Have yourself a Merry Half Life Christmas!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Santa
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Favorite One

  • Hacking Crowbars

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • We three Headcrabs

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Up on the house top

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m dreaming of a sequel Half-Life

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • Freeman the Scientist

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Hack! The crashing crowbar did swing

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • We with you a merry ATI

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Combine got run over by Gabe’s dad

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • O, Holy Crap

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Have your self a merry little Half Life ...or... Here Comes Half Life 2

    Votes: 2 5.6%

  • Total voters
Do You Play what I Play?
“Do you Hear what I Hear”

Do you see what I see
Said the zombie to the little ‘crab
Do you see what I see
Way up in the ratings, little ‘crab,
A specular, shaders, reflection and refraction effects
And a story as big as a Zen
And a story as big as a Zen

Said the little headcrab to the antlion
Do you hear what I hear
Dynamic sounds and music antlion,
Do you hear what I hear
A wind, leaves, wind through the trees
And the crashing of the sea
And the Crashing of the sea

Saind the Antlion to the Gman
Do you know what I know
In your office Mr Gman
Do you know what I know
A Game, a Game blasts through the cold
A game worth more than silver and gold
A game worth more than silver and gold

Saind the Gman to the combine everywhere
Listen to what I say
Coming is a Game, people everywhere
It will bring us entertainment and fright
It will bring us entertainment and fright

Half Life 2 the freaking awesome game!
Tune – “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

You know Doom, and Max Payne, and Call of Duty, and Stalker,
Halo, and Morrowind, and GTA, and KOTOR
But do you recall, the most freaking awesome game of all

HalfLife2, the freaking awesome game
Had very shiny box
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it rock

Al of the other fanboys
Used to laugh and call it names
They never let poor Valve
Get anything but flames

Then was HL2 eve
Gabe came to say:
Half Life 2 with your box so bright,
Won’t you go Gold to night?”

The all the famboys loved it
As they kill aliens with glee
Half Life the freaking awesome game
You’ll go down in history!

Let it Game, Let it Game, Let it Game!
Tune - “Let is Snow, Let is Snow, Let is Snow”

Oh, the zombies outside are frightful
But the guns are so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go,
Let it Game! Let it Game! Let it Game!
It doesn’t show sings of stopping
He headcrabs are still a’ popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it Game! Let it Game! Let it Game!
When we finny shot each other goodnight
How multiplayer will be a total storm
But if you really hold on tight
This rocket will make your hiding spot warm!
The explosions won’t stop dying
My gun still flashes goodbying
But as long as you MOD it so
Let it Game! Let it Game! Let it Game!

The First Half Life
Tune – “The First Noel”

The first Half Life the reviews did say
Was no poor game, fun to play
In Black Mesa as they play, in a game to keep
In a awesome game that was so deep
Half Life, Half Life, Half Life, Half Life
Born is the King of awe-some Games

They looked up and saw a MOD
And edited their WAD
Awesome game play so light
And so it continued both day and night.
Half Life, Half Life, Half Life, Half Life
Born is the King of awe-some Games

And by that game, a total star
Gamers can from country far
To seek for a MOD was their intent,
And follow the game wherever it went.
Half Life, Half Life, Half Life, Half Life
Born is the King of awe-some Games

And to this game drew players from east and west
O’er Valve followed all the rest.
And gamers did both stop and stay
Right over the game where MODs did play
Half Life, Half Life, Half Life, Half Life
Born is the King of awe-some Games

Then entered the MODS CounterStrike DOD
TFC and the rest, gamers did plea
Unknown to them was a birth of anew
A game so awesome, number 2
Half Life2, Half Life2, Half Life2, Half Life2
Born is the King of awe-some Games

Then gamers all with one accord
Played and played and never bored
Valve hath made heavenly game
So cool it is insane
Half Life2, Half Life2, Half Life2, Half Life2
Born is the King of awe-some Games


I now feel lamer than ever :)
Awesome songs, Phantomdesign! The "Half Life 2 the freaking awesome game" bringed up alot of laughter :cheese: !
Why not do it anyway? Some of the songs here are based on the same song...
Nah. His was better anyway. Let it game owns! Just for that one line - "Oh, the zombies outside are frightful".

Violent Night - adaption of Silent Night

Violent night, release day night,
Around the world bedrooms are filled with light
Round yon monitor gamers did crowd.
Laughing with glee and then shouting out loud,
Praise the game Half-Life 2.
Buy it now, Half-Life 2.

Violent night, release day night,
Carmack and co quake at the sight,
Procrastination just sweetened the deal,
After all this time its a beautiful meal;
A new generation is born!
The next generation is born!

Violent night, release day night,
Soon online servers the masses will blight,
Millions of people get shot in the face,
And battle the enemy with fiery grace,
Half-Life 2, King of all games.
Games never to be the same.
We have like 30 songs now. I'd think there would be overlap. Overlap all you want, I think there is already overlap. Feel free to overlap me at least.

I personally can't wait untill Santa gets a response from valve. Good layout so far Santa!!!
I'm hoping they even bother to answer.. If not , I'll sign up Gabes email to 10.000 "survey" and other suspicious sites that send hecka lot spam to yer email adress.... :devil: :devil:
You are very creative:

Nah. His was better anyway. Let it game owns! Just for that one line - "Oh, the zombies outside are frightful".

Beat me to saying it.

OK, time is up! You may feel free to write more, but no guarantees that they’ll make it into the package I’m sending! When I get a response, I’ll put a link at the bottom of this thread to the new thread with Valve’s response. It’ll probably be in the Half Life 2 Discussion section (and also in the info from valve only thread).

Time to get to work over there :)
You got to check out that picture Phantom made.
As homestarrunner would say "Whoa, check it out."

The final version is attached below :) Emailing in just a couple minutes guys!!!

Edit: Violent Night was good, and was added to the list!
Won't let me edit previous message, so time for a double post!!!

I sent the email directly to Gabe and told him to send it to the rest of the valve employees. If I get no response, I'll try another person who works there.
He hopes the same also too as well!!!

I sent them that christmas-tree-stryder picture I made.
Soon our carols will take over the world...we wil not rest until every household on earth ingles to the sound of them.
A little late but, oh well. This is about "Anon", who stole the souce code and HL2 material. Based on a Grinch song called "Mr. Grinch".

"Mr. Hax0r", from "How the Hax0r stole the source code"

You're a dimwit, Mr. 'Anon' Hacker,
Your skull's an empty hole,
Your brain is nonexistant, you have wallhack in your soul, Mr. Hacker,
Realistic physics will crush you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

You're a sick one, Mr. 'Anon' Hacker,
You have radiatiom in your bile,
You have all the tender sweetness of a convicted pedophile, Mr. Hacker,
Given a choice between the two of you I can't decide who's more vile!

You're a cheater, Mr. 'Anon' Hacker,
You're the king of auto-aim shots,
You use neon CS skins so you can see people in all the shadowed spots, Mr. Hacker,
You're a mag0t loving two-year old with a goatse tag!

You nauseate me, Mr. 'Anon Hacker,
You're a nasty uber "n00b"!,
You're a crooked dirty loser with an aimbot and and AWP, Mr. Hacker,
Your harddrive is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful
assortment of disturbing .JPG images imaginable fragmented up in proverbial knots!

You're a liar, Mr. 'Anon' Hacker,
You're brought up like a skunk,
Your drawer is full of unwashed socks, your bed is full of gunk, Mr. Hacker,
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote,
"Childish, cowardly, drunk"!