Hard Drive Clicking.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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So every few minutes my computer is emitting a clicking noise. I assume it is my hard drive, and I also assume it's generally a bad thing. I try to keep my drive defragmented, but it still happens. It used to only happen maybe once a day, but now it is happening once every minute or two. A loud, single click.

I have run some programs to assess the health of the drive, and all of them show up as fine. So what's the deal?
My laptop hard drive used to click and at first it was nothing... but then it started to royally **** my computer. The HD eventually broke down and died but I don't know if this is the same as your case.

Good luck!
Yeah i have something similar happening on my main PC, one of the main reasons i got myself an external HD for back-up

I expect that i'll have to replace it soon if it fubar's
So every few minutes my computer is emitting a clicking noise. I assume it is my hard drive, and I also assume it's generally a bad thing. I try to keep my drive defragmented, but it still happens. It used to only happen maybe once a day, but now it is happening once every minute or two. A loud, single click.

I have run some programs to assess the health of the drive, and all of them show up as fine. So what's the deal?
That is the sign of a HD that is going to die. BACK UP YOUR DATA ASAP!
Unless a warranty prohibits it, you may want to open up your computer's case and make sure everything is where it should be, not vibrating, etc. If the noise continues, at least verify that it is your hard drive. If it IS your hard drive, then yes, regardless of what tests might be saying, it is a bad thing, and you may want to back anything vital up and prepare for acquiring a new hard drive.
Backup your data immediately, then go on your hard drive manufacturer website and download the test utility for your drive and test it.
That is the sign of a HD that is going to die. BACK UP YOUR DATA ASAP!
Click of death. Doesn't mean something is detectable just yet but it will happen. In fact a lot of people have it happen to them just as they start to do a lot of 'testing' which puts even more than normal use/stress on the drive.

And throw away the old drive. Don't give it to anyone. lol
That is the sign of a HD that is going to die. BACK UP YOUR DATA ASAP!

Click of death. Doesn't mean something is detectable just yet but it will happen. In fact a lot of people have it happen to them just as they start to do a lot of 'testing' which puts even more than normal use/stress on the drive.

And throw away the old drive. Don't give it to anyone. lol

Agreed x2. Clicking from a hard drive is basically a death rattle. Could be a couple days or a couple weeks depending on the drive and how much you use it, but its gonna happen.
What?! Shit! My HDs been clicking at least 2-3 times a day as well :(

I hope you're all completely wrong! D:
Are we completely sure it's the hard drive? Mine does that alot, but it's because there's a wire hanging and getting hit by the fan every now and then. Nothing serious, though.
I'm taking donations for a new HD. Preferrably one bigger than my current 120gb.

Are we completely sure it's the hard drive? Mine does that alot, but it's because there's a wire hanging and getting hit by the fan every now and then. Nothing serious, though.
I'm waiting for that wire to get snagged. ;) Then when it does it breaks the balls bearings of some fan and the part overheats and breaks lol. Anyways if you don't believe me you could always google it: http://askbobrankin.com/hard_drive_makes_a_clicking_sound.html Just get some external HD from Seagate or something, back up the data, and replace the HD. Then just put everything back. Seagate is really good at making quality HD's. Western Digital HD's always break on me for some reason though. *Mine is a 127GB and holds a lot by my standards btw.
http://askbobrankin.com/hard_drive_makes_a_clicking_sound.html said:
(If CHKDSK tries to sell you a cheap Rolex, politely decline the offer.)
My old Hard Drive, which I bought in 2003, started clicking everytime I booted up my computer shortly after I bought it.

It lasted over three more years until someone told me what the actual problem was and I freaked out and refused to use it again. It still works as far as I know, but it's sitting in my Motherboard box in my closet.

If you have the means, I'd backup all of the important data you have and if you're strapped for cash, still use it your current HD.
Thats what I'm gonna be doin, already have stuff backed up so it doesn't mean squat.
Okay, my HD sounded absolutely awful when i went on earlier!

Going to get a new HD, but not sure of what brand etc. Not sure what type of connector i need, will check later, but what will tell me which i need?

Any free utils to back up data?
Okay, my HD sounded absolutely awful when i went on earlier!

Going to get a new HD, but not sure of what brand etc. Not sure what type of connector i need, will check later, but what will tell me which i need?

Any free utils to back up data?

Seagate barracuda Hands down.
Decent ones here for cheap, but better supply your own sata and power cables, cuz they're OEM.
Make sure you leave jumper in for 1.5gb and take it out for 3gb whichever version your mobo supports. The choice is yours. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...05&Submit=ENE&Manufactory=1305&SubCategory=14 You can go with this, or you can with that, but this is where its at.

Good Luck.
*checks it out*
Is SATA the connection? Got no clue on HD's
Jumper 1.5gb...o0
*checks it out*
Is SATA the connection? Got no clue on HD's
Jumper 1.5gb...o0

Yeah, I think most of those Seagate drives are SATA with the option of 1.5/3GB jumper selected. So you will need both SATA and Power cable/converters, because they will only send you the HDD nothing else.

[edit] I'm sorry there are also some ATA100 drives there too so you must read the product specifications before making the decision to purchase.

What's your motherboard spec? Actually I'm going to work now so some one else may help you with it otherwise once I return from work I will search mobo and help you from there on.

OK do this, I will tell you a trick.

Limit the use of this drive until replacement part arrives.
Try to un-encrypt files if they already encrypted.
Once the new drive arrives, make it Master-drive and install OS into that new drive.
Install bad drive as slave-drive.
Once OS is set and everything is ready to go, move old files (Precious files, Porn clips, Humans Vs Animals files) from old/bad drive into new/good drive, BINGO!

Good Luck.