Hardest/Coolest Boss in a game

See this is why I want operation flashpoint 2 so much!

God damn you make me wana play again!
CyberSh33p said:
the butcher from diablo 1 (to be fair I was probably, what, 8 at the time?)

Haha, I remember playing Diablo Shareware over modem with this guy who lived near me. I'd lure the butcher out with my Warrior and he'd shoot at it with his Rogue :D:D

Single Player I refused to face him alone till I was atleast level 7, I'm such a baby :P
Coolest? Possibly Metroid Prime from the game of the same name... or any of the bosses from the ancient Amiga game Menace.

Hardest? Easy. The Barrax Nova Cruiser from Battle Squadron.

Oh, yeah...

Can't forget the Goosecopter, Megacopter and Supertank from Silkworm...

Interesting, I found him pretty easy, I mean, I think I had about 80HP left and only a couple deaths.

it's all about hoarding the pickups. (Health/sheilds) you control those, and he doesn't stand a chance!
Final Boss in Serious Sam running down the long, long path to the giant Pyramid while blowing away waves of Raging Bulls with your Cannon while the 150ft beast stomping after you.

And all the bosses in Diablo II / Lords of Destruction were interesting and fun to fight.
Without reading this thread im gonna say the nihilanth (or however it's spelled) or then its the emerald and ruby dragons from ff7.
MaxiKana said:
emerald and ruby dragons from ff7.

i never defeated them. I spent 30 minutes on one of them, healing, atacking, healing, attacking... and i never killed it, so i gave up. i may try again sometime -the disc is in a shoubox somwhere :laugh:

i defeated all the other "ultimate" bosses in the FF series tho...

the hardest boss i have EVER done is trying to sneak away without doing my maths homwwork. :laugh: thats REALLY HARD!!! my teacher is like a sniffer dog, nothing gets past him...
Haven't heard anyone yet give some dues to Psycho Mantis. Possibly the coolest boss ever. Hell, in the new version he asked me if I enjoyed Eternal Darkness. :D
do you hav a saved file of eternal darkness?
The Doom 2 End-of-game baddie was pretty cool... it said something that sounded like a satanic language, but if you played it backwards it meant something really funny, but I cant remember what. Oh, and if you turned clipping on and went inside, there was michael jacksons head on a stick. That made me laugh.

If anyones played + completed Need for Speed Underground - the last race on that - features a pretty cool end-of-game baddie :) the opponent turns out to be a rather fine looking woman, its unfortunate the only way to beat her is to knock her car into a tunnel pillar at about 200mph ;( Oh well, thats life.
Metal Gear: Solid (cool factor) all bosses are amazing
just about all the r-type games have amazeing intricate bosses
Starfox 64 (all boses actually)
final fantasy7,8,9 bosses
chrono cross baddies
many more..
Pobz said:
The Doom 2 End-of-game baddie was pretty cool... it said something that sounded like a satanic language, but if you played it backwards it meant something really funny, but I cant remember what. Oh, and if you turned clipping on and went inside, there was michael jacksons head on a stick. That made me laugh.

If anyones played + completed Need for Speed Underground - the last race on that - features a pretty cool end-of-game baddie :) the opponent turns out to be a rather fine looking woman, its unfortunate the only way to beat her is to knock her car into a tunnel pillar at about 200mph ;( Oh well, thats life.
It says something about killing John Romero in Doom II or something.
OMG ITS SOOOO ANNOYING i keep remembering really cool bosses after i posted, then forgetting them again when i go on the PC. MGS bosses rules :D
Pobz said:
The Doom 2 End-of-game baddie was pretty cool... it said something that sounded like a satanic language, but if you played it backwards it meant something really funny, but I cant remember what. Oh, and if you turned clipping on and went inside, there was michael jacksons head on a stick. That made me laugh.

That was John Romero's head on a stick, sorry to burst your bubble.
Seriously? looked like wacko jacko to me, Do they look strikingly familiar?

