Has anyone played the Ninety-Nine Nights demo(XBLM) yet?

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
I hear its up on XBLM, but have heard nothing else about it...anyone play it yet? It looks very pretty but pretty boring in terms of gameplay as well. Hopefully the its deeper than what they have shown us so far, but some first-hand news about the demo would be a great place to start!
Wow I didnt realise it was out. Ill definitely give it a go as soon as i can. Its fri so Ill be on the sceen tonight and tomorrow but ill post my thoughts on it fo sho sun! Looks like alot of fun to me!
I played it early this afternoon. I found it very repetative, the graphics were poor yet still it managed to stagger, even on the intro screen. I know its only a demo but they could at least optimise it properly.

4/10 - could do much better. I won't be buying this game.
I played it early this afternoon. I found it very repetative, the graphics were poor yet still it managed to stagger, even on the intro screen. I know its only a demo but they could at least optimise it properly.

4/10 - could do much better. I won't be buying this game.

That was clear in the videos to me.
I played it early this afternoon. I found it very repetative, the graphics were poor yet still it managed to stagger, even on the intro screen. I know its only a demo but they could at least optimise it properly.

4/10 - could do much better. I won't be buying this game.

Bah, been wanting a well-done Dynasty Warriors clone to chew away the hours with, even if it was a bit (much) repetitive. I shall still be checking out the demo just incase...

Oh, and I hear the framerate issues have been fixed in the final build, but don't hold me to that.
Meh, it was basically what I expected.. so, it's okay and it does what it attempts to do, fairly well.
Once you get past the initial excitement of the thousand-enemies-on-screen factor, it degenerates into a boring, repetitive hack and slash button masher. Also, the voice acting is atrocious, and the graphics are bland.
It's one of those games that's repetitive if you just mash the buttons. As with similar titles, this is about learning the combos, how to link them together, and destroying wave after wave of enemy in a cool way of your choosing. Not my cup of tea, but I can see why some people are into it.
I played Dynasty Warriors for the first time on PS2 and that was a blast going in co-op, making sure we have the right character/weapon/army and we'd separate and tackle different areas to complete it quickly, or team up and so on.

Is there co-op in N3 ?
I'ved played through it about 6 times now. Really enjoying the whole customization aspect of the game with charms & weapons. There's a nice selection of moves, which cuts down on button mashing and it's always fun to land 2000+ combos.

I'd definitely recommend renting it or buying it for $30, but don't buy it at the $50 it'll retail for.
It's one of those games that's repetitive if you just mash the buttons. As with similar titles, this is about learning the combos, how to link them together, and destroying wave after wave of enemy in a cool way of your choosing. Not my cup of tea, but I can see why some people are into it.
No, it's pretty repetitive full stop. Run, run, run, 500 goblins, run, run, goblins, run, trolls and goblins. Repeat. Many of the combos are the same with only tiny differences, and you only end up using about 3-5 different ones because they're the most effective. Also, a major gripe about the game's Japanese release was its lack of save games. If it went down as a gripe in Japan, it's going to be a gamebreaker in the West.
I've read on a few forums how much can be done with the combos. It's also not about usng the most effective moves, but about being as creative as possible. Maybe this just isn't for you?

I haven't spent enough time with the game to judge either way - not really my thang.
Haha, the voice acting was pretty bad, but the gameplay is fun. The character customization is pretty good, and the graphics are good too. I would like for there to be another demo with a different character so that we can see the differences between characters. I'd love to play as the mage chick. If you're a fan of dynasty warrior, then this game is for you. If not, it's still not a bad choice if there's nothing else you'd rather play.