Has anyone got the "friends" servers to work?


Ratboy Stoo

Title says it all, Cant seem to get it to work, can't find my friends
Anyone else got it to work?
I found one of my friends. I clicked on his name which sent some sort of request. He tells me he's received nothing though. He also added my name to his friends list but I've had no request for authorization from him. I don't have a clue how this friends thing works!
Every time I connect, it boots me saying the reason is maitanence.
dogboy73 said:
I found one of my friends. I clicked on his name which sent some sort of request. He tells me he's received nothing though. He also added my name to his friends list but I've had no request for authorization from him. I don't have a clue how this friends thing works!
Excellent, that's exactly what I get!
So I suppose that the answer is "No it doesn't work"
Oh well
it's always going down for maintenance, hopefully it will work in a few years. you wouldn't think it would be that hard, it's not like it's a fully featured IM client, no offline messaging, no file transfers. guess it's not a high priority