Have u had yur wisdom teeth taken out?


Sep 16, 2003
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i just had mine taken out today. It was the weirdest thing. They took 4 out and the teeth were still under my gums so my mouth is kinda sore as u can imagine. They piled on the drugs for me to take too hehe. Some penicillin, pain killers, and anti-swelling. MMMMmmm all the good stuff. They put me out for the surgery by putting an IV in my arm and like instantly the ceiling became blurry and the sound of the doctor and nurse talking sounded like they were getting further and further away. It was exactly like u see in movies haha. I actually thought that part was cool. But when i woke up my mouth was so dry. Worst feeling ever. This is kinda nasty but my tongue was so dry blood managed to dry and cake on it. Sorry for the visuals, but i dont have any threads to reply to and i'm bored hehe. :naughty:
JonTheCanuck said:
i just had mine taken out today. It was the weirdest thing. They took 4 out and the teeth were still under my gums so my mouth is kinda sore as u can imagine. They piled on the drugs for me to take too hehe. Some penicillin, pain killers, and anti-swelling. MMMMmmm all the good stuff. They put me out for the surgery by putting an IV in my arm and like instantly the ceiling became blurry and the sound of the doctor and nurse talking sounded like they were getting further and further away. It was exactly like u see in movies haha. I actually thought that part was cool. But when i woke up my mouth was so dry. Worst feeling ever. This is kinda nasty but my tongue was so dry blood managed to dry and cake on it. Sorry for the visuals, but i dont have any threads to reply to and i'm bored hehe. :naughty:

ok ewwwwwwwww caked tounge blood

but haha sounds liek fun pain killers and anistetic. my dad just got surgery and was all lhigh on the phone in recovery tellin me jokes n stuff

anyways how is it now?? does your mouth feel funny??
it did, it feels weird cause theres dissolvable stiches in there and they taste nasty haha. But until a few hours ago my mouth was numb all day. My whole lower jaw and chin was too. The doctor said if a nerve was pinched accidentally my lower jaw could go numb for weeks and possibly ...months haha. I was like wtf? hehe that would've sucked.
Hmm, might have to get mine out soon, my top ones are already outta the skin, the lower ones are still beneath. :(
I was supposed to have mine out a few months ago, but I never made the appointment :)

I need to get them out sometime soon, probably January. My upper-right tooth is making its way out of the gumline, horribly sore up there at times.
I scheduled to have mine removed in early January of 2004. The dryness I can relate to though. Having my tonsels out (many years ago) I remember how dry my mouth was, not to mention all the blood that went down my throat :/
morient said:
I scheduled to have mine removed in early January of 2004. The dryness I can relate to though. Having my tonsels out (many years ago) I remember how dry my mouth was, not to mention all the blood that went down my throat :/

i know what u mean. I started feeling sick from all the blood i swallowed. When i looked in the mirror it looked like in a movie when somebody gets shot in the stomach.
SpuD said:
Why do you need to take them out?

they're the very back teeth and they were growing in at 90 degrees and 75 degrees, no exageration. So if i left them to grow, they'd just push all my lower teeth forward into a big jumbly mess. It would've cause huge problems
Damn minumim length. I cant make 3 letter posts anymore. =(
They aren't really causing a problem yet for me, but my dentist suggested that I get them taken out before problems start.
I haven't taken mine out yet, im 16 by the way... Im gonna have to see a dentist sometime soon because i THINK ive got a hole in one of my teeth.
16. You have wisdom teeth at 16? Thats pretty rare. Its doubtful i will have to have mine out, i have very straight teeth :)
Well i dunno if i have any, a dentist told me some ~4 years ago, can't quit remember that i would start to get my wisdom teeth at about this age.
Well, its different for everyone i suppose. But i know that most dont get them until adulthood really.
Strange, mine came out at 14. And why remove them? I'm 19 and and still have them.
I suppose if they grown funny then obviosuly they should be removed. But some people were talking like it is normal just to pull em out no matter what.
JonTheCanuck said:
they're the very back teeth and they were growing in at 90 degrees and 75 degrees, no exageration. So if i left them to grow, they'd just push all my lower teeth forward into a big jumbly mess. It would've cause huge problems

same thing happened to me..... i got mine out when i was 15(5 years ago)
16. You have wisdom teeth at 16? Thats pretty rare. Its doubtful i will have to have mine out, i have very straight teeth
im 16 ;) my top ones are almost halfway out, no skin over them anymore, my bottom right is half out of the skin, and my bottom left is just coming out now, causing a bit of pain, usually when i eat cause i use that side to eat.
JonTheCanuck said:
i just had mine taken out today. It was the weirdest thing. They took 4 out and the teeth were still under my gums so my mouth is kinda sore as u can imagine. They piled on the drugs for me to take too hehe. Some penicillin, pain killers, and anti-swelling. MMMMmmm all the good stuff. They put me out for the surgery by putting an IV in my arm and like instantly the ceiling became blurry and the sound of the doctor and nurse talking sounded like they were getting further and further away. It was exactly like u see in movies haha. I actually thought that part was cool. But when i woke up my mouth was so dry. Worst feeling ever. This is kinda nasty but my tongue was so dry blood managed to dry and cake on it. Sorry for the visuals, but i dont have any threads to reply to and i'm bored hehe. :naughty:

The same thing happened to me when I was 15.
I had to get all four of them "cut" out.
The coolest part was the wheelchair ride to the car. :)
GhostValkyrie said:
The same thing happened to me when I was 15.
I had to get all four of them "cut" out.
The coolest part was the wheelchair ride to the car. :)

i had some pretty nurses carry me to the car :naughty:

when i first stood after being woken up, i thought i could walk.....i fell right over into a table.... :angel:
I had 'em taken out like 6-8 months ago. Wasn't that horrible of an experience actually. Nowhere near as bad as everyone says it is, trust me.

One thing that scared me shitless... 1 out of every 1,000 people that get their wisdom teeth taken out end up getting permanent feeling / sensation loss in the jaw (lower, upper, or both)!!!!!1 :eek:

EDIT - I got it done young, I was only 15 when I got it done :).
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well, its different for everyone i suppose. But i know that most dont get them until adulthood really.

Yeah... odd how it's different for EVERYBODY.

:sniper: ,'GENETICS',''','.',',',___

/Blood ;)
I had my wisdom teeth removed a while ago. I actually had 6 teeth removed at once that time. I pretended it didn't bug me afterwards but man, having 6 bleeding holes in your mouth is a bitch.
Yeah i had 5 teeth taken out years ago. They must have been baby teeth because i have a full set now. Although, they were the same size as the rest of my teeth. Anyway, having so many holes in your gum is weird, because when it starts to heal, it almost still feels like its just filled with blood when in fact there is a layer of skin forming.
I'm 30 and I still don't have all my wisdom teeth :p As it looks now, the ones that I have are ok, so no novocaine and hack/slash/pull for me. (which is bad cuz I like the female dentist assistant, VERY tight uniform around those eh... well ya prolly get it.

My brother had them taken out though, and the day after his cheek looked like half a football and he had to eat jelly/custard for a week... I guess it was funnier for me than for him