hated the ending?


Aug 31, 2005
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no im not spoiling the ending for anynoe who didnt beat the game, im just saying the ending ended on a cliff hanger and i cannot wait for Aftermath to come out cuz once it does , its mine what do yall think about the ending?
I loved it, and I think this belongs in Singleplayer better. If you haven't beat it yet and you're posting in a thread called "hated the ending" you should be ashamed.
hey i think the ending was great to , it just makes me think and wonder what happens in the moments after the ending..i love the game and i will never hate the ending it just ends on a cliff hanger and i want to know wtf happends!
yes i did to even tho i should correct the title of this thread from "Hated the Ending"" to "Did you like the ending", cuz i did, i just can wait for aftermath =D
I really liked the ending. It left me hungry for more, but not to the point where I felt unfulfilled. I like that it hinted at just enough to get you thinking (hell, it certainly seems like the fans are enjoying the speculation) and then pulled you out. It really affected me.

Plus... y'know... G-Man. He's a dude.

The only thing I was kind of disappointed with (although this doesn't really relate to the ending as much as the whole story) is that Valve said we'd learn more about the G-Man, but in reality you didn't learn an awful lot. In retrospect though, I like it this way.
yeah it was a really good ending, im just wondering how they gonna coninue onto hl3...
i feel the same way except that i was unfufilled and I NEED MORE aka i need aftermath and im gonna beat HL2 on hard this weekend =d or atleast try. the ending was good but left me wanting more.

It left me wondering and in awe.
my question is, what other way could u end the game besides a cliffhanger knowing that there will be a HL3?
Gabe did say there would be a HL3 before HL2 was released..i believe that was during that release week.

my thoery is that HL2 will be continued with HL: Aftermath and gordan and Alyx will get accquainted and then there will be a HL3 , this is just a guess or theory w/e u want to call it. Or maybe there will be more expansions onto HL2 , only god knows, and it should be that way =D. The game really affects me and gets to me in many ways,
Zaffino said:
my thoery is that HL2 will be continued with HL: Aftermath and gordan and Alyx will get accquainted and then there will be a HL3 , this is just a guess or theory w/e u want to call it. Or maybe there will be more expansions onto HL2 , only gabe knows, and it should be that way =D. The game really affects me and gets to me in many ways,

Much better :p
lol nice is this gabe newell you are refering to , im pretty sure it is he works for valvE correct? and he knows everything about Half Life.
I think Alyx will die in Aftermath, otherwise they'll have her holding HL3 back.
ríomhaire said:
I think Alyx will die in Aftermath, otherwise they'll have her holding HL3 back.

That will make me very sad lol, i dont think they would get make a new character and then just get rid of her, i would think maybe Eli or barney gets killed off or maybe dog, no 1 knows except "Gabe" hey hmm Gabe beings with a G =D Gabe = gabe+man = G-man! but it says that you will see alyx grow and change or something, then her and gordon will be team up in HL3 but who knows except the G-man she better not die or i will be very mad :frown:
I think Alyx will die in Aftermath, otherwise they'll have her holding HL3 back.

I dunno, I doubt it. They like being mean to the player but they don't seem to be mean to their characters. Like Barney, he came back. :D
ríomhaire said:
I think Alyx will die in Aftermath, otherwise they'll have her holding HL3 back.
Doubt it. Hard to die with a robot like dog beside you.
ríomhaire said:
I think Alyx will die in Aftermath, otherwise they'll have her holding HL3 back.

In an old interview Valve confirmed Alyx, Kliener and Barney would return for HL3. I'll go search for it.

sweet, all the originals will return but what about Eli? and im assuming that Aftermath will be the only Expansion for HL besides Lost Coast so will there be a HL3 after Aftermath? or will there be more, and can u link the interview if you find it? it would be really interesting to read , thanks.
I still wish you weren't Gordon. I wish we'll wake up, start downloading/installing aftermath and then the steam console pops up and goes "HAH! WE WERE LIEING TO YOU ALL ALONG! YOU'RE *insert new character name* !
Zaffino said:
sweet, all the originals will return but what about Eli? and im assuming that Aftermath will be the only Expansion for HL besides Lost Coast so will there be a HL3 after Aftermath? or will there be more, and can u link the interview if you find it? it would be really interesting to read , thanks.

It was an old interview, long before Half-life 2's release.

Aftermath will not be the only expansion, Valve will release an expansion every 3 month following Aftermath. Or try.

I don't know about Eli.
VALVe will never kill off key characters any time soon... which is a shame in my opinion, because I feel it can be an extremely good way to drive the story forward. Presently, when you play as Gordon, you feel like a fish bieng swept down a strong river- certainly when I play, I'm just letting the story pull me forwards, especially in the beginning. However if Alyx was to die- that would give you motivation to fight, to make sure her death wasn't in vain, etcetera. Thing is, they wouldn't be able to do it in Aftermath or any of the other subsequent expansions to Half-Life 2, because VALVe are trying as hard as possible to make sure players can pick up the story at any time and not feel confused- and seeing as lots of players might just miss the HL2 expansions - having a major event that you missed would kinda spoil that.
Samon said:
It was an old interview, long before Half-life 2's release.

Aftermath will not be the only expansion, Valve will release an expansion every 3 month following Aftermath. Or try.

I don't know about Eli.

Opposing Force2 :thumbs: :D

Suicide42 said:
Thing is, they wouldn't be able to do it in Aftermath or any of the other subsequent expansions to Half-Life 2, because VALVe are trying as hard as possible to make sure players can pick up the story at any time and not feel confused- and seeing as lots of players might just miss the HL2 expansions - having a major event that you missed would kinda spoil that.

i think Valve need to trust their fanbase and do what they think is right for the HL series.. whether that means events happening in the main games or in expansions.
plus i have noticed quite a few new players to the HL series who have gone back to play the original HL so they could better understand HL2...so i think people who are new and truely interested in the HL series, will go back and play those other games or somehow obtain a better understanding of whats happened.
DeusExMachinia said:
You know what had a great ending?

Opposing Force :D
If only they removed the "they rather remind me of myself" line.
Samon said:
You know what had a shit ending?

Opposing Force :D

No wait -

booo :p
Opposing Force FTW!! :bounce:
i hope Valve make another HL2 expansion and this time bring back Adrian just to quiet u non-believers :p :E
Dr. Freeman said:
booo :p
Opposing Force FTW!! :bounce:
i hope Valve make another HL2 expansion and this time bring back Adrian just to quiet u non-believers :p :E

Hell yes!
Dr. Freeman said:
booo :p
Opposing Force FTW!! :bounce:
i hope Valve make another HL2 expansion and this time bring back Adrian just to quiet u non-believers :p :E

I'd rather have an expansion of what happens if you choose to decline G-Man's offer in the first game.