Have a question... ?

Oct 3, 2004
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I just picked up the guide. After reading in another thread how the game ends I decided to take a look through it.
If anyone without the guide has any specific questions feel free to ask and I'll let you know what's up.
What is the full list of weapons, not sure if somebody missed some out on another thread
What is the full list of weapons, not sure if somebody missed some out on another thread

9mm Pistol
.357 Magnum
Submachine Gun
12-Gauge Shotgun
Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator
Zero Point Energy Gravity Gun (organic manipulator)
Fragmentation Grenade
Rocket-Propeled Grenade Launcher
You can also pick things up before you get the manipulator and toss them at enemies to do a small amount of damage.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
I just picked up the guide. After reading in another thread how the game ends I decided to take a look through it.
If anyone without the guide has any specific questions feel free to ask and I'll let you know what's up.

Hmm...was that other thread by that asshole who posted it in the General HL2 Forum without any spoiler tag on it? If so, could you tell me if that's true or not?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Hmm...was that other thread by that asshole who posted it in the General HL2 Forum without any spoiler tag on it? If so, could you tell me if that's true or not?
Are you sure you want to know?
I just caught a quick glimpse by hovering my mouse over it, when I clicked the link the mods had deleted the thread. If you'd like to know the ending...


Alyx, as an explosion is forming over head: "Come on, Gordon! We've got to get out of here! maybe we still have ..."
Alyx stops talking. Fireball freezes a second before engulfing you. I don't believe Alyx dies.
G-Man appears: "...time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arriverd."
He speaks about recieving "interesting offers for your services."
Everything goes black, except the G-Man, who continues talking.
"In the meantime... this is where I get off."
He walks through a white doorway.
Fade to black.
This is taken essentially word for word from the guides I've shortened it a bit.

Regarding Samon's PMs:
What happens to dr breen, how does he die?
-Breen tries to escape in a Gunship, you blow it up.

How do you get into the citadel?
-You walk in through a "back door" of sorts, take a pod through the Citadel and eventually find an elevator that takes you up. Nice view, too.

what happens to eli and mossman?
-Guide's not exactly clear about this, I think Eli dies from a blast from a Gravity Gun held by Breen. Mossman and Alyx appear to be fine in the screenshot.
14 chapters right? what average time to complete each do you think?
Yeah 14.
I honestly couldn't tell you how long I think they are, I'm not reading through it word for word, just glancing and reading interesting things.
okay no prob, was just curious would it be a short or long game, hoping for the latter.
Yeah me too.
I will say that from Chapter 12 on, it looks like you're in the middle of a war zone.
From what I can tell from the screens, it looks like you'll be battling it out pretty intensely until the confrontation with Breen in the Citadel.
No. no its not, its:

Eli's lab, which is in an old hydro power plant, that is just its name
bliink said:
Is Ch 5 really what i think it is?
Actually, I think Black Mesa East is just a nick name Eli gave to his "headquarters." I believe it's because they're still doing many teleportation experiments, similar to those at Black Mesa
awww damn... ok.. now i'm hoping for the expansions :p
More questions from Samon:

The combine portal, it is in nova prospekt right?
-Not sure. The Combine have turned the place into a prison of sorts where they torture and kill.

whats nova look like in the screens?
-Remember the video that showed the player using the pheremones? That was Nove Prospekt... very prison-like

in the chapter benefactory, is that some sort of factory?
-Yes and no. More of a play on words (benefactor and factory), not the name of the actual place. As you're travelling through the Citadel, you get a tour of what looks like a factory, where they turn scientists into Stalkers; lobotomized slaves who perform menial tasks

And finally, DOG, i hope he survives right?
-I think so, he makes a hole in the Citadel wall for you to go through and that's the last you see of him.
Does this not infringe on copyrights?

You are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours by posting these spoilers, no matter how usefull you feel or how cool you deem yourself to be. This is just an ego trip.
clagg said:
Does this not infringe on copyrights?

You are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours by posting these spoilers, no matter how usefull you feel or how cool you deem yourself to be. This is just an ego trip.

Negatory on copyrights.

And how in hell is this an ego trip? I think it's rather interesting and useful...he's answering peoples questions, how is he not doing anyone any favours? That makes no sense. :|
Ego trip? Yes... love me, I bought a book...
Actually I see people posting questions on here all the time so I thought I'd do those who care a favour and supply answers to their questions.
No need to throw a fit...

And if you knew anything about copyrights, you'd realize that when giving credit where it's due, and only using portions of the book to use for quotes and not reproducing the entire thing, this infringes on nothing.
A couple questions...

