
Great Grizzly said:
how do you spawn a harpoon? those things rock

Indeed, that would be very fun to play with in gary's mod.

I would also likt to know how one spawns the remnants of a car.
You can spawn a physobject, but I think that just crashes the game... maybe you can spawn it and give it variables or something? I dunno.
you can open the Hammer editor and put one down in a map. Just make sure the impact type is set to "sharp" and not "blunt".
You can't spawn things like that with console commands, only NPCs.

edit: and the vehicles
"sv_cheats 1"
"give weapon_crossbow"
Why does everyone call it a harpoon when it's clearly a crossbow?
crossbow and harpoon isnt the same thing!

crossbow is a weapon

harpoon is an object that can be picked up with the gravity gun
ríomhaire said:
"sv_cheats 1"
"give weapon_crossbow"
Why does everyone call it a harpoon when it's clearly a crossbow?

because tehy are talking about the HARPOON not the CROSSBOW

you didn't even read the thread...
the nice thing about the harpoon is that you can kill your friends with it (recall that you cannot do this with conventional weapons). It is also very useful. Take for instance the second Big Ant Lion in Nova Prospect. If done right, not only you can kill the Ant Lion with one shot but also the 4 or 5 combine soldiers shooting at it!
I hope the next version of Garry's mod had the harpoon in the spawn menu :|
Goethe said:
Blah blah blah
Eerrrr very sorry for the off-topic...

Wow Goethe, nice job on that avatar there, it really brings out your immaturaty.

Stop acting like an arse, please.