Well whoever it was, I thought it was funny at the time.

Those were the days, eh. :D
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Metal Gear: Solid (cool factor) all bosses are amazing
just about all the r-type games have amazeing intricate bosses
Starfox 64 (all boses actually)
final fantasy7,8,9 bosses
chrono cross baddies
many more..
the bosses in starfox where soooo godamn cool :D. that was a great game.
MGS Bosses of course

Devil May Cry 1 Bosses

Sephiroth (FF7)

Palmer (FF7 - This was the funniest boss fight in any game to date)
I lauged so hard when he got hit by the truck.

Killing the 10,000,000 life guy in FFX felt like a cool accomplishment to me.

Those Sathanas juggernauts from Freespace 2 were really cool. I thought it was crazy flying around the 6km long Colossus too.
I played Freespace 2 again just last week..and in the end you can escape the supernova. They don't mention anything about you in the ending...and it's pretty much the same..so a little less cooler than I had hoped.

Coolest weapon:

Buster sword - FF7
Diabharo or whatever from Ninja Gaiden (The huge golden one)
While frustrating as hell, It felt so damn good to kill Sam at the end of Mafia. And that cinimatic ending has to be one of the coolest.

Its really frustrating because I know there is one Im forgetting...

while I think...

Xan was awsome

Speaking of Raven Sheild, That Swat game was pretty ahead of its time huh?

One of the best endings to a game ever was being surrounded by the elite georgan gaurd people in Splinter Cell.

ah damn just cant come up with the name or the game :(
I'll always be fond of all the bosses in Super Mario RPG... those were good times, man. :)
Ooh, we doing best weapons, too?

Okay, Ruff's machine pistol. Or Samus Aran's Arm Cannon.

Or a certain Rambogeek's crowbar.
Far Cry has good bosses. Slightly cheap ending, but good bosses.
Let's see, personally it has to be the first and best...Doom 1's SpiderDemon. Then the 3 Duke Nukem 3D bosses - the cutscene where he dropkicks the eyeball is still hilarious, as well as the quotes "i'm gonna rip your head off and..." and who could forget "it's time to kick ass and chew gum...I'm all outta' gum". NOLF2 was a great game, a pretty good ending, with a really classy narrative - intelligent female lead, quite adeptly dealt with tragedy storyline without patronising the player too, which is rare.

Dud endings include Quake 3 and UT2003, both games suffered from opponents with perfect accuracy, the original UT made it more challenging, as you could find flaws in your opponent. Anyway I'm currently playing TOCA2, thankfully there is no Ryan McKane (easily the worst protagonist in any game...ever!), refreshingly your main opponent is a nice guy (at least up till now), there is the stereotypical angry foreigner too, but the plot is lightyears better than the original - the game is amazing too, the handling and sound are spectacular, the physics are great too. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent.

OK, how about this: potential HL2 bosses - a Combine leader of some sort? Or the result of the other scientists' research (mentioned in another thread, there is a story about how there are two ideas of how to resolve the Combine conflict, maybe humans becoming...'different', maybe the resolution to that). ;)
I would just like to mention a boss in Metroid Prime I forgot. Named "Omega Pirate" which is probably one of the most frustrating bosses I've fought in a game.
He was one tough bugger... took me a while to figure out what to do to kill him...
Pobz said:
The Doom 2 End-of-game baddie was pretty cool... it said something that sounded like a satanic language, but if you played it backwards it meant something really funny, but I cant remember what. Oh, and if you turned clipping on and went inside, there was michael jacksons head on a stick. That made me laugh.

If anyones played + completed Need for Speed Underground - the last race on that - features a pretty cool end-of-game baddie :) the opponent turns out to be a rather fine looking woman, its unfortunate the only way to beat her is to knock her car into a tunnel pillar at about 200mph ;( Oh well, thats life.
heh, thats how I win almost every race...I prefer head-on traffic though, that REALLY kills their chances of victory. :D