have any of you ever..

Aug 10, 2006
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got so involved in the game you find yourself talking to the screen? I do (sad, I know) its because Gordon doesnt speak, and the game is so immersive I find myself talking to the screen as if I am him. sad as it sounds, it makes the game ten times better, because you feel so much like you're in the warzone.

I keep telling alyx to shut up :cheese: (in a friendly way though;) )
Sometimes I would hear rebels shout "I got one haha!" and I would say to myself STFU yeah, I got 9! ...

Yeah, rebels "dibs on the suit"
Me "I'm still alvie"
Or "I can still hear you"
Yes. In Episode 1 I told Alyx to shut the hell up out loud. I also think orders at rebels when I press C.
I either say "Shut up" or "Piss off". Especially to rebels.
Actually Ill admit, at one stage when first playing through Half-Life 2, some rebels came in and stupidly said 'we are looking to join you Dr. Freeman' so i told to **** off, Mesh gave the same reaction to them at that exact same spot on Mesh does HL2 which made me laugh
I call the rebels dumbshits when they go and die in the many stupid ways they know how.
Usually "WTF YOU LAGGING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" and "OOOOOOMMMMGGGGGGGG HOW CAN THAT BE?!??!?!" and "AAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHhhhhhh" while I play css. Nothing more really. Be glad I don't use teamspeak that often.
Usually "Mount this bitch" *shotgun blasts* "God damn skull****ers......" and in tight situations "AW HAYLE NAW give me a break!".
I do it in every single game I play. :P

Most of the time when playing games online like BF2, CS:S, whatever it is, getting extremely pissed off at getting killed. But in the single player games I comment on stuff, whether it's expressing my feelings towards HL2/EP1's storyline, letting out a quiet "Whoa..." after seeing the scenery of Just Cause for the first time, or screaming like a girl when I played Doom 3. :P
Not really.

By the way, first post (5000+) of mine in this thread.
every time! I'll be sit'n around and I'll cap some on in the face and be like " Got ya bitch! and you thought you could own me... well now your a corps and im not so f**k you! ". I yell that rebels too, im always screaming " Get the F**k out of the way! " cuz there always in the way and never move! Also on that part right before ( or maybe right after, i dont remember ) red letter day when Alyx jumps over that hand rail then you go through the soda machine into Dr. kliners lab, i said " was it really necessary to jump over the railing? you couldnt just walk around and use the damn steps!?"
I just laugh. That's all I do. I laugh like a llama on steroids.
All the time. In HL2 I played through speaking as Gordon.

In multiplayer games I always talk at the screen. Usually taunts or random stuff though, not talking as if I was actually there.
O rly? I'm gonna try it out...Psychological gameplay, yummy...:D
yeah I pretty much always talk like im gordon. im very conversational with most of the people. when alyx says hes a man of few words I said "bitch! I've been talking for like five minutes here!"
I Get mad at the rebels when they give out were I am and start shooting I like to kill the combine silently and one by one AND THEY ATTACK. I also get mad when they get in my way like when I was battleing a strider on that mostly destroyed building were you have little room to move and it fired its one shot kill beam at me and the stupid rebel would not let me pass. You can guess what happend boom bbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep I really yelled at them I don't like them. I like sending them into the line of fire and get them selfs killed.
Sometimes in the Kanals or wherever, I like to spawn rebels whenever I come across Barnacles and watch them get devoured. And in the Nova Prospekt area, I'll say "Dance puppets, DANCE!" and "FETCH BOY! No bad Andy BAD! Put him down! *Combine death sound*" when controlling the Antlions.
somtimes i talk to screen like: "Kurva, už zase tí kokoti combini!!!"
(that means b**ch, f***ing combines!!! once again!!!)
I just do the nodding and shaking the camera thing. Like in the HL2SpeedRun.
Hahaha this would be quite funny to see. I don't speak myself, all my dialogue's internal. I do hear my brother in the other room screaming profanities at rebels dancing in front of snipers and such though... they really don't want to stay alive, those guys.
I only talked once, when Dr. Breen was trying to tell me stuff in Dark Energy. Dr. Breen sounded like he knew the truth about the Gman and stuff, and was about to tell me everything, so when Judith stopped him I was all "Judith PLEASE! The men are trying to talk here!"
Every time I see the thread title, that damn Offspring song starts playing in my head.
I told a couple of people to shut up.
I do it either mentally, or actually say it out loud. I try to nod too. But of course, when in battle, I can't help but hesitate to say something about the nasty Combine, zombie, whatever. :P
I hate the rebels they get in my way. They attack with out me telling them to and half the time I try to sneak up on the enemys and snipe them. I like to use them as shooting targets I send them out they get killed. I had one get in my way when I was fighting the strider on that mostly destoyed building I would yell at the screen MOVE MOVE YOU PIECE OF CRAp and they don't. Then the strider fires the one shot kill and its boom bbbeeeeeeeeeeeeppp dead. But they won't move I yell at them alot. and I yell at enemys alot once ther dead.
woops how did I do that twice I guess it went though before ingore what I said before never mind about the post below.
I Get mad at the rebels when they give out were I am and start shooting I like to kill the combine silently and one by one AND THEY ATTACK. I also get mad when they get in my way like when I was battleing a strider on that mostly destroyed building were you have little room to move and it fired its one shot kill beam at me and the stupid rebel would not let me pass. You can guess what happend boom bbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep I really yelled at them I don't like them. I like sending them into the line of fire and get them selfs killed.

