Has my loved forums slipped, and not got back up?

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Jan 7, 2005
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I'm not taking sides here.

I don't think that Hetairia is bad, keeping in contact with a small group of friends. That's normal. But if they wanted to keep in secret, they should have.

And i don't agree with something that is partly dividing our forums. I've seem a few too many threads closed because of the flaming of Hetairia.

I know it will cool down soon.
But for the most part, don't flame Hetairia, it locks threads that could have been good fun for others. Keep in mind that it would be stuipd of the Mods to delete all of the 'spam' or 'flame' posts.

Guys, just keep your ideas to yourself.

I am not defending Hetairia. I have no right to.
I'm just trying to ask you guy to get this place running smoother.

That's my two.
I want a divorce. The dogs are mine, you can have the children. We are so over.
What has happened to our forum? The once nice loving community under Munro's kind regime has changed to a place filled with evil, bloodthirsty imperialist devils.....

The world must be coing to an end......
Do not spread false hope 15357, just smile and bear with it.

There should never have been problem, the thing is, some people just decided to be spiteful and drag the whole affair out into something ridiculous. But now its over. If you don't want flame fests, don't bring it up.
on a more serious note, I think it's the fact that Half life 2 is out and we're not looking forward to anything and the forums are more a less being diverted away and that majority of the life on these forums are the off topic chat where the fighting, craziness, fun stuff goes down and over time things have changed and people have come and gone but that's what time brings. some people can't handle the change and it's resulting in diverting interests as well the whole "let's go do our own thing on a different forum" and along with that goes people who feel left out or possibly offended? but who caressssssss tis just a forum, if they wanna go do their own thing then let them. Welcome to the Interwebs.
Right, im really confused, can someone fill me in, Who is this "Munro" and "hetairia" ... as you know i ain't been here as long as some people and would just like to be filled in as its really confusing me now :s
Here's the bottom line for those of you that are obviously far too dense to understand:

Hetairia have nothing whatsoever to do with the running of these forums. They have no power and no influence.

Any further threads about Hetairia will be closed or deleted without notice

End. Of. Discussion.
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