Has any other month in your life felt so long?


Sep 14, 2003
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I swear to god, if it wasn't for the HL2 release, September wouldn't feel as long as it has. Seriously, it feels like a year has passed, and I'm waiting for Christmas to come (Sept 30th!). So am I the only person feeling some sort of strange time flux that the ambition for this game is creating? Is there anything I can do to speed up this dimension known as "time"?!
Originally posted by DaveKap
I swear to god, if it wasn't for the HL2 release, September wouldn't feel as long as it has. Seriously, it feels like a year has passed, and I'm waiting for Christmas to come (Sept 30th!). So am I the only person feeling some sort of strange time flux that the ambition for this game is creating? Is there anything I can do to speed up this dimension known as "time"?!

Now if you would have believed in the delay it wouldnt have seemed as long :-P
As any other month in my life felt so long? yes, but you don't want to know : /

You shouldn't have started a thread just for this though.
Actually, this month has gone by rather fast for me. Too fast, in fact... :eek:
"Is there anything I can do to speed up this dimension known as "time"?!" Yes, Drink some beer to the point of getting drunk, time seems to pass by much fast
Your right. But I've been finding other things to do. Taking small road trips, hanging with friends, spending time with my girlfriend, movies, writings, playing guitar. ANything to get my mind off HL2. It will be here soon and we'll all be happy . Just tring to make the time pass.
All I do is play guitar (I'm playing it right now!), CS, and spend time with my girlfriend. Oh, and work. That's how I pass the time.
Originally posted by theGreenBunny
This is the ultimate proof of how time is relative :p
time doenst exist
but what i do to pass the concept of time is play guitar and college
yes, when my mom got several cancer-checks a few years ago. It took the docs nearly a month to find out, it's NOT cancer. That was the longest month in my life.

HL2 is very cool and important, but not the center of the world :)
time is only a word we use to associate the way life trickles slowly down to an innevitable end... second by second. but what is the end? and what are seconds? just words for more associations. I'll try not to get all philosophical here. lol HL2 Roxees mee Boxeees!
all that i know is that time will go very quickly when i get HL2 ^^

and ul FriScho that must have been horrible :(
This months gone fast for me. And while I really want to believe that it's coming out on the 30th, there is a small part of me that is telling myself that it might not make it and not to be too disappointed. Maybe that's why I haven't been waiting for the end of this month as much as others. I guess we'll all find out soon!

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para

You shouldn't have started a thread just for this though.

Let the mods decide and not you ok.
Originally posted by Owskie
time doenst exist

Oh man...

Do you try to think before spouting nonsense, or does it come naturally?
Long week, long month, and long year since my girlfriend left for Spain (1 year exchange)...

Guess my only consolation is that I'll hav plenty of time to play the damn game when it comes out.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Oh man...

Do you try to think before spouting nonsense, or does it come naturally?

i have it naturally... ...... i ... i .... I ... i think :eek:
Sorry for all you guys who took this thread the wrong way, it really wasn't intended to go so far as to make HL2 look like the center of the world.

I guess I should re-instate my question. As far as gaming goes, have you ever felt a wait feel as long as this one?

And I can actually say that I have. When I first heard about/saw Blast Corps. for the N64 it took over a year afterwards for the game to finally release to America. To this day it still is my #1 favorite game of all time.
Time doesn't exist, it's made up by human to organise their lifes.
Longest month for me was when I was told DNF would be out in a month in 1998.... That month still hasn't ended!!! :D
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
As any other month in my life felt so long? yes, but you don't want to know : /

You shouldn't have started a thread just for this though.

I am really starting to get annoyed by all the people telling others that their thread should never be.

First of all leave it to the mods, and second of all I think even the mods are a bit harsh sometimes.

I don't mind them locking and deleting the "delay" threads though, but this was just a funny lighthearted thread about how long this month has felt because of all the waiting and anticipation. And you can't just post that in some other thread either or you risk being blamed for hijacking a thread.

Lighten up guys, and posting a flame only bumps the thread anyway.

Leave it be instead.

"time is running out" Muse

ive been listening to that hardcore for like 15 days now
This like many months have gone by rather quickly, I eagerly anticipate this games release like everyone else but theres plenty of good games to play to keep me occupied until then.
Originally posted by Xenome
Time doesn't exist, it's made up by human to organise their lifes.

In a way time does exist, as a sort of dimension. It has 2 directions but it only travels one way.

If humans did not exist, the universe would still exist and expand, and time would be a part of that. The only difference is that humans would not have quantified it into seconds and minutes etc.

Originally posted by HalfAsleep
In a way time does exist, as a sort of dimension. It has 2 directions but it only travels one way.

If humans did not exist, the universe would still exist and expand, and time would be a part of that. The only difference is that humans would not have quantified it into seconds and minutes etc.


ok do this for me... prove to me right now that we actually exist and we arent all a part of some "real" beings dream,
prove it ;-)
in fact prove to me that the universe actually exists
^ well, duh, that's kind of impossible, so let's just drop all this crap about time, etc.
Originally posted by Owskie
ok do this for me... prove to me right now that we actually exist and we arent all a part of some "real" beings dream,
prove it ;-)
in fact prove to me that the universe actually exists

Existence can be defined as many things. Some people would argue that the self-awareness (pinch your own arm and it hurts kinda thing) is enough to prove that you exist.

Others on the other hand just observe the universe to prove it.

And then again others have been watching too much matrix movies, and think it is a fantasy world contained by other superior beings or machines. :bounce: :cool:

And Owskie, philosophy is not my thing. My professor teaching Artificial Intelligence was also a professor in philosophy. Those classes were challenging to say the least.

Originally posted by HalfAsleep
Existence can be defined as many things. Some people would argue that the self-awareness (pinch your own arm and it hurts kinda thing) is enough to prove that you exist.

Others on the other hand just observe the universe to prove it.

And then again others have been watching too much matrix movies, and think it is a fantasy world contained by other superior beings or machines. :bounce: :cool:

And Owskie, philosophy is not my thing. My professor teaching Artificial Intelligence was also a professor in philosophy. Those classes were challenging to say the least.


Not that I care about this thread being hi-jacked (cuz I really don't) but...

...kinda interesting how somthing so miniscule of a post can turn into such a huge philosophy discussion o.O

This should make time fly by! :bounce:
And of course, in the end all human proof and understanding comes from observation. If you do not even trust your own observations and senses, that what you see and feel is actually real and exists, then you are in real trouble.

June 2003 was the longest month in my life , it was hot like hell in the UK.
lol quoted myself instead of editing my post...hehe sorry fellas.
