Have you given away HL2 and EP1 yet?

Have you given away your copy of HL2 and/or EP1 yet?

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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
If you bought the Orange Box if you already had HL2 and/or EP1, you can give one copy away. Have you lot dont this yet?
I gave them to my friend Matt to get him interested in Source games, he later bought TF2 which he plays sometimes but not alot :P
i originally bought the orange box on the 360 because my PC couldn't handle it at the time. then this past summer i updated and got TF2 on steam for $9.99 and I love it more than the 360's version. I may buy Ep 2 but thats enough for me. if its $5 in the future I'd buy it for my nephew when he gets to be around 10-11 yrs old
I have HL2 but none of my friends seem to be interested in playing it.
I have 3 Steam accounts, one I buy games through to support Valve, one I use for this community and another I registered my original copy of Halflife Generations on & Halflife 2 retail.

I didn't need this anymore so I gave it away free to a friend who since got addicted, and bought Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Portal / Team Fortress 2 / Left 4 Dead & Bioshock through Steam. Not my fault!
Yup, I gave them to a friend of mine who loved them, and even though she sucks at them, it did get her interested in VALVe games and she's now hooked on L4D.
I gave HL2 to a friend who insisted it would work on his crappy integrated intel graphics card. He's playing it fine, but I told him he cant have Episode One cause he wont have a flashlight.
I still have my copy of the Orange Box. I talked my friends into buying it, but found out they only like all-out shooters like CoD. At least they love L4D.
Everyone I know has a crap laptop which they never use for playing games.
Nope, still got my copies. Everyone I know already has them or wouldn't really play them.
If someone has EP1, I would love to have it. :p
Bought HL2 a week ago. I'm in the beginning of Sandtraps atm. and I have fell in love with the game.
Is EP1 alot scarier then HL2?
I gave away my HL2 for PC, then years later picked up the Orange Box for 360. Cool story, huh?
I gave EP1 to a good friend of mine who didn't have it yet, but I still have HL2.
monkey u trying to get a free game? lol
i want to play threw half life series but i dont have hl2, or hl2 ep 1 :(
monkey u trying to get a free game? lol
i want to play threw half life series but i dont have hl2, or hl2 ep 1 :(

Haha. Wut.

I gave mine away to someone who kept pestering me for it and I can't for the life of me remember who it was. In hindsight should have kept them as a birthday present for my mate.