Hard Sci-fi or Soft?

Which do you prefer, Hard Sci-fi or Soft?

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EDIT - I thought we were talking about movies

I think that most of those 'erytimum transfusing syncronizers' type jargon comes off sounding so fake, even though in the future, there certainly will be shit that I never heard of. Don't really care. Don't try to make things sound real unless you really have a very convincing fabricated jargon dialog section.

I always facepalm when they pull that stuff.

I just want to see huge ****ing ship battles and commanders sitting there giving good orders on how to blow shit up. The little fighter dogfights are sick, but I don't want to get to know "Red leader 2", OK? I already know he is going to die because his name sucks and he is uglier than the other pilot. Just show the ships blowing each other up in huge waves of squadrons in some kind of dramatic fasion

I want to see other planets that actually look like they have landed on some awesome new world to discover - not just somewhere out back in the desert of Holywood California trying to pass it off as a planet similar to Earth.

Sorry if I got a bit overboard... I just watched the Firefly series the other day. /facepalm

I guess that means, soft

...oh, we're talking sci-fi here? Soft, anyway. But it all has to make sense - just because we're not getting super-detailed descriptions doesn't mean the world can be full of useless, unpractical devices that wouldn't really work.
Hard is great to read on all levels, but Soft most of the time has a much better plotline.
That said, read the 'Mars' series by Kim Stanley Robinson - it is one of the most epic Sci-Fi's I've read simply cause it reads more like a History of the Future, one of those cutting edge in your face history books. It just sounds believable.
Skipping the entire thread ^^"


All the way XP.
Personally, after playing Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri [because I am STILL obsessed about this game ._."] I've tried researching. . . everything about it ^^". But it's nice, because the game itself goes into detail =]. Also, I tend to enjoy the lengthy explainations in games, if only, all the other characters never cut them off : P
"ah yes, the HEV Mark V Hazard Suit. . . "
"We don't have time for this!"
Dammit Barney >:l
Personally, after playing Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri [because I am STILL obsessed about this game ._."] I've tried researching. . . everything about it ^^". But it's nice, because the game itself goes into detail =].
Alpha Centauri's tech tree and explanations are awesome - they got a lot of ideas from Sci-fi books and had a researcher devoted to fleshing out the astronomy, physics and biology aspects.
It's probably the most Hard Sci-fi game out there - how many games have an appendix in their manual detailing things like atmospheric composition and planetary statistics?