Hats off to you...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I just messed around in hammer, and I realized how amazing intelligent and talented you mappers are. Even if you could only make a single room with one texture, your amazing. I spent an hour trying to make a single 3d rectangle and couldn't do it. So keep up all the amazing maps you guys are making, and just know your highly appriciated. :cheers:
Umm... Okay. Thank you for recognizing the work we put into our creations.
it's okay. Soon enough you'll be making a single room with texture in all of 2 seconds and wonder how you spent an hour :)
Oh no no I'm not learning. I was simply trying to mess around and say look i made a map. But i made this thread because i had realized all the skill and talent it takes to make maps, and you guys diserve the honor and the credit you should have coming to you for taking the time to make all of our gaming experiences more fun.
If you read the tutuorials and how to's its not as hard as you think.
gokumike said:
If you read the tutuorials and how to's its not as hard as you think.
Yep, surprisingly easy, and WAY too much fun fooling around with it aswell :):):)

Course the hard part is making _good_ maps. I wont even try make a DM map cause I just don't play enough DM to know what works well.
ShinRa said:
Oh no no I'm not learning. I was simply trying to mess around and say look i made a map. But i made this thread because i had realized all the skill and talent it takes to make maps, and you guys diserve the honor and the credit you should have coming to you for taking the time to make all of our gaming experiences more fun.

You should try opening AutoCad for the first time... :smoking:

As with EVERYTHING, it's easy when you know how to do it.
Yeah, you think Hammer is tough to mess with, try opening AutoCad. It might as well be in heiroglyphics, because none of it makes sense.

However, I couldnt even figure out how to make a box in Hammer until my friend told me, so don't feel you're alone.
nice i just messed around untill i could make a room i could spawn into
My first room in Hammer took about 10 minutes, used TWHL's noob tutorials ( www.cariad.co.za/twhl ). You should try to open up a modeling program for the first time, it's so much worse...
I got started pretty easy using ichi's tuts. Then again, i did some mapping for q3. Modelling never seemed horribly compicated to me tho, whoever it was that said that. Yeh, more so than mapping, but then again that was q3 modelling.

As for autocad yeh, that's complicated. You gotta figure tho, it's made for professional engineers ;p They already know what all the heiroglyphics mean. I watch my stepdad using it sometime (he's a PE, designs large metal structures) and it's totaly wild how much friggin stuff it can do.

EDIT: If you want to get started quick, check out Ichi's Tutorials work, he's good and his tuts are user friendly.
Yeah we all started with a box room :) Mine was about 3 to 4 years ago tho for a game called swat3 with worldcraft, so much fun ive been doing it on and off ever since
Audiophile said:
My first room in Hammer took about 10 minutes, used TWHL's noob tutorials ( www.cariad.co.za/twhl ). You should try to open up a modeling program for the first time, it's so much worse...

Done that, and yes its much worse. But Hammer is bad enough for me, cant work out how to get different textures for the floor and walls. :eek:
click the red blue and green brick box symbol on the left hand tool bar, then click the face you wanna apply the texture to in the window that says "camera" in the corner (or select an object in another window). You'll see a window pop up with your current texture in the bottom left. Next to the pic of that texture you should see a browse button. Pick that, look for a new texture, double click and it'll take youb ack to the texture window. Then just click apply.