Have you ever felt like you are living in a bubble?

Crazy Horse

Jul 14, 2006
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Sometimes this is what life feels like to me. The technological world that we live in feels extremely restrictive at times. Any thoughts?
When I don't get out of the house at least once a day, I do tend to feel restricted. But luckily the landscapes are pretty green here (outside that is).
I have four media sources in the ticker on the bottom of my screen, four daily newsletters in my inbox, roughly four forums that I can read without getting pissed off, two regular paper newsletters, three populous IRC channels, a bookshelf full of tomes that I have yet to open, and the whole of Wikipedia.

Nope. Can't say that I feel bubbled in at all.
I don't really feel like i'm in a bubble, unless it's the school holidays and I haven't done anything with friends in weeks. :<
Less of a bubble and more of a cycle to me. I finally understand why people say time flies when you don't pay attention. Every week for the past 5 has been the same as the others and it's messing with my mind. Can't wait until I gain enough courage to actually move out and do something with myself.
Life is a huge circle, at the beginning of a new week I'm just like shit I've been here before. Well here it goes again... sonuvabitch.
Relax greatgat... do the i love kitties thing again...

Bubble? Never... I usaully go out by myself and meet my friends
Kinda, but then I see people like this and feel better about myself.


(Oh, Yoshimi! I know you won't let those robots defeat me!)
I only feel restricted by a lack of funding and servants.
Sometimes this is what life feels like to me. The technological world that we live in feels extremely restrictive at times. Any thoughts?

Yes. Get out of the bubble. Crash your car! Talk to friends! Masterbate in public. That'll wake you up -- or start many'a'circle jerk!


EDIT: I just finished major exams, so wahahaha!