Have you moved on?

Have you moved on, and forget of Half-Life 2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 30.4%
  • No, This game will rock no matter what!

    Votes: 80 69.6%

  • Total voters
yep, pretty much.... at least I really dont care when its released anymore.
Hell Im taking my Pre-order money back, and putting it towards my airsoft gear sometime this weekend.

that doesnt mean I wont buy the game when it comes out, I probably will... but I in no way am excited or looking forward to it in any respect.
not just HL2 though, Im not looking forward to any new games that are coming out, anymore.
meh, I just dont spend the time I used to (neither do I care to) on the computer anymore.
I haven't moved on, i've been praying every night that i'll live to see HL², now that i'm so close, i wont give up!
This game should have been out monthes ago, Two Long delays accured. And everybody thought that this will be game of the year. Heck, with this ****ed up release date. This game mayonly be Game of the Year 2005. Im just saying that because of the delays less people are waiting for this game. To tell you the truth, If Half-Life 2 did'nt come out. Id be happier, then more people would join other game communitys.
I mean the they make us so exited, and then delay the game several times. It would be better if the game was'nt anounced
They have only delayed it once Jezuz, but i suppose your right if people weren't given a release date they could only complain that there is no release date and not that the game has been delayed.
But they would still complain. People LOVE to complain. It would be just boring if there was nothing to complain about... I bet suicide rates would sky-rocket. Oh yeah, I love to complain about people complaining.
HL2 has lost some of its appeal to me but far from much. I refuse to let go :) Too good memories from number 1 obviously!
No I have not let it go, "This game will rock no matter what"! :)