Do you still get the manipulator when at Eli's? Or is it earlier now? I remember reading at Gamespot that they made it earlier when you get it

Could you give a basic description of the setting of each chapter? I'd like to see if it matches up to my predictions, just one sentence or something will be ok. So far, I think it's:

1. City 17
2. More City 17?
3. Canals
4. Canals
5. Eli's lab
6. Ravenholm
7. Coastline
8. More Coastline?
9. Prison
10. City 17
11. More City 17...
12. More City 17...heh...
13. Citadel
14. Citadel

I'd just like a bit more context added to it, more specific, if you don't mind of course. I don't want too many plot specifics spoiled though, if that's possible. :)
MetaKnight said:
I'm getting kinda worried but..

There's no final boss?

I remember Merc playtested the game a while back and said that there's a final boss
KagePrototype said:
A couple questions...

Do you still get the manipulator when at Eli's? Or is it earlier now? I remember reading at Gamespot that they made it earlier when you get it

Could you give a basic description of the setting of each chapter? I'd like to see if it matches up to my predictions, just one sentence or something will be ok. So far, I think it's:

1. City 17
2. More City 17?
3. Canals
4. Canals
5. Eli's lab
6. Ravenholm
7. Coastline
8. More Coastline?
9. Prison
10. City 17
11. More City 17...
12. More City 17...heh...
13. Citadel
14. Citadel

I'd just like a bit more context added to it, more specific, if you don't mind of course. I don't want too many plot specifics spoiled though, if that's possible. :)
Haha that seems like a lot of work. There's really not a whole lot that I hadn't seen before the guide, besides the interior of the Citadel. One day left! You'll see then.
And you don't get the manipulator any earlier.
I haven't looked forward to something this much since I was little waiting for Christmas. My girlfriend thinks I'm the biggest loser because we'll be walking around and I'll randomly be like "One more day!" It's funny.
But I showed her all the videos and even she thinks it looks really cool.
You don't see DOG after he blows the hole into the Citadel for you? Well that sucks...
So does the game end with G-man saying

The Right man in the Wrong Place can make all the Difference in the World. I will see you up ahead.

That always seemed like good cliffhanger writing or is this at the start of the game. I though it could have been ending because of what you see in his face, the citadel rearranging itself like it does.
In that part with the gman, the citadel isnt re assembling itself...that is a factory with pods. And no he doesnt say that
A question...

What happens at Ravenholm?


What happens to Dr Klein?
I will try and answer them for you...

Ravenholm is a small mining town outside of City 17, several city 17 refugees fled there and then the combine bombarded the place with headcrab droppods and the entire place became overrun with zombies. You flee there to escape from the combine, who attack Eli's lab in the powerplant, when you get there you are helped by the only survivor...Father gregory who has boobytrapped the place...suffice to say he has gone slightly mad

And dr kliener...

He survives. When you return to his lab, he tells you the resistance is no longer a secret and they are pushing baqck the combien forces. Alyx then puts kliener in a safe place...i think
Thank's for answering my questions... I got a few more( If that's okay? )

Does the Father die in Ravenholm, and do you meet a boss there?

Who or what is the final boss?

Yes, I like getting spoiled, but it makes me want to play the game more! :E :D ;)
Questions not a problem :D

No, i dont think father gregori dies there. And no, there isnt a boss in ravenholm

And as to the final boss...

The final boss in the game is dr breen, but you dont fight him as such, you merely have to stop him teleporting and escapign to the combine universe by destroying the citadels dark fusion reactor.

Any more you wish to ask?
Thanks yet again! You're really helpful to me... One thing I've been very curious about is...

What are the Combine? And what is their purpose? Why are the aliens there? What is THEIR purpose?

Ok, maybe alot of things but... oh well... Cheers! :cheers:
In reply to metaknights post...

I dont think the striders are bosses either...so i guess that means there arnt any bosses in half life 2....errmm....best ask ionize on that one becaus he has the strat guide


The combine are alien yes. They were attracted to earth by the dimensional rift casued at black Mesa. They then began a full scale invasion of earth (which was also overrun by xen aliens) we fought them off in 7 hours of war, however near the end of that it was clear that the human race was about to face extinction. So Dr breen, former head of black mesa formed a surrender of earth, and the combine rewarded him with power. The surviving population of earth were ushered into cities..as the suburbs and the rest of the world was overrun with aliens..i.e the coast of city 17 is a breedign ground for ant lions. The combine are abosrbing the planets resources, the water in the sea and everything else..taking it all. But why they are doing this is unknown...(also the metrocops are traitorous humans working for breen in order to get a decent meal, the soldier ones however are combine tech fused humans)

Wow that combine stuff is really interesting ^^

Can't wait to play the game and get to know the rest of the story.
Geez, I have the guide and I didn't even know all that.
I'm not going to post any more spoilers, I've probably done enough damage already.
It comes out tomorrow!
Is everyone waiting up/getting up early to play it as soon as possible?
Here in Toronto it's out at 4am, so I'm getting up at 5, giving me about an hour play time before I have to get ready to leave for class at 6.30. Then I'll be home by 12 to play the rest of the day.
I live in the UK, i have to wait until i coem back from school to play it...most annoying