Hard Drive Plate Throwing

A few years back I had a few old hdd's and split em apart. Taking the plates out, their true fate was discovered. These plates in windy weather are the most ideal throwing tool (forget frisbie) that I have ever seen, the aerodynamics are such that they are carried up extremely high withing 5 seconds. If anyone has got any video of this could you please link, I need to show others, well short of finding some old hdd's and doing the same.
Wow, sounds cool.. gotta try that sometime :) just gotta be carefull where it lands i guess...
ROFLMAO!!! damn this forum is FREEEKKY
check your post times, those jumping up are being sent the same minute as the one it jumps over.. I tried to explain this last time but the thread got closed before I could. It's nothing harmful, just slow down trying to be the first reply :p
Wow this thread is wierd. Everythings going all funny in it.

Anyway, I remember once after school my computer Science class had a hard drive throwing war. It was so damn fun, those things flew so well and we really had to be careful since they hurt so damn much if you get hit. Sorry no vids though.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Wow this thread is wierd. Everythings going all funny in it.

Anyway, I remember once after school my computer Science class had a hard drive throwing war. It was so damn fun, those things flew so well and we really had to be careful since they hurt so damn much if you get hit. Sorry no vids though.

Good old school vandilism.

Good Times.
Weeeeiiiirrrrd thread dynamics.

HDD platters are probably good for throwing because they combine high density with a fairly low-drag shape...

I remember throwing a boomerang once. It came back and hit me in the shoulder. I didn't throw a boomerang again for ten years.
I seem to remeber some recangular pieces of metal which had a circular hole in the middle that woked really well for throwing. If you threw them right, they could go further than a footbal field (and I was a little too acurate with them) CD's also work great, but most people have to be patient to master the art.
I've actually gotted good at card throwing...but can't say I've tried hard drives...but CD's...especially AOL CD's...they go flying all the time..

What exactly is it that goes further than a football field?
There's 1 (only 1) which I've kept somewhere. I'll see if I can find it. They usually use them when constructing basements.

Plastic lid from a Pringles tube = Best indoor frisbee ever.
You can do a funny thing with cd/dvd readers. just open the driver (so you see everything inside) load a cd... watch it spin up... and then take cover! The cd will be flying out with tremendous force.
Let's turn this into a "Cool Things to Throw" thread.

I just remembered that if you take a plastic milo lid (which I don't really think they make anymore, but any similar lid will do) and bend the sides back, then it makes a great frisbee.

If you want something dangerous, then try finding an indian chakram, which is basically a metal ring with a sharpened edge. Popularised by Xena, Warrior Princess, it's good for beheading people. Not that I'm telling anyone to...
I use to make pens with powerful springs that would shoot small metal balls or sylindrical objects. Some of them required stronger metal pens once I perfected the art. The most damage ever caused was the complete destruction of a TV.
No but i do know how to make a potato gun, quit fun they are...
Re: weerat

Originally posted by weerat
Plastic lid from a Pringles tube = Best indoor frisbee ever.

Or outside. They float like a beauty, great for lobbing them into a crowd!
Best I've ever done with a spring-loaded pen is getting my worst enemy a detention by hitting the teacher in the nose a few years back at school. And also, we had school diaries that had metal rings along one edge. We put them together to make a run of metal rings and launche pens down it. On flew over two desks, knocked over a test tube and got dilute H2So4 acid all over some guy's leg. And he got in trouble for it...
hard disks own for throwing but for real damage try a printer.
Glove Guns can kill. Mods, am I allowed to post the (admittedly rather simple) instructions?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Glove Guns can kill. Mods, am I allowed to post the (admittedly rather simple) instructions?

Mm, okay.
Righto. 's nearly impossible to hit anything accurately anyway:

1. Get rubber glove.

2. Cut off thumb (The rubber glove's, not your own).

3. Get thick cardboard tube of about 2cm diameter, 15 cm length.

4. Attatch rubber thumb securely to one end of the tube. And I mean SECURELY. Use duct tape over rubberbands, for preference.

5. Get ball bearing and place in tube.

6. Pull back end of rubber thumb and let go, possibly killing sibling, passerby, or nearby pet.

7. Hide from cops.

Surprisingly, these things can move a good-sized ball bearing at a VERY high speed. I suggest that no one in a crowded/suburban environment or under the age of 16 tries this.

Delete this post if you want.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Righto. 's nearly impossible to hit anything accurately anyway:

1. Get rubber glove.

2. Cut off thumb (The rubber glove's, not your own).

3. Get thick cardboard tube of about 2cm diameter, 15 cm length.

4. Attatch rubber thumb securely to one end of the tube. And I mean SECURELY. Use duct tape over rubberbands, for preference.

5. Get ball bearing and place in tube.

6. Pull back end of rubber thumb and let go, possibly killing sibling, passerby, or nearby pet.

7. Hide from cops.

Surprisingly, these things can move a good-sized ball bearing at a VERY high speed. I suggest that no one in a crowded/suburban environment or under the age of 16 tries this.

Delete this post if you want.

the damn thumbs keep ripping.... i wanna kill something!!!
You're not using a surgical glove, are you?

I was talking about the washing-up kind :E.
Well, for some reason I thought I double-posted, but I guess when I edited out one of the posts....there was only 1 post. Don't remember what I said originally. I think it was something about when I shot that TV with My Pen-Gun, it was awesome. The class was scarred sh**less, and I slowly reattached the end back on my pen.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
You're not using a surgical glove, are you?

I was talking about the washing-up kind :E.

Washing-up rubber gloves are almost as deadly, especially with plastic tube, damn it hurt when I got hit by one of those weapons when I was young. :p
I was talking about using a washing up glove. I always thought a surgical glove'd be too weak.

If nobody's kills themself using my instructions, I might think about posting the instructions for a Bicarb bomb. Much safer, anyway.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
You're not using a surgical glove, are you?

I was talking about the washing-up kind :E.

oh... :cheese:
maybe now i can kill somw one :devil:
BTW... post the instructions for teh B0mb... time to die, saddam
Well, basically:

1. Get plastic film canister, facial tissue, vinegar and sodium bicarbonate.

2. Half fill canister with vinegar (or other mild acid).

3. Wrap about 2- 2 1/2 teaspoons of bicarb up tightly in the tissue.

4. Stuff bicarb bundle loosely into the neck of the canister so that it sticks there, but falls into the vinegar when canister is shaken.

5. Snap lid onto canister.

6. Shake and throw, or shake, place on ground, and stand back.

Lots of fun to be had. Can be upsized using a tennis ball container, paint tin, or similar, though these can be rather dangerous.

BTW, I will not be held responsible for any accidents or intentional misuse of these instructions ;).
Wow, good thread. Man you do know alot of stuff...
Those kinds of things are all over the Internet.

The "Anarchist's Cookbook" is fun to read... but I'm not going to try any of that stuff.