook or something, it was a story book. Any kid who doesn't value his imagination is a kid not worth having. I'd have kicked him out into the cold and told him to go **** himself while I hooked up my brand new Wii right in front of the living room window and let him watch as I enjoyed my new games. Then I'd throw away the books, because **** books.
Hahah, aw man I ****ing :laugh:'d You are endearing.




I've never known an atheist child at Christmas time, so Merry Christmas, kids!

One of my best mates at school got a scientific calculator for Christmas as his 'main' present - he must have been around 13 at the time - and through a major wobbly. He was convinced he was getting a snes, pushed the Christmas tree over in a rage and ended up in a fist fight with his Dad :eek:
Hahaha, parents were trollin'

****ing calculator. :laugh:
I have my christmas avatar on steam, but I don't have the hl2.net sized one anymore.
Some day we'll have technology that can scale down images.
I've never heard the world so quiet in all of my life. It's strange.

It's the sound of everyone around the world pretending to be sleeping.
It's already Christmas Day here. And for some reason, I distinctly remember a certain person on sabbatical that was supposed to return here this very day. Can't remember the name, too tired.

Edit: Never mind, that was Kadayi.

Oh yeah, how silly of me to forget: Merry Christmas!
I recall putting a hat on my avatar one, and only one, year. Can't be bothered to do anything this year. While it was turning into Christmas, I managed to work through 2 problem sets and going to try to get through a 3rd set and maybe start studying notes from another class. Screw you, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Merry Christmas, hl2.net :p
All i want for xmas is the girl I'm seeing to be officially my girlfriend. any suggestions?? I all ready bought her a gift and hung out with her plenty of times. maybe my dick in her box is the way to go. luckily for me I'm seeing her the day after xmas. but i feel like a teenager again with amnesia
God, could this year's Christmas be any more depressing? **** I'm such a scrooge this year.

Merry Christmas to the rest of you!
Merry Mary's child's mass.

If you haven't been at a Christmas service in a church with good acoustics then you've missed... well, something.

Me and the other west coasters will be the second last in the forum to hit midnight (last would be Sinko).

And thankfully Miss Fortune has provided me with a Christmas avatar.
Oh wow, that was the best rendition of the song i've heard of the song in a long time. i havent been to church by my own in 6 years. just weddings and other stuff
I had a bowel movement that was biblical. So much so that I nearly couldn't finish the job without a nap. It was a little terrifying that it took about 15 minutes to go half way. We are talking like a millimeter every 3 seconds, and this was the longest shit on earth. I didn't know whether to cut and run or be brave and stand strong. But at some point, it decided that it was too big to move any more in either direction and I was unable to make that choice. I was like, JESUS CHRIST, etc., and then I managed to find the strength and courage in myself. Jesus Christ perhaps helped me endure it. Because I was thinking, OK, God, so this is how you pay me back for saying that you don't exist? By leaving a giant 3 foot shit stuck half way out of my ass? Well played, sir.

What have I got to lose by believing? Nothing. But what have I got to lose by not believing? EVERYTHING.
As a non-christian, I'm deeply offended by all these christmas wishes. I demand we stop all celebrations and stop being any kind of merry!

Happy weekend.
I was supposed to of got a Sony DAB clock radio with iPod dock. I know I'm getting it because I bought it on behalf of my parents (who were going to pay and wrap it), but now I don't know where it is? I'll ask them about it when they a bit more awake.
But the best book I've got is the Book of General Ignorance
Ordered myself a bunch of guitar pedals and some new pickups for my Strat yesterday, feels good man

Season's bleatings to you all. I'm watching the clock anxiously until it hits an acceptable time for me to get back on some of my Yuletide alcohol. The only mild disappointment is that Amazon didn't get some of my CDs here on time, but then I think of those poor children in Africa, freezing in the snow with hardly any CDs, and it doesn't seem right to complain.
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone!
As a non-christian, I'm deeply offended by all these christmas wishes. I demand we stop all celebrations and stop being any kind of merry!

Happy weekend.

Merry Christmas!