"Have you raped a baby?"


May 5, 2004
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more looney scientology celebrities saying foam at the mouth batshit insane statements:

TMZ said:
Indie film director John Roecker tells TMZ he was walking to his car with a female friend in LA's trendy Los Feliz neighborhood last Sunday when he was approached by a shirtless man and a tall blonde. "Hey, man, you're making fun of my religion," said the stranger angrily.

Roecker quickly recognized the couple as actor Bodhi Elfman and his wife, 'Dharma and Greg' star Jenna Elfman. Mr. Elfman's ire was apparently drawn by Roecker's self-made t-shirt, which had a picture of Tom Cruise on the front under the caption "Scientology is Gay!" and a 'Stayin'-Alive'-era John Travolta on the back with the words "Very Gay!"

According to Roecker, whose encounter was first reported on LA's KROQ-FM's Kevin and Bean Show, the invective started to fly after he made several references to Scientology theology and its reported central tenent, the story of Xenu.

Roecker says Jenna repeatedly said "What crimes have you committed?" and began screaming at Roecker, "Have you raped a baby?" as motorists on Los Feliz Boulevard drove by in snarled traffic.

Roecker says it appears that Bodhi Elfman prepared to take a swing at him, but thought against it.

Bizarrely, Roecker also says that the Elfmans had a young, twenty-something male companion with them whom they continually instructed to move away and cover his ears whenever references to Xenu were made.


ooooookay ...for now on whenever I see the name Jenna Elfman I will instead call her Jenna "Have you raped a baby?" Elfman ...someone needs to forcibly sterilize scientologists for the good of mankind

Jenna Elfman:


the t-shirt in question:


lol, that is one unbelivable story. Could I ask, does anyone here actually believe that crap? THEIR BIBLE IS A FICTICOUS NOVEL
wtf....have you raped a baby?

You're gonna wish you never ****ing got up this morning asshole because my boyfriend's gonna **** you up. And then after that, while he's ****ing up your gay uncle over there, I'm gonna cut off your cock and mail it to your mother, you ****ing ****** bitch, Gaylord ****ing bitch. How do you like that? You like that a lot, you ****ing ******? You like to ass ****? Fontanella ****ing baby head ****. You like to **** baby heads? You like to **** boys? He's gonna **** you in the ass. How do you like that? He's not even gay but he's gonna do it just to ****.
Scientology may be weird, but it still is a religion and people have the right to belive in it.

But still, "have you raped a baby?" wtf?
Scientology is screwed up the wazoo, L. Ron Hubbard was a very poor science fiction writer and the story he concocted about "Xenu" proves it. The whole basis for the religion is a false one any how, Hubbard started it up to make himself rich, nothing more.

"Have you raped a baby!?" what the hell?
It's actually quite scary to think how easily you can get people to believe anything. It makes you think that the guy who wrote the bible isn't just a 2000 year old version of Ron Hubbard.
HunterSeeker said:
Scientology may be weird, but it still is a religion and people have the right to belive in it.

But still, "have you raped a baby?" wtf?
people have even more right to insult it :D
religion is fun!
HunterSeeker said:
Scientology may be weird, but it still is a religion and people have the right to belive in it.

But still, "have you raped a baby?" wtf?

It's time we stopped giving so much damn respect to religion. Being respectful is what turns cults like this into huge mass suicide rings.
"Bizarrely, Roecker also says that the Elfmans had a young, twenty-something male companion with them whom they continually instructed to move away and cover his ears whenever references to Xenu were made."

That's because scientologists believe hearing scientology information from higher levels that haven't been paid for yet damages the brain (or kills them or something).
that's why you have to pay for each seperate level of the cult, and can't just skip up to what us normals know.
HunterSeeker said:
Scientology may be weird, but it still is a religion and people have the right to belive in it.

It's also my right to mock it for being such a ridiculous, shifty, and downright stupid conjob.
Do they not hear themselves? They must know they suck by now, surely.
Ludah said:
You're gonna wish you never ****ing got up this morning asshole because my boyfriend's gonna **** you up. And then after that, while he's ****ing up your gay uncle over there, I'm gonna cut off your cock and mail it to your mother, you ****ing ****** bitch, Gaylord ****ing bitch. How do you like that? You like that a lot, you ****ing ******? You like to ass ****? Fontanella ****ing baby head ****. You like to **** baby heads? You like to **** boys? He's gonna **** you in the ass. How do you like that? He's not even gay but he's gonna do it just to ****.

EXACTLY what I was thinking of when I saw the title.
Heh, I love the last part of the article. They have one lame rep person...

Article said:
Bodhi Elfman's rep Jenni Weinman tells TMZ that according to Bodhi "He was out for a Sunday stroll with his wife, when some guy walks by with a t-shirt on, very prominently attacking his religion. Words were extended and Bodhi and Jenna were personally attacked for their beliefs. As they went about their business, the guy continued to try to illicit negative responses from the both of them. As they walked away he continued to scream propaganda and hate at them. Apparently he spent all Monday calling the press to promote himself."

It does seem like this guy is shamelessly promoting himself, but he deserves it for such a goddamn awesome shirt. :thumbs:
To be fair, maybe she mistook his black and white shirt for something else?


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I think that persecuting people for their religious beliefs may be acceptable in this case.

Religious Freedom my ass... YOU ARE MINE NOW, YOU BELONG TO ME
There was a couple in the news recently that went to prison for raping a baby.
people who feel the need to defend their religion, or even to go as far as attacking those who don't respect their religion, need to go die now kthx.
CptStern said:
were they scientologists?
Lol. Continuation of Dharma's question (Before she got cut off by her boyfriend):
"Have you ever raped a baby?! WE HAVE!"
Something they ddin't post in the news - All scientologists need to rape a baby to be accepted.
"It's been 12 hours now and Tom is yet to come out of the closet"
Darksabre said:
"It's been 12 hours now and Tom is yet to come out of the closet"
He's in Narnia. Raping all their babies.
Yeah, who wants to go and beat up some scientology people? I'll supply the batons.
KK, k. *gets on US headed plane armed with a few thousand batons*

*gets arrested for draft evasion*