Has anyone made a gore mod?

Oct 21, 2004
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well? ive looked on most sights and cant find any mods for hl2 that enhance gore....

anyone know of any??
Depending on what you want, it can be very difficult, or take away from the whole game.

If you're just looking for exploding bodies, then what's the point of the ragdolls?

If you want body parts that realistically explode on contact with an explosive, then that could be VERY hard to implement, depending on how accurate you want it to be.
I think he just wants to see alot of blood... in a game...
SixThree said:
I think he just wants to see alot of blood... in a game...

Oh well then that's been done before.

You just mean like, when somebody gets shot, they spray blood everyware?

Oh yeah. You're just not searching hard enough.
I ran a google + hl2files search and came up empty handed.
Hmm, well I know Kaotik_Stalker made one. I'm sure he'd be willing to lend it to you if you asked him kindly.

The one he made was just much larger and more "realistic" looking blood decals. Hell, he got it into CSS.
I dunno if he has released a separate version other than that of the one in Substance..
SixThree said:
I dunno if he has released a separate version other than that of the one in Substance..


I'm pretty sure that he was just auditioning it for substance, and that it isn't exactly IN yet.

Could be wrong though.
Yeah, I'm not sure either... anyways, why don't we let the thread starter do some of the work :)
SixThree said:
Yeah, I'm not sure either... anyways, why don't we let the thread starter do some of the work :)

Haha, good idea :smoking:
:( i was enjoying you two doing all the work and was waiting for a link lol,

yeah im looking for like idk. shoot an arm with a shotgun and the arm comes off... or w/e

and for blood to lash out of a gun wound and leave a trail behind the person who has been shot...

hmmmm there is only one mirror showing now and it works :)

anything like this but for HL2 that people know of?
Speedingorange said:
hmmmm there is only one mirror showing now and it works :)

anything like this but for HL2 that people know of?

This works in CSS.

just installed.... all the files cant seem to work out the rest of his vivd instructions...
I think having limbs that could be blown off in HL2 wouldn't defeat the purpose of ragdolls I think it would make them look even better.

I think A realistic gore/gib mod would be awsome.

I can imagine that alot of work would have to go into making it though.
ive always wanted to see a game where

shoot them in the leg, they go down yet try and shoot you still, shoot them in the right arm with the pistol they drop the gun and pick it up with left... ( blood runing from wound obviously) and try and shoot at you

shoot them in the gut they stumble on and eventually die whilst they stumble about they leave a large trail of blood... whilst shooting at you.
headshot or neck , some areas of chest are kills.

removes a leg when hit, they stumble around on the floor trying to kill you still.
arms come off, but they will try to use the other arm after recovering from the initial shock... of it all

blood gushing out from the wound... they may even clasp it..

gut shot, at long range causes a slow death as above with pistol,

gut shot at short range leaves large hole and paralisasion of lower body, and obvioulsy about 20 seconds before they die.
anNPC with a high stamina may still try and shoot back, whilst one with low will jsut give up and lie there... ragdoll would cause them to be blown back too.

the head would obvioulsy be cleanly removed leaving there body to fall to the ground chest is the same as the gut depending on range.

ragdol could be used fine with this idea, and it would be very realistic, the stamina idea would work well. was every target would take it diferently.
one may run away or hobble away after a shot in the gut... but you would be able to find them as they would move slowly, bleading leaving a trail, and they would slow down as they gradually die. whilst some may slouch over a bit and still try and shoot back till internal bleeding takes its toll on them...

what you think?
that would be awesomeness. It probably involve the same kind of coding that goes into having the headcrab zombies going from normal to cut in half.

Like you'd have to make alternate versions of the same character and under certain circumstances the character's model would be switched to the alternate state i.e. missing an arm, or tripping on intestines, or writhing around on a stumpified leg
if i had the knoledge to do it i would have a go at a mod for it... but it aint gunna happen, i just dont know how to code it all... lol lots of ideas and none of the talent to do anything with them.
Speedingorange said:
hmmmm there is only one mirror showing now and it works :)

anything like this but for HL2 that people know of?

it should work for any hl2 mods
i am suddenly reminded of Soldier of fortune 2's "neck shots" where the npcs would suddenly grab their throats as they bled out all over themselves while making a pathetic gurgle. That would be more awesome in hl2 than a bag full of awesomes

someone get on this right away!!!!
the gore in soldier of fortune was good although i didnt like the fact people died when you blew there leg off... like they died instantly... sooo yeah would have been better if they kept at it for a while...
Most coders aren't sadistic sickoes, which is why a SOF-style gore mod hasn't appeared.
Seriously, you LIKE seeing people in pain?

-Angry Lawyer
So you'd like to see people cry, and bleed to death, while pleading for their lives because they have a wife and kids waiting for them at the end of their service period fighting a war that has nothing to do with their personal views, simply because their leader tells them to invade a country?

-Angry Lawyer
:eek: dude its a game ....

it jsut adds to the depth... + if it was a zombie shooter you can be 30x more brutal lol
But does it add to depth? Seriously, would the game make you think more, or be any more exciting, if you could hurt people in a more realistic way?
The reason violence mods don't tend to pop up very often is because its in bad taste. SOF, Manhunt, and similar games made me sick to my stomach.
Seeing people die super-realisticly isn't big nor clever.

-Angry Lawyer
i hate manhunt, and sof was ok not amaising...

its more of a thing of making the game more intence, or making it harder in the way that you may think somoene is dead / down,,,, but they could easily get back up etc.
People don't get back up when you blow their limbs off.
When shot, people just don't tend to get back up.

-Angry Lawyer
lol this is kinda true... but it is kinda not true also... a removed limb may stop them getting up... but they would try and shoot you still if it was you or them....

[edit] also it works two ways... if you dont want to kill them... pop one in each knee and run lol [/edit]
Speedingorange said:
lol this is kinda true... but it is kinda not true also... a removed limb may stop them getting up... but they would try and shoot you still if it was you or them....

They'd be in shock, and wouldn't be able to raise their gun.

-Angry Lawyer
I see HL2 as more than a game... because it has so many theatrical elements, its like a movie. So many of the greatest movies have gore, violence and sometimes decapitation. Why is wanting it in a game any different?
:D thank you :D thats what i was getting at.... you see people in films get up and run away if they get shot in the shoulder or w/e and sometimes fight on towards you... people even do that in real life... its kinda just a more realistic damage engine, or a way of registering a hit...
Noone wants a gore mod more than me, and I really hope someone will do it. It would be so much better if the ragdolls could be dismembered in smaller pieces, so like if you push a ragdoll of a cliff or something and they hit something sharp, they will lose an arm or so by the force of the impact. Would look great, and no I'm not a psychopath, I just love gory games!
am i sadist? no

am i a realist? yes

its not so much a matter of "i want to see someone explode in a shower of gore because i'm a mean SOB" as much as it its "Hey i hit that guy with a rocket and he's still in 1 piece, what the hell are these rockets made out of!?"
Flyingdebris said:
am i sadist? no

am i a realist? yes

its not so much a matter of "i want to see someone explode in a shower of gore because i'm a mean SOB" as much as it its "Hey i hit that guy with a rocket and he's still in 1 piece, what the hell are these rockets made out of!?"

Is it okay that i want to see someone explode in a shower of gore then the little limbs and the organs be eaten by headhumpers...?:x