I got hit myself. but instead of dying the singularity cannon actually knocked me flying out of the building with about 6 health, and I watched my rebels get disintegrated as I flew, and in RL I was shouting NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*rofl* Yeah, once in ep1, during the scene were you ride the elevator with alyx and debris is falling onto you and you gotta shoot it all away with the gravgun, I somehow lost grip and fell off, with maybe ten hp, falling off the elevator, but luckily falling onto one of those circular gangways encircling the shaft, emerging from the walls around, and I was like 'shit, I'm gonna die' first, when I was in freefall, but then I touched the walls a few meters forth below and stood there ' woah, that's good luck. I'm almost dead, and the combine's after us, but I'm alive!' and then just had to wait for the lift to pass me, jumping onto it, returning to safety and Alyx ;)
*rofl* Yeah, once in ep1, during the scene were you ride the elevator with alyx and debris is falling onto you and you gotta shoot it all away with the gravgun, I somehow lost grip and fell off, with maybe ten hp, falling off the elevator, but luckily falling onto one of those circular gangways encircling the shaft, emerging from the walls around, and I was like 'shit, I'm gonna die' first, when I was in freefall, but then I touched the walls a few meters forth below and stood there ' woah, that's good luck. I'm almost dead, and the combine's after us, but I'm alive!' and then just had to wait for the lift to pass me, jumping onto it, returning to safety and Alyx ;)

Woow...Sounds like a great gaming moment to me :bounce:
I usally utter a stream of curses to the combine when they kill to me. And to the rebels to get out my way
I tried out what it might sound like, if Gordon talked to Alyx, or rather replied to her, just trying to figure out wether all the dialogues (rather monologues, with Gordon remaining silent XD) do even make sense...Cause while talking to someone you usually have some sort of awareness that the other one might actually answer. But Freeman doesn't do so, so...;P
Heh, I don't talk to the game, and don't often think about what I'm doing too much... just general thoughts of "ooh, headcrabs! fun! kill! DIE B**CHES!" and "hahaha, screaming zombies on fire are so funny."
Or to Rebels, "hey, meat shield. go over there and die." or "hey medic, heal me up." or "hey, bullet magnet. get the @#%^ out of my way or I'll kill you before the Combine does."

Most often though I just simply have a sardonic grin as I slice zombies in half or set them on fire, and mow down Combine... or a raised eyebrow as I think "wtf?" when something stupid happens.
Lol, yep but only in Dark Messiah. My sadistic kicks normally result in an "OUCH! THAT'S GOTTA HURT!" moment.