Hard Drive Performance


May 11, 2004
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Ok I was talking to a guy on the bus today who is taking a network administration degree at university and he was telling my about this way to speed up your hard drive.

First of all I have my drives in raid 0 right now but because that offers little or no performance increase I think I am going to seperate them so that I can have one for my games and os and another for my junk.

He was going through the procedure for me but between the 2 hours it took me to get home I forgot most of it. Basically what I remember is he said that I should partition the last 4 gigs of the drive I would be using for my games and os and then set the swap file or page file on that because it is supposed to increase hard drive performance. Now I completly forget the rest becasue there was some tweaks I had to do within windows to get this to work properly so I was wondering if any of you guys have heard about this and have a link to it because I cant find it.

Also I was wondering if I have my os on drive c and then I am loading a game off drive drive d is the performance going to be any different then if I am loading the game off drive c which is the same drive as the os (there on different cables because they are sata). Basically I want to put the games I play more often such as multiplayer games have their levels load faster then my single player games. I also want to partition my extra hard drive that Im not using for the OS so that I have a seperate area for my downloads (to check for viruses). My last question is it possible to have a temproary folder on a different drive then on drive c, so maybee when im using internet explorer sometimes instead of mozilla and I end up getting spyware it is not on my operating system drive but instead on a drive that I can easily clear If I have to.

Thanks for your help
What I usually do, I buy three HDs


I install the page file on the IDE HD and leave the rest of the operating system with all APPS and games on SATA.

your system will gain 20%-40% more performace from this method.

the way to do it is long, requires me to go through it first physicaly then write the steps but I don't have the time,

I am 100% sure you will find it on google,

www.google.com search for page file installation on diffrent HD

good luck m8,
Thanks for the search criteria on google. I didint know what to look it up under but now I do. Anyway I found a couple helpful links. This is what I think I wil do.

First Raptor wil be Drive c and will store all my operating system and multiplayer games.
Second Raptor will be partitioned 5 times. One 3 gig partition for which I can put my page file on, another 3 gig partition to place my page file when Im defragging the first page file, the third partition will be for downloads so I can check for Viruses, Fourth Partition will be for single player games, the fifth partition will be for music/movies .

I hope this will run faster then what I have right now (raid 0) and also be more